Job Vacancies @ Ministry of Local Government Decentralisation and Rural Development – 9 Positions

Ministry of Local Government Decentralisation and Rural Development in Ghana is recruiting to fill the following positions:

1.) Social Development Specialist
2.) Local Economic Development Specialist
3.) Management Information System (MIS) Specialist
4.) Digital / Software Engineer
5.) Communication Specialist
6.) Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist
7.) Knowledge Management Specialist
8.) Infrastructure Specialist
9.) Community Driven Development / Capacity Building Specialist


See job details and how to apply below.


1.) Social Development Specialist


Key tasks and responsibilities of the Specialist:

The Social Development Specialist's overall responsibility is to lead social development activities and serve as Coordinator at the Zonal Coordinating Offices in the Northern, Upper West and Upper East Regions under the project. Activities to be performed by the Social Development Specialist include but are not limited to the following:

• Coordinate all project activities at the Zonal Offices and censure the development and effective implementation of approved work plans, in compliance with the financing agreement and project implementation manuals
• Review the avaliable terms of reference for the preparation of safeguards instruments (e.g. ESMP, RAPs, etc) needed based on outcome of sub-project screening

• Review bidding documents prepared by MMDAs to ensure the inclusion of ESF provisions in contracts for works and supervision
• Identify opportunities in the communities for the operationalsation of social development activities
• Liaise with the social safeguards and communication specialists, and other team members at the national, regional and district levels to operationalise the stakeholder engagement plan
• Operationalise the project GRM at the regional/zonal level and district levels to ensure its is effective and functional to address project-related complaints
• Ensure that activities focused on coordinating social cohesion, alternative dispute resolution, capacity building, community engagement and sensitisation are incorporated into the Annual Work Plan and budget
• Ensure key technical, economic, financial and crosscutting issues are incorporated into project activities
• Develop and maintain a network of stakeholders in the field of social development to keep abreast with developments and issues in the beneficiary communities
• Contribute to activities for advocacy, dissemination and knowledge building on social development
• Review the progress of the project implementation and prepare monthly, quarterly and annual progress report and
• Perform any other related tasks assigned by the MLGDRD/Project Coordinator

Qualification Required & Experience

• Master's Degree in Social Sciences, Development Studies or related programme deemed relevant to the postion
• 8 years relevant professional experience in social development or related areas and in project administration
• 5 years professional experience on a project funded by the world bank or an agency of the United Nations system or other donors of same size
• Possess relevant experience in social inclusion such as gender, disability, conflict and fragility in planning context, project/programme design and implementation
• Excellent digital skills, including the use of software such as Microsoft Office suite (word, excel, powerpoint etc) for design, communication, project management and analysis
• Excellent written and oral communication skills in English (proficiency in French is an advantage)

Location: Accra

How To Apply For The Job

The Ministry of Local Government Decentralisation and Rural Development (MLGDRD) now invites eligible individual consultants to indicate their interest in providing these services. Interested consultants must submit an expression of interest (EoI) indicating their qualifications and relevant experience to perform the assignment, coupled with their curriculum vitae.

The selection will be carried out through open competition among shortlisted individual consultants. Interested individual consultants may obtain further information at the address below:

Five (5) hard copies of the EoI must be delivered to the address below (2), in separate sealed envelopes clearly marked for each of the position:

Address For Submission:

The Chief Director
Ministry of Local Government,
Decentralisation and Rural Development (MLGDRD)

Tel: 0302-663668


Digital Address System: GA-110-9895

Address for clarifications:

The Procurement Unit
Ministry of Local Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development (MLGDRD)
First Floor, Room 23
P.O.Box M 50 Ministries, Accra-Ghana

Tel: 00233-21-663668 / Fax 00233-21-682003


Digital Address System: GA-110-9895

Closing Date: 05 August, 2022


2.) Local Economic Development Specialist


Key tasks and responsibilities of the Specialist:

The Local Economic Development Specialist's overall responsibility is to carry out a comprehensive socio-economic situation analysis of the project target regions which will serve as a basis for designing an integrated local economic development strategy for beneficiary communities. Activities to be performed by the LED Specialist include but not are limited to the following:

• Lead the development, implementation and update of an LED strategy for the project, in consultation with the Project Coordinator, and relevant learns and stakeholders at the national, regional and district level
O Provide support in reviewing the existing local economic development policies, strategies and priorities in the target areas.
O Identify and facilitate consultations with key local, regional and national level stakeholders as well as other relevant stakeholders on issues pertaining to LED in the target areas and
O Prepare an operational handbook to guide the implementation of the LED sub-component
• Provide need based technical support to the zonal and district team on planning and implementation of LED interventions
• Operationalise and scape up strategies for LED interventions in implementing regions and districts in a timely manner
• Review the progress of the implementation of LED sub-component in target regions and districts
• Prepare quarterly status reports capturing the results and impact of LED interventions and conduct quarterly assessment of gaps in implementation of the sub-component across the six regions and develop quarterly improvement plans
• Contribute to the documentation of experience and lessons learned to identify sub-component related success stories/best practices and disseminate them across regions
• Provide support to regional and districts teams to develop LED platforms at the district level to support LED interventions in collaboration with the relevant private sector actors, financial institutions, social enterprises, digital enterprises, foundations, impact investors among others and
• Perform any other related tasks assigned by the Project Coordinator

Qualification Required & Experience

• Master's Degree in Economics, Social Sciences, Development Planning, Economic Development, Business management, Agribusiness or related programme deemed relevant to the position
• 5 years professional experience in the field of local and regional economic development, entrepreneurship development or market driven livelihoods development on large scale development projects
• 3 years professional experience on a project funded by the World Bank or an agency of the United Nations system or other donors of same size
• Possess a good working knowledge of the community driven development as well as Ghana's local economic development ecosystem
• Proven skills related to strategic economic planning
• Demonstrate conceptual and practical knowledge and expertise in provision of LED assessments
• Possess excellent digital skills, including the use of software such as Microsoft Office suite (Word, excel, PowerPoint etc) for design, communication, project management and analysis
• Full proficiency in the English language (proficiency in French is an advantage)

Location: Accra

How To Apply For The Job

The Ministry of Local Government Decentralisation and Rural Development (MLGDRD) now invites eligible individual consultants to indicate their interest in providing these services. Interested consultants must submit an expression of interest (EoI) indicating their qualifications and relevant experience to perform the assignment, coupled with their curriculum vitae.

The selection will be carried out through open competition among shortlisted individual consultants. Interested individual consultants may obtain further information at the address below:

Five (5) hard copies of the EoI must be delivered to the address below (2), in separate sealed envelopes clearly marked for each of the position:

Address For Submission:

The Chief Director
Ministry of Local Government,
Decentralisation and Rural Development (MLGDRD)

Tel: 0302-663668


Digital Address System: GA-110-9895

Address for clarifications:

The Procurement Unit
Ministry of Local Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development (MLGDRD)
First Floor, Room 23
P.O.Box M 50 Ministries, Accra-Ghana

Tel: 00233-21-663668 / Fax 00233-21-682003


Digital Address System: GA-110-9895

Closing Date: 05 August, 2022


3.) Management Information System (MIS) Specialist


Key tasks and responsibilities of the Specialist:

The Management Information System (MIS) Specialist's overall responsibility is to provide operational support for the development operationalisation and management of information systems and tools for the Project. Activities to be preformed by the MIS Specialist include but are not limited to the following:

• Set up and maintain a functional and real-time MIS for effective and efficient Project implementation and management
• Design and operationalise all needed MIS software, electronic-based tools and systems for Project delivery in collaboration with the Digital/Software Engineer
• In close collaboration with the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Specialist, design reporting formats based on operational requirements by the National PIU, Zonal Coordinating Offices (ZCOs), satellite offices (SOs), District Assemblies (DAs) and collaborating Agencies
• Facilitate training of PIU staff and other users on developed MIS modules and provide periodic updates to the user manuals
• Review data uploaded by users into the project MIS and ensure periodic update of same
• In collaboration with M&E Specialist, ensure data quality through frequent reviews and analysis
• Generate reports/analytics from the MIS for the preparation of periodic reports, workplans and budget
• Recommend technical specifications including hardware, software, connectivity and personnel requirements for running the system with support from the Digital/Software Engineer
• Assist in the periodic review of the processes, procedures and reporting formats and make the necessary arrangements for improvement of the database software
• Assist the knowledge management specialist to develop and implement a programme to identify, pilot and support innovative digital solutions (e.g hackathon style) to advance community resilience and socio-economic inclusion and provide follow up resilience and socio-economic inclusion and provide follow up support and supervision as needed
• Conduct periodic systems audit and recommend areas of improvements to the IT/Software Engineer and
• Perform any other related tasks assigned by the Project Coordinator

Qualification Required & Experience

• Master's Degree in Management Information System (MIS), Computer Engineering, Information Technology or related programme deemed relevant to the position and experience in project related MIS
• 5 years relevant professional experience in design and rollout of management information systems applications in Ghana. Have practical experience in the implementation and management of a project-related MIS for similar large-scale projects
• 3 years professional experience on a project funded by the world bank or an agency of the United Nations system or other donors of same size. Have excellent digital skills, including the use of software such as Microsoft Office Suite (Word, excel, PowerPoint, etc) for design, communication, project management and analysis
• Excellent written and oral communication skills in English (proficiency in French is an advantage)

Location: Accra

How To Apply For The Job

The Ministry of Local Government Decentralisation and Rural Development (MLGDRD) now invites eligible individual consultants to indicate their interest in providing these services. Interested consultants must submit an expression of interest (EoI) indicating their qualifications and relevant experience to perform the assignment, coupled with their curriculum vitae.

The selection will be carried out through open competition among shortlisted individual consultants. Interested individual consultants may obtain further information at the address below:

Five (5) hard copies of the EoI must be delivered to the address below (2), in separate sealed envelopes clearly marked for each of the position:

Address For Submission:

The Chief Director
Ministry of Local Government,
Decentralisation and Rural Development (MLGDRD)

Tel: 0302-663668


Digital Address System: GA-110-9895

Address for clarifications:

The Procurement Unit
Ministry of Local Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development (MLGDRD)
First Floor, Room 23
P.O.Box M 50 Ministries, Accra-Ghana

Tel: 00233-21-663668 / Fax 00233-21-682003


Digital Address System: GA-110-9895

Closing Date: 05 August, 2022


4.) Digital / Software Engineer


Key tasks and responsibilities of the Specialist:

The Digital / Software Engineer's overall responsibility is to develop, integrate/synchronize, update and monitor all digital tools and systems under the Project.

Activities to be performed by the Digital / Software Engineer include but are not limited to the following:

• Develop all project-related system/software application based on project requirements to support activities and maximise the use of digital solutions under the project
• Facilitate the system specification review process to ensure system requirements are fully translated into valid software architecture
• Provide suitable specifications for all IT equipment to be acquired for project delivery and confirm same upon delivery to ensure value for money
• Conduct evaluations on computer hardware and accessories and offer solutions where needed
• Ensure prompt response to all IT needs of the Project and easy access to Project related data by all relevant actors
• Recommend technical specification including hardware, software, connectivity and personnel requirements for running the system
• Incorporate user feedback and improvements as recommended by MIS Specialist and other system/software users
• Explore potential of advanced analytics, productive modelling and machine learning in the project
• Ensure regular upgrades and enhancements of system/software application where necessary
• Assist in scoping and piloting of digital solution and innovations under the project
• Assist in the periodic review of the processes, procedures and reporting formats and make necessary arrangements for improvement of the database software and
• Perform any other related tasks assigned by the MLGDRD/Project Coordinator

Qualification Required & Experience

• Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, Information Technology, Information Sciences or related programe deemed relevant to the position. Have the qualification and professional experience indicated in table 6
• 5 years professional experience in software and digital development in a reputed software development firm or digital start-up or similar large-scale project.
• Possess excellent skills in Web/application and database technologies (including SQL, NET, Oracle, ASP, Net, JAVA, Web Services, PHP, CSS, HTML)
• 3 years professional experience on a project funded by the world bank or an agency of the United Nations system or other donors of same size. Have extensive knowledge of digital development issues and frontier technologies including but not limited to networking, server technology, web standards and interfaces, internet technologies & protocols
• Excellent digital skills
• Full proficiency in the English language (profciency in French is an advantage)

Location: Accra

How To Apply For The Job

The Ministry of Local Government Decentralisation and Rural Development (MLGDRD) now invites eligible individual consultants to indicate their interest in providing these services. Interested consultants must submit an expression of interest (EoI) indicating their qualifications and relevant experience to perform the assignment, coupled with their curriculum vitae.

The selection will be carried out through open competition among shortlisted individual consultants. Interested individual consultants may obtain further information at the address below:

Five (5) hard copies of the EoI must be delivered to the address below (2), in separate sealed envelopes clearly marked for each of the position:

Address For Submission:

The Chief Director
Ministry of Local Government,
Decentralisation and Rural Development (MLGDRD)

Tel: 0302-663668


Digital Address System: GA-110-9895

Address for clarifications:

The Procurement Unit
Ministry of Local Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development (MLGDRD)
First Floor, Room 23
P.O.Box M 50 Ministries, Accra-Ghana

Tel: 00233-21-663668 / Fax 00233-21-682003


Digital Address System: GA-110-9895

Closing Date: 05 August, 2022


5.) Communication Specialist


Key tasks and responsibilities of the Specialist:

The Communication Specialist's overall responsibility is planing, designing, implementing and carrying out communication activities under the project. Activities to be performed by the communication Specialist include, but are not limited to the following:

• Develop and implement a communication strategy/plan for all components of the Project to ensure that the content of the messages to the different target audience is effective, consistent and align with the project development objectives
• Develop and manage the project's online communication plan including social media plans, including facebook, public website, Twitter, etc
• Coordinate the design, printing and publication of the project's communication materials and reports
• Develop and manage the project's internal communication networks to ensure relevant and consistent exchanges between project team members
• Draft information, content and/or products for public access and fulfil requests for information from the media and public
• Draft project brief/publicity materials including the project briefs fact sheets and success stories
• Proactively develop cutting-edge media materials, including videos and social media products, production of documentaries of project activities
• Design communication campaign for the implementation in partnership with local radio stations in the target areas in line with the community-driven Development (CCD) approach
• Liaise with the social safeguard specialist and the CDD/Capacity Building Specialist to operationalise the stakeholder engagement plan
• Ensure multi-channel communication from the national PIU to all institutional and operational actors, beneficiaries and interested parties
• Ensure that all institutional and operational actors of the project (MDAs, MMDAs, communities) are informed about the activities of the project and the obligations of the various actors
• Ensure the timely production of periodic technical monitoring reports in terms of communication for the Project and its partners
• Supervise the activities of the projects service providers (communication agencies, media outlets, etc) in terms of communication and
• Perform any other related tasks assigned by the MLGDRD/Project Coordinator

Qualification Required & Experience

• Masters Degree in Communications, Journalism, Public Relations, information sciences, social sciences or related disciplines deemed relevant to the position
• 5 years relevant professional experience in the field of communications, demonstrating increasing responsibilities and knowledge
• 3 years professional experience on a project funded by the World Bank or an agency of the United Nations system or other donors of same size. Have the qualification and professional experience indicated in table 5
• Have experience in coordinating communication activities for a large-scale development project. Knowledge of MS Office software, web design, HTML and other media software packages (i.e Photoshop, video editing software) for design and communication
• Experience using Facebook, Twitter and YouTube (preferably for organisational outreach) is required. The successful candidate must be capable of crafting information messages in various media formats (press releases, websites, video etc) targeting a variety of audiences
• Have excellent digital skills, including the use of software such as Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc)
• Excellent written and oral communication skills in English (proficiency in French is an advantage).

Location: Accra

How To Apply For The Job

The Ministry of Local Government Decentralisation and Rural Development (MLGDRD) now invites eligible individual consultants to indicate their interest in providing these services. Interested consultants must submit an expression of interest (EoI) indicating their qualifications and relevant experience to perform the assignment, coupled with their curriculum vitae.

The selection will be carried out through open competition among shortlisted individual consultants. Interested individual consultants may obtain further information at the address below:

Five (5) hard copies of the EoI must be delivered to the address below (2), in separate sealed envelopes clearly marked for each of the position:

Address For Submission:

The Chief Director
Ministry of Local Government,
Decentralisation and Rural Development (MLGDRD)

Tel: 0302-663668


Digital Address System: GA-110-9895

Address for clarifications:

The Procurement Unit
Ministry of Local Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development (MLGDRD)
First Floor, Room 23
P.O.Box M 50 Ministries, Accra-Ghana

Tel: 00233-21-663668 / Fax 00233-21-682003


Digital Address System: GA-110-9895

Closing Date: 05 August, 2022


6.) Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist


Key tasks and responsibilities of the Specialist:

The Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist's overall responsibility is to develop monitoring and evaluation system, standards and guidance as well as oversight compliance of same. Activities to be performed by the Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist include, but are not limited to the following:

• Establish a system for monitoring and evaluating activities, including a monitoring and evaluation manual that includes all processes and forms for data collection, validation, consolidation and reporting in accordance with the Project Implementation manual (PIM)
• Develop a database with indicators for monitoring the progress of project activities and establish a system to collect, process, analyse, transmit and update data for decision-making
• Assist in the preparation of the annual work plans of the project in close collaboration with other PIU staff
• Ensure the integration of environmental and social indicators into the monitoring and evaluation manual and support the development of guidelines for community monitoring (e.g. social audits, social accountability fora) to ensure that these activities aer undertaken with high quality (especially regarding the participation of the community) and the results recorded to inform project implementation
• Support the collection and monitoring of data to inform impact evaluation of the project
• Prepare quarterly, mid-year and annual reports on the progress of the project, and recommend improvements to project implementation/course correction
• Contribute to the capacity building of project implementation staff and other relevant stakeholders (including community facilitators recruited under the project) to undertake M&E information and data are properly captured in the management information system
• Perform any other related tasks assigned by the MLGDRD/Project Coordinator.

Qualification Required & Experience

• Master's Degree in Monitoring and Evaluation, Social Sciences, Project Management, Public Administration, Development Planning, or related programme deemed relevant to the position
• 5 years professional experience in monitoring and evaluation and strategic planning in local development projects
• 3 years professional experience on a project funded by the World Bank or an agency of the United Nations system or other donors of same size. Have good experience in innovative leadership in managing evaluations and field experience in conducting qualitative and quantitative surveys
• Possess excellent digital skills, including the experience with M&E digital systems/data bases and the use of software such as Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc) for design, communication, project management and analysis
• Excellent written and oral communication skills in English (proficiency in French is an advantage)

Location: Accra

How To Apply For The Job

The Ministry of Local Government Decentralisation and Rural Development (MLGDRD) now invites eligible individual consultants to indicate their interest in providing these services. Interested consultants must submit an expression of interest (EoI) indicating their qualifications and relevant experience to perform the assignment, coupled with their curriculum vitae.

The selection will be carried out through open competition among shortlisted individual consultants. Interested individual consultants may obtain further information at the address below:

Five (5) hard copies of the EoI must be delivered to the address below (2), in separate sealed envelopes clearly marked for each of the position:

Address For Submission:

The Chief Director
Ministry of Local Government,
Decentralisation and Rural Development (MLGDRD)

Tel: 0302-663668


Digital Address System: GA-110-9895

Address for clarifications:

The Procurement Unit
Ministry of Local Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development (MLGDRD)
First Floor, Room 23
P.O.Box M 50 Ministries, Accra-Ghana

Tel: 00233-21-663668 / Fax 00233-21-682003


Digital Address System: GA-110-9895

Closing Date: 05 August, 2022


7.) Knowledge Management Specialist


Key tasks and responsibilities of the Specialist:

• Develop a stakeholder oriented knowledge management strategy at the four country and national levels
• Develop a digital portal in collaboration with the MIS Specialist, Digital/Software Engineer and other relevant government agencies/authorities that will host the knowledge management platform to ensure its sustainability beyoung the project life
• Ensure the link between knowledge management activities at the national and four-country levels and ensure coordination and harmonisation with the other participating countries in the gulf of Guinea region
• Coordinate the collection and analysis of project relevant data to inform programmes/strategies/policy decision making in addressing fragilities as a result of climate change and food insecurity, conflict and violence at all levels
• Coordinate research activities with research partners/academia and other participating countries in the region, on topics of interest related to local governance and decentralisation, social cohesion, migration of people and conflict, climate change, local economic develpoment, and digital innovations and related thematic areas at the national level
• Facilitate knowledge sharing and organise dialogues between the various project stakeholders

Qualification Required & Experience

• Master's Degree in Sociology, Economics, Regional Planning, Communications, Data Science or related programme deemed relevant to the position
• 8 years professional experience in research and collaboration with research stakeholders
• 5 years professional experience on a project funded by the world bank or an agency of the United Nations system or other donors of same size
• Demonstrate at least 2 similar assignments related to knowledge management in a development project or programme
• Proven professional experience in research and collaboration with research stakeholders
• Excellent digital skills, including the use of software such as Microsoft Office suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc) for design, communication, project management and analysis
• Excellent written and oral communication skills in English (proficiency in French is an advantage)

Location: Accra

How To Apply For The Job

The Ministry of Local Government Decentralisation and Rural Development (MLGDRD) now invites eligible individual consultants to indicate their interest in providing these services. Interested consultants must submit an expression of interest (EoI) indicating their qualifications and relevant experience to perform the assignment, coupled with their curriculum vitae.

The selection will be carried out through open competition among shortlisted individual consultants. Interested individual consultants may obtain further information at the address below:

Five (5) hard copies of the EoI must be delivered to the address below (2), in separate sealed envelopes clearly marked for each of the position:

Address For Submission:

The Chief Director
Ministry of Local Government,
Decentralisation and Rural Development (MLGDRD)

Tel: 0302-663668


Digital Address System: GA-110-9895

Address for clarifications:

The Procurement Unit
Ministry of Local Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development (MLGDRD)
First Floor, Room 23
P.O.Box M 50 Ministries, Accra-Ghana

Tel: 00233-21-663668 / Fax 00233-21-682003


Digital Address System: GA-110-9895

Closing Date: 05 August, 2022


8.) Infrastructure Specialist


Scope of Assignments and Key Responsibilities

The infrastructure Specialist's main responsibility is to provide direct leadership in terms of technical/engineering support to the Zonal Coordinating offices (ZCOs), satellite offices (SOs) and MMDAs in the execution of the various community assets. Activities to be performed by the infrastructure Specialist include, but are not limited to the following:

• Provide guidance and advice to the Project Coordinator, Zonal and Satellite Staff on all technical issues and aspects of the sub-project cycle, including engineering, community infrastructure development, sub-project cost estimates), procurement plans, compliance with environmental and social safeguard standards, climate resilience and climate proofing of designs, sub-project implementation (including labour-based approach in delivering community infrastructure), sub-project closure (including final inspection) and operations and maintenance
• Provide technical support in the development of the annual work plans and budgets for sub-projects from District Medium term development plan and other relevant project activities and co-ordinate the collation and harmonisation of such, from the zones into a national plan for project financing
• Provide guidelines for the identification, appraisal, selection and design of suitable sub-projects to ensure a good synergy between functionality and required unskilled labour content
• Review sub-project designs and implementation activities to ensure they are within budget
• Lead in undertaking work studies to establish and review task rates for sub-projects implementation
• Ensure adequate supervision and effective site management arrangement on all sub-project sites and ensure the delivery of quality assets / infrastructure under the components of the project and ensure overall labour content is attained as prescribed in the project's implementation manual and all other legal documents
• Serve as a technical liaison with all stakeholder departments/organisations such as department of Feeder Roads (DFR), Ghana Irrigation Development Authority (GIDA), Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Forestry Services Division (FSD), relevant Tertiary and research institution, etc.
• Assist in the assessment of training needs and requirements, as well as the training of key actors and consistent with project objectives, for construction/consulting firms and NGOs as well as technical staff of collaborating agencies and ensure adequate institutional capacity for the delivery of sub-projects
• Establish procedures for acheiving set targets and ensure compliance with codes of conduct and standards in all technical transactions
• Develop simple reporting formats/templates to be used to collect data by the ZCOs, SOs, DAs, Site Supervisors and community Actors, compatible with the Project M&E/MIS and
• Perform any other related tasks assigned by the MLGDRD/Project Coordinator.

Qualification Required & Experience

• Master's qualification in Civil Engineering or related engineering programme
• 15 years relevant professional experience in infrastructure Development. Have at least 8 years experience in the project/contract management.
, Must be a member of standing (not less than 3 years) with the Ghana Institution of Engineering (GhIE) or relevant Engineering
• 5 years professional experience on a project funded by the world bank or an agency of the United Nations system or other donors of same size. Have proven knowledge of the use of Labour intensive or labour-based methods for construction
• Proven knowledge of procurement and contract management practices
• Excellent digital skills, including the use of software such as Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc) for design, communication, project management and analysis
• Full proficiency in the English language (proficiency in french is an advantage)

Location: Accra

How To Apply For The Job

The Ministry of Local Government Decentralisation and Rural Development (MLGDRD) now invites eligible individual consultants to indicate their interest in providing these services. Interested consultants must submit an expression of interest (EoI) indicating their qualifications and relevant experience to perform the assignment, coupled with their curriculum vitae.

The selection will be carried out through open competition among shortlisted individual consultants. Interested individual consultants may obtain further information at the address below:

Five (5) hard copies of the EoI must be delivered to the address below (2), in separate sealed envelopes clearly marked for each of the position:

Address For Submission:

The Chief Director
Ministry of Local Government,
Decentralisation and Rural Development (MLGDRD)

Tel: 0302-663668


Digital Address System: GA-110-9895

Address for clarifications:

The Procurement Unit
Ministry of Local Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development (MLGDRD)
First Floor, Room 23
P.O.Box M 50 Ministries, Accra-Ghana

Tel: 00233-21-663668 / Fax 00233-21-682003


Digital Address System: GA-110-9895

Closing Date: 05 August, 2022


9.) Community Driven Development / Capacity Building Specialist


Scope of Assignments and Key Responsibilities

• The Community Driven Development/Capacity Building Specialist will work with other members of the Project Implementation Unit (PIU).
• The Specialist's main responsibility is to ensure the efficient planning, organisation, and implementation of local level activities as well as capacity building activities funded under the project
• Activities to be performed by the Community Driven Development/Capacity Building Specialist include, but are but are not limited to the following thematic areas:

Community Driven Development

• Provide technical assistance for the design and implementation of technical / participatory tools and instruments of all the components of the SOCO project according to the community driven development (CCD) approach
• Backstop the Metropolitan, Municipal and Districts Assemblies (MMDAs) to intergrate the CDD approaches into the design and implementation of project activities and the local development planning cycle to ensure robustness and quality control
• Provide technical assistance for the development of a digital CDD module in the project's management information system (MIS) application to support local level committees and facilitators in the implementation of the project
• Ensure the proper integration of gender equality, social inclusion (including of vulnerable groups), climate change considerations, conflict mitigation and citizens engagement in the implementation of project activities in a consistent manner at all levels
• Carry out monitoring of local level activities to ensure that CDD approaches and procedures, as well as mechanisms for community monitoring are being implemented
• Provide support and technical backstopping to key implementing partners - such as Government officials (e.g. staff of beneficiary District Assemblies), staff at the Zonal Coordinating Office, community Facilitators (CFs) recruited under the project and representatives of community project implementation committees (CPICs) so as to promote the CDD approach and inclusive participation at the community level
• Liaise with the social safeguard specialist and communication specialist to operationalise the stakeholder engagement plan

Qualification Required & Experience

• Master's Degree in social sciences, project management, development planning, or related programme deemed relevant to the position
• 8 years professional experience in Project Management and social work or in similar assignments related to capacity building in a local level/community development project or programme
• 4 years professional experience on a project funded by the world bank or an agency of the United Nations system or other donors of same size
• Proven knowledge of and experience in CDD tools, instrument and processes for engendering transparency, accountability and participation, ownership and efficiency in local governance and community driven development (CDD).
• A minimum of 5 years of experience in training and capacity building, following participatory adult learning methodologies, including the development and writing of training manuals and materials
• Excellent digital skills, including the use of software such as Microsoft Office suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc) for design, communication, project management and analysis
• Full proficiency in the English language, proficiency in French is an advantage

Location: Accra

How To Apply For The Job

The Ministry of Local Government Decentralisation and Rural Development (MLGDRD) now invites eligible individual consultants to indicate their interest in providing these services. Interested consultants must submit an expression of interest (EoI) indicating their qualifications and relevant experience to perform the assignment, coupled with their curriculum vitae.

The selection will be carried out through open competition among shortlisted individual consultants. Interested individual consultants may obtain further information at the address below:

Five (5) hard copies of the EoI must be delivered to the address below (2), in separate sealed envelopes clearly marked for each of the position:

Address For Submission:

The Chief Director
Ministry of Local Government,
Decentralisation and Rural Development (MLGDRD)

Tel: 0302-663668


Digital Address System: GA-110-9895

Address for clarifications:

The Procurement Unit
Ministry of Local Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development (MLGDRD)
First Floor, Room 23
P.O.Box M 50 Ministries, Accra-Ghana

Tel: 00233-21-663668 / Fax 00233-21-682003


Digital Address System: GA-110-9895

Closing Date: 05 August, 2022






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Ministry of Local Government Decentralisation and Rural Development

Job Information

Status: Open No of vacancies: 9 Job type: Full Time Salary: Negotiable Publish date: 25 Jul 2022

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