Job Vacancies at Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) – 15 Openings

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is recruiting to fill the following positions:

1.) Individual Consultant, Expert in charge of the Regional Observatory of Natural Resources of the Regional Programme of Integrated Management of the Fouta Djallon Massif
2.) Individual Consultant, Coordinator of the Regional Integrated Management Programme of the Fouta Djallon Massif
3.) Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Specialist
4.) National Volunteer Teacher (x3)
5.) International Volunteer Teacher (x2)
6.) Administrative and Finance Assistant (ECOWAS Volunteer Programme)
7.) Critical Care Nurse
8.) Nephrology or Dialysis Specialist Nurse (x2)
9.) Anaesthetic Nurse
10.) Country Coordinator (ECOWAS Volunteer Programme)
11.) Driver / Messenger


The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is a regional group of fifteen West African countries. Founded on 28 May 1975, with the signing of the Treaty of Lagos, its mission is to promote economic integration across the region.


See job details and how to apply below.


1.) Individual Consultant, Expert in charge of the Regional Observatory of Natural Resources of the Regional Programme of Integrated Management of the Fouta Djallon Massif


Reference Number: PRAI-MFD / 2021 / SCI / 02
Location: Abuja
Venue: ECOWAS Commission


  • Within the framework of the Regional Programme for the Integrated Management of the Fouta Djallon Massif, the ECOWAS Department of Agriculture, Environment and Water Resources is considering the selection of an Individual Consultant, expert in charge of the Regional Observatory of Natural Resources (rivers, forests, soils, river basins, wetlands and mangroves) who will be based in Conakry, Republic of Guinea.
  • The general objective of the expert's mission is to be the guarantor of the achievement of the contractual objectives set by ECOWAS.
  • He/she will have to carry out, under the supervision of the programme coordinator, all monitoring and evaluation activities of the programme in particular and the implementation of the monitoring and evaluation plan for the implementation of the Environmental Action Plan of the ECOWAS Environmental Policy (ECOWEP).
  • The consultancy services ("the services") comprise the following elements, as indicated below, and the duration of the contract is one (1) year, it begins from the starting date of the contract. It is renewable in case of success and availability of funds.

The consultant will undertake the following tasks:

  • Collect field data and carry out their mapping their lands/landscape with a view to monitoring their evolution dynamics in terms of degradation and/or enrichment trends;
  • Ensure the processing and dissemination of relevant information/data on the state of the natural resources of the Fouta Djallon Massif with a view to strengthening the decision-making process for sustainable and efficient resource management in the Fouta Djallon Massif's areas and transboundary water basins;
  • Promote knowledge of natural resource potential (water, forests, biodiversity, land, etc.) and monitoring of the impact of global change on the evolution and availability of natural resources in the Fouta Djallon Massif;
  • Support the development and implementation of regional or sub regional initiatives or projects in the field of sustainable natural ecosystems management and restoration of degraded lands in order to strengthen the resilience of local dependent communities for their adaptation and mitigate their vulnerabilities to climate change ;
  • To ensure the effective functioning of the Observatory network and relationships necessary for sound management, good governance, planning and efficient programme delivery through the establishment of operational, institutional, knowledge management and communications programmes;
  • Establish a network of exchange and sharing with member countries and basin organizations for feeding the system with data on natural resources tributary to the Fouta Djallon Massif;
  • Manage and monitor the data collection process;
  • Update the Observatory's data;
  • Contribute to the preparation and execution of the programme budgets.

The ECOWAS Commission now invites eligible individual consultants ("Consultants") to express their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services. The pre-selection criteria are as follows:

Diploma of Study:

  • The candidate must have a Master's degree (Bac+5) in a field of water resources or natural resources management with a specialization in GIS (Geographic Information System) and be from an ECOWAS member country.
  • Mastery of results-based management tools is required.


  • A minimum of 10 years of professional experience in geographic information systems and 3 years in the management of observatories;
  • A minimum of 5 years’ experience in integrated natural resources planning and management;
  • A good knowledge of natural resources and environment sectors in West Africa.


  • Proficiency in one of the 3 working languages of ECOWAS (French, English, Portuguese) is expected, proficiency in two languages (English and French) is an asset.

Application Closing Date
10th December, 2021 11:00 am (GMT+1, Nigerian Time)

Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should submit their Expressions of Interest (1 original and 3 copies) in sealed envelopes clearly marked "Selection of an Individual Consultant, Expert in charge of the Regional Observatory of Natural Resources of the Regional Programme of Integrated Management of the Fouta Djallon Massif", not to be opened except in the presence of the Evaluation Committee" to the address below:
The General Administration Directorate,
Public Procurement Division,
1st Floor ECOWAS Commission,
101 Yakubu Gowon Crescent,  Asokoro District,
P. M. B. 401,
Abuja Nigeria.

Please note that electronic submissions are also accepted and should be sent to:

with a copy to: ;

Click here for more information


  • The attention of interested individual consultants is particularly drawn to Article 118 of the revised ECOWAS Public Procurement Code ("Offences committed by candidates, bidders and successful bidders"), which provides information on corrupt or fraudulent practices in the competition or execution of a contract. In addition, please refer to the following specific information on conflicts of interest related to this assignment, in accordance with "Article 119 of the revised ECOWAS Public Procurement Code".
  • Consultants will be selected in accordance with the procedure for the selection of individual consultants set out in the Consultant Guidelines.
  • Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed for the position.
  • Interested consultants may obtain further information at the email addresses below during office hours: Monday to Friday from 9:00 GMT+1 to 17:00 GMT+1.
  • E-mail: with a copy to: ;



2.) Individual Consultant, Coordinator of the Regional Integrated Management Programme of the Fouta Djallon Massif


Reference Number: PRAI-MFD/2021/SCI/01
Location: Abuja
Venue: ECOWAS Commission


  • Within the framework of the Regional Programme for the Integrated Management of the Fouta Djallon Massif, the ECOWAS Department of Agriculture, Environment and Water Resources is considering the selection of a Consultant, Coordinator of the programme, who will be posted at the ECOWAS Directorate of Environment and Natural Resources, in Abuja.
  • The general objective of the mission is to coordinate and guarantee the achievement of the contractual objectives set by ECOWAS. He/she will have to carry out, after advice from the Directorate of Environment and Natural Resources, any activity necessary for the proper execution of the project.
  • The consultancy services ("the services") comprise the following elements, as indicated below, and the duration of the contract is one (1) begins from the starting date of the contract. It is renewable according to the success and availability of funds.

Role and Responsibilities
The consultant will undertake the following tasks:

  • Coordinate the planning of all activities for the implementation of the Integrated Natural Resources Management Project (INRMP), other ongoing projects and initiatives and ensure their efficient implementation;
  • Ensure the planning and monitoring of the implementation of the activities proposed with the National Focal Points in the framework of the Annual Work Plans and Budgets of the projects and/or initiatives in progress at the regional level than at the level of the beneficiary countries, with the support of the Technical and Financial Partners ;
  • Propose a monitoring and evaluation framework for the performance indicators of the projects or initiatives implemented under the programme in accordance with the monitoring and evaluation plan for the implementation of the ECOWAS Environmental Action Plan (2020-2026);
  • Prepare all documentation and organize the meetings of the steering committee of the Integrated Natural Resources Management Project in collaboration with FAO, UN-Environment and all other stakeholders;
  • Supervise the efficient management of the programme, and ensure its ownership by the different stakeholders;
  • Develop synergies with similar initiatives in the West African region and internationally;
  • Conduct, with the support of Technical and Financial Partners, the development of concept notes for new projects and initiatives with a view to mobilizing funding from the green fund or other alternative sources of climate funding in order to strengthen the resilience of local communities and natural ecosystems to the adverse impacts of climate change;
  • Contribute to the preparation of the Environment and Natural Resources Directorate's budgets and ensure the periodic reporting of the activities.

The ECOWAS Commission now invites eligible individual consultants ("Consultants") to express their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services. The pre-selection criteria are as follows:

Diploma of Study:

  • Hold a high level degree of at least Bachelor's Degree + 5 Master's Degree in Agro-economics, Economics, Natural Resources Management, Development Economics, or in a related discipline;
  • Additional training in project planning and management would be an asset.


  • Additional training in project planning and management would be an asset;
  • Have at least 7 years of relevant experience in planning, design and management of development projects or programmes in the agroforestry sectors in ECOWAS Member States;
  • Have coordinated at least one project on integrated natural resources management and/or restoration of degraded lands and preservation of natural ecosystems, at national level or in West Africa is a major asset;
  • Having at least an experience in conducting feasibility studies for the identification of projects and/or programmes in the framework of integrated natural resources management is also an asset;
  • Good knowledge of French and/or English.
  • Proficiency in the results-based approach and ability to work in a team;
  • Fluency in one of the 3 ECOWAS working languages (French, English, Portuguese) is expected, fluency in two languages (English and French) is an asset ;
  • Mastery of computer tools including the main usual software;
  • Have a good knowledge of agricultural and environmental policies at regional level.
  • The maximum age is 50 years.


  • Proficiency in one of the 3 working languages of ECOWAS (French, English, Portuguese) is expected, proficiency in two languages (English and French) is an asset.

Application Closing Date
11:00 am (GMT+1, Nogerian Time): 10th December, 2021.

Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should submit their Expressions of Interest (1 original and 3 copies) in sealed envelopes clearly marked "Selection of an Individual Consultant, Coordinator of the Regional Integrated Management Programme of the Fouta Djallon Massif", not to be opened except in the presence of the Evaluation Committee" to the address below:
The General Administration Directorate,
Public Procurement Division,
1st Floor ECOWAS Commission,
101 Yakubu Gowon Crescent,  Asokoro District,
P. M. B. 401,
Abuja Nigeria.

Please note that electronic submissions are also accepted and should be sent to:

with a copy to: ;

Click here for more information


  • The attention of interested individual consultants is particularly drawn to Article 118 of the revised ECOWAS Public Procurement Code ("Offences committed by candidates, bidders and successful bidders"), which provides information on corrupt or fraudulent practices in the competition or execution of a contract. In addition, please refer to the following specific information on conflicts of interest related to this assignment, in accordance with "Article 119 of the revised ECOWAS Public Procurement Code".
  • Consultants will be selected in accordance with the procedure for the selection of individual consultants set out in the Consultant Guidelines. Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed for the position.
  • Interested consultants may obtain further information at the email addresses below during office hours: Monday to Friday from 9:00 GMT+1 to 17:00 GMT+1.
  • E-mail: with a copy to: ;



3.) Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Specialist


Location: Republic of Sierra Leone
Category: ECOWAS International Volunteer (with supervisory duties) 
Type of Contract: E COWAS Volunteers Programme. Non-Family Position
Expected Starting Date: 1st February, 2022
Duration: One (01) year, renewable (depending on satisfactory performance and budget availability)


  • The ECOWAS Youth and Sports Development Centre (EYSDC), was created by the Decision A/DEC.13/01/05 of 19th January 2005 at Accra, Ghana as a specialized Agency of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).
  • At the 32nd session of the ECOWAS Summit held in June 2007, the Heads of States and Government adopted a new approach to regional integration by approving a new global vision called the ECOWAS Vision 2020. The principal objective of this vision is to move the Community from an «ECOWAS of States» to an «ECOWAS of Peoples» by the year 2020.
  • Consequently, the EYSDC implements her policies, activities and strategic action plans, as well as the ECOWAS vision in the areas of youth and sports, including the ECOWAS Volunteers Programme. The EYSDC’s objective is to initiate, develop, coordinate and implement youth and sports programmes within the Community. To this end, it works to:
    • Mobilise the different segments of the population to ensure their integration and effectiveparticipation in the social development of the region, as well as the promotion of youth organisations and professional associations to ensure maximum participation in the activities of the Community;
    • Provide a permanent institutional framework within ECOWAS through which issues related to Youth and Sports activities in the sub-region can be developed and promoted.

Organizational Framework of the Centre

  • The Youth and Sports Development Centre (EYSDC) is one of the Directorates under the Social Affairs and Gender Department of the ECOWAS Commission. It is based in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) under the headquarters agreement signed between the Burkina Faso authorities and the ECOWAS Commission.
  • Decision N° A/DEC 13/01/2005 of 19th January 2005 had adopted the organizational structure comprising of four Divisions (Youth, Sports, Administration and Finance, and TIC). However, since 2008, the Centre has undergone some structural modifications following the transfer of the ECOWAS Volunteers Programme (EVP) from the Political Affairs, Peace and Security Department of the Commission (CPAPS) to the EYSDC, under the Social Affairs and Gender Department.
  • The EVP is centralized in organisation, but decentralized in its application to allow for flexibility and adaptation to the current realities of each country. The strategic directions, including the formulation of the overall vision, goals and objectives of the Programme, is the responsibility of the Regional Coordination Council (RCC), whose role, among others, is to ensure that the EVP becomes a genuine voluntary arm of ECOWAS.
  • Being a cross-cutting programme, the ECOWAS Volunteers Regional Coordination Council (RCC) includes representatives of relevant departments of the ECOWAS Commission. The RCC is chaired by the Commissioner for Social Affairs and Gender of the ECOWAS Commission. She is assisted by the Director of the ECOWAS Youth and Sports Development Centre (EYSDC), as Alternate Chairman of the RCC.
  • The executive arm of the RCC is the Regional Office, provided by the EYSDC in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). The programme’s regional coordination activities are coordinated by a Regional Coordinator under the supervision of the EYSDC Director. Although the EVP is under the Youth Division of the EYSDC, it is directly supervised by the EYSDC Director for effectiveness.
  • At the National level, the National Coordination Council (NCC) serves as the national body through which national policy guidelines for the Programme are given.
  • This Council works towards the understanding and entrenchment of the Volunteer Programme in the national environment. It also serves as advisor to the country office, which is responsible for the coordination of the Programme at national level.
  • The NCC is chaired by the Head of the ECOWAS National Office in the country. It is made up of Focal Points/Representatives of the various ministries, Civil Society Organisations, United Nations Agencies and local youth associations involved in the implementation of the Programme at the National level.

Duties and Responsibilities
The ECOWAS Volunteer Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Officer will work directly with the ECOWAS National Office in the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development (MOPED) of Sierra Leone and will be the focal person for executing the Monitoring and Evaluation functions of ECOWAS supported interventions in collaboration with the Administrative Head of the National Office and the M&E Technical Adviser of the MOPED. The specific roles and responsibilities include, but not limited to the following:

  • Assist the ECOWAS National Office in the liaison with MDAs and project implementing partners in implementing the ECOWAS M&E Policy.
  • Set up and update the database of all ECOWAS supported interventions and facilitate the timely collection, processing, and reporting on performance indicators in accordance with the ECOWAS requirements for progress reporting.
  • Manage and administer the M&E database with informative, disaggregated, and user-friendly features to increase understanding and usability across diverse communities of uses.
  • Support and promote ECOWAS result-based management systems across all interventions in accordance with ECOWAS policies, principles, and practices.
  • Provide guidance to project implementing partners in the development of M&E logical frameworks and operating matrices to facilitate accountable, transparent, and credible information gathering process across project interventions.
  • Assist with the development and/or finalization of the department's Work Plan, and keep it up to date with departments activities and timelines as needed.
  • As needed, organize and conduct M&E training with project implementing partners and collaborating agencies and entities.
  • Gather data on a regular basis to compare trends in quarterly and annual results and overall performance in project outputs.
  • Collaborate with implementing partners to increase the visibility of ECOWAS interventions at all levels including National, Regional, and Community levels through the appropriate forums and platforms of information dissemination.
  • Consult with implementing partners to ensure data quality.
  • Identify lessons learned and develop project relevant studies (quantitative and qualitative) to inform MOPED on the state-of-affairs in impacts assessment and linkages with the National Development plans and SDGs.
  • Provide the ECOWAS National Office and MOPED M&E with recommendations for enhancing department performance based on M&E findings.
  • Develop reports on M&E findings and prepare presentations based on M&E data as required.
  • Provide any management information that the department head may require for improvement in project management with MDAs and collaborating partners.
  • Verify that monitoring data is discussed in a timely and suitable forum in terms of implications for future action. Create such talks if necessary to fill any gaps.
  • Perform other duties as given by the department's Head of Department / Manager.

Required Qualifications and Experience

  • A minimum of a Bachelor's Degree in the Social Sciences, Statistics, Public Sector Economics, Development, Management, Accounting or a Postgraduate / professional training in and M&E related disciplines.
  • Three (3) years of professional  experience in an M&E, Planning,  and  Development  position with responsibility for developing and implementing M&E protocols in Development Management.
  • Knowledge of M&E system design, implementation, and operation.
  • Strategic planning and performance measurement experience, including  indicator selection, target  setting,  reporting, database  maintenance,  and  establishing  M&E and performance monitoring plans.
  • Understanding of key evaluation approaches  (e.g.,  qualitative,  quantitative,  mixed-method, and impact) as well as data collecting and analysis methods.
  • Experience in planning and managing surveys.
  • Experience in developing and refining data collection tools.
  • Experience with data quality assessments and oversight.
  • Experience in managing and providing training to partners and target beneficiaries.
  • Ability to facilitate and serve as department liaison for externally-managed evaluations.

Language Requirements:

  • Perfect command of the English language (written and oral) is mandatory.
  • Knowledge of any other official language of ECOWAS (French or Portuguese) will be considered an asset / advantage.

Conditions of Service

  • An  initial contract for 12 months will be offered to the successful candidate with a Monthly Living Allowance of 683.13 USD or its equivalent in local currency.
  • At the beginning of the assignment, and only where applicable, a settling-in grant will be paid, and a resettlement grant will be provided at the end of the assignment.
  • A life and health insurance cover for the incumbent of the position will be provided.
  • Other conditions of service as stipulated in the EVP Management and Administration Manual and Handbook of Conditions of Service shall apply.

Other Conditions:

  • The position is open to ONLY nationals of the Republic of SIERRA LEONE, aged not more than 35 years by the date of recruitment.
  • This position is considered a non-family ECOWAS National Volunteer position with supervisory duties.
  • ECOWAS is committed to promoting gender equality and equity. To this end, female candidates are strongly encouraged.
  • Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. ECOWAS reserves the right to terminate the process without notice.

Application Closing Date
1st December, 2021.

Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should send their CV to:

using "Application for the Post of M and E Specialist Sierra Leone" as the subject of the email.

Click here for more information (PDF)

Composition of Application

  • A signed Letter of Application/Motivation addressed to the Director, EYSDC, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso;
  • A detailed Curriculum Vitae highlighting specific skills and experiences of the candidate;
  • Certified copies of certificates, diplomas and work certificates.



4.) National Volunteer Teacher (x3)


Location: Sierra Leone
Duration: 12 Months (renewable based on performance and availability of funding)
Category: ECOWAS National Volunteers (with supervisory duties)
Expected Starting Date: 01 February 2022

Applications are invited from suitable candidates in the following subjects:

  • Mathematics Reacher (Junior and Senior Secondary)
  • Englich Language (Junior and Senior Secondary)
  • Physical Education (Junior and Senior Secondary)

Brief Project Description

  • In line with its vision 2020, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is  implementing a Volunteers Programme that cuts across all areas/sectors of activities of the ECOWAS Commission and its sister Institutions.
  • ECOWAS Volunteers are a group of volunteer men and women (18 to 35 years old) from ECOWAS member States, with the capacity to adapt to different social, cultural and political circumstances.
  • They are deployed in selected community-based associations, national and international nongovernmental organisations (NGOs), and specialised agencies that are active in socio-economic, cultural, political, and humanitarian work. The volunteers will help consolidate peace, recovery, national reconciliation and rehabilitation in crisis-affected communities. Members of the volunteer corps also work to strengthen the capacities of local organisations by assisting them in the development and implementation of projects and programmes. This initiative complements existing programmes for Peace Building and national volunteers’ programmes in ECOWAS Member States. It helps to address the structural causes of vulnerability, instability or outbreaks of violence in the region.
  • The ECOWAS Volunteers Programme (EVP) is centralized in organisation, but decentralized in its application to allow for flexibility and adaptation to the current realities of each country. The strategic directions, including the formulation of the overall vision, goals and objectives of the Programme, is the responsibility of the Regional Coordination Council (RCC), whose role, among others, is to ensure that the EVP becomes a genuine voluntary arm of ECOWAS.
  • Being a cross-cutting programme, the ECOWAS Volunteers Regional Coordination Council (RCC) includes representatives of relevant departments of the ECOWAS Commission. The RCC is chaired by the Commissioner for Social Affairs and Gender of the ECOWAS Commission. She is assisted by the Director of the ECOWAS Youth and Sports Development Centre (EYSDC), as Alternate Chairman of the RCC.
  • The executive arm of the RCC is the Regional Office, provided by the EYSDC in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). The programme’s regional coordination activities are coordinated by a Regional Coordinator under the supervision of the EYSDC Director. Although the EVP is under the Youth Division of the EYSDC, it is directly supervised by the EYSDC Director for effectiveness.
  • At the National level, the National Coordination Council (NCC) serves as the national body through which national policy guidelines for the Programme are given. This Council works towards the understanding and entrenchment of the Volunteer Programme in the national environment. It also serves as advisor to the country office, headed by the Country Coordinator, and which is responsible for the implementation and coordination of the Programme at national level. The NCC is chaired by the Head of the ECOWAS National Office in the country. It is made up of Focal Points/Representatives of the various ministries, Civil Society Organisations, United Nations Agencies and local youth associations involved in the implementation of the Programme at the National level.

Host Agency/ Institution:

  • Successful candidates will be deployed to various host agencies/institutions under theMinistry of Education of Sierra Leone

Description of Duties
Mathematics (JSS/SSS):

  • He / She must able to develop daily lesson notes and weekly lesson plan
  • Develop and ensure adequate use of teaching aids
  • Monitor and Supervise students’ performance
  • Teach at least 25 hours per week
  • Be willing to live and work in rural areas
  • Establish Mathematics Clubs in schools


  • Minimum of Bachelor's Degree in Education / post graduate Diploma in Education / Higher Teachers’ Certificate in Mathematics or its equivalent
  • Excellent classroom management skills
  • Be a team player
  • Remain Ethical
  • Ability to communicate in English is compulsory


  • 2 years teaching experience in Mathematics

Description of Duties

  • He / She must able to develop daily lesson notes and weekly lesson plan
  • Develop and ensure adequate use of teaching aids
  • Monitor and Supervise students’ performance
  • Teach at least 25 hours per week
  • Be willing to live and work in rural areas
  • Establish Games and Sports Clubs in schools Education or its equivalent


  • Minimum of Bachelor's Degree in Education / post graduate Diploma in Education / Higher Teachers’ Certificate in Physical Health
  • Excellent classroom management skills
  • Be a team player
  • Remain Ethical
  • Ability to communicate in English is compulsory


  • 2 years teaching experience in PHE

Conditions of Life

  • Sierra Leone is a growing post-conflict country with a desire to improve its social and economic institutions.
  • The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and the host institutions will assist the volunteers to integrate into the communities and facilitate the provision of appropriate accommodation facilities.

Language Requirements:

  • Perfect command of the English language (written and oral) is mandatory.
  • Knowledge of any other official language of ECOWAS (French or Portuguese) will be considered an asset / advantage.

Conditions of Service

  • A one year contract with the possibility of one year extension, following positive performance appraisal and if funds available. A modest Monthly Living Allowance of 683.13 USD will be paid monthly to the volunteers plus a full life and health insurance cover. At the beginning of the assignment, a settling-in grant will be paid and a resettlement grant will be provided at the end of the assignment.
  • Other conditions and benefits as stipulated in the EVP Management and Administration Manual and Handbook of Conditions of Service shall also apply.

Other Conditions:

  • This position is considered a non-family ECOWAS national Volunteer position, with supervisory duties.
  • The position is open to ONLY Nationals of The Republic of Sierra Leone, aged not more than 35 years by the date of recruitment.

Application Closing Date
1st December, 2021.

Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should send their Applications to:

using "Application for the Post of ECOWAS National Volunteer Teacher in Sierra Leone (MATHS, ENGLISH or PHE as the case may be)" as the subject line.

Click here for more information (Pdf)

Composition of Application

  • A signed letter of application/motivation in English language addressed to the Director, EYSDC, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
  • A detailed Curriculum Vitae highlighting specific skills and experiences of the candidateCertified copies of certificates, diplomas and work certificates. Certificates will be checked to ascertain their authenticity.


  • ECOWAS is committed to promoting gender equality and equity. To this end, female candidates are strongly encouraged.
  • Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. ECOWAS reserves the right to terminate the process without notice.



5.) International Volunteer Teacher (x2)


Location: Sierra Leone
Category: ECOWAS International Volunteer
Type of Contract: ECOWAS Volunteers Programme
Expected Starting Date: 01 February, 2022
Duration: 12 Months (renewable based on performance and availability of funding)

Brief Project Description

  • In line with its vision 2020, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is implementing a Volunteers Programme that cuts across all areas/sectors of activities of the ECOWAS Commission and its sister Institutions.
  • ECOWAS Volunteers are a group of volunteer men and women (18 to 35 years old) from ECOWAS member States, with the capacity to adapt to different social, cultural and political circumstances. They are deployed in selected community-based associations, national and international non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and specialised agencies that are active in socio-economic, cultural, political, and humanitarian work.
  • The volunteers will help consolidate peace, recovery, national reconciliation and rehabilitation in crisis-affected communities. Members of the volunteer corps also work to strengthen the capacities of local organisations by assisting them in the development and implementation of projects and programmes. This initiative complements existing programmes for Peace Building and national volunteers’ programmes in ECOWAS Member States. It helps to address the structural causes of vulnerability, instability or outbreaks of violence in the region.
  • The ECOWAS Volunteers Programme (EVP) is centralized in organisation, but decentralized in its application to allow for flexibility and adaptation to the current realities of each country. The strategic directions, including the formulation of the overall vision, goals and objectives of the Programme, is the responsibility of the Regional Coordination Council (RCC), whose role, among others, is to ensure that the EVP becomes a genuine voluntary arm of ECOWAS.
  • Being a cross-cutting programme, the ECOWAS Volunteers Regional Coordination Council (RCC) includes representatives of relevant departments of the ECOWAS Commission. The RCC is chaired by the Commissioner for Social Affairs and Gender of the ECOWAS Commission. She is assisted by the Director of the ECOWAS Youth and Sports Development Centre (EYSDC), as Alternate Chairman of the RCC.
  • The executive arm of the RCC is the Regional Office, provided by the EYSDC in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). The programme’s regional coordination activities are coordinated by a Regional Coordinator under the supervision of the EYSDC Director. Although the EVP is under the Youth Division of the EYSDC, it is directly supervised by the EYSDC Director for effectiveness.
  • At the National level, the National Coordination Council (NCC) serves as the national body through which national policy guidelines for the Programme are given. This Council works towards the understanding and entrenchment of the Volunteer Programme in the national environment. It also serves as advisor to the country office, headed by the Country Coordinator, and which is responsible for the implementation and coordination of the Programme at national level.
  • The NCC is chaired by the Head of the ECOWAS National Office in the country. It is made up of Focal Points/Representatives of the various ministries, Civil Society Organisations, United Nations Agencies and local youth associations involved in the implementation of the Programme at the National level.

Host Agency / Institution:

  • Successful candidates will be deployed to various host agencies/institutions under the Ministry of Education of Sierra Leone.

Description of Duties
Secondary Education:

Subject: French (JSS / SSS):

  • He / She must able to develop daily lesson notes and weekly lesson plan
  • Organize lab demonstration (where possible)
  • Develop and ensure adequate use of teaching aids
  • Monitor and Supervise students performance
  • Teach at least 25 hours per week
  • Guidance and counseling skills
  • Be willing to live and work in rural areas
  • Establish French Clubs in schools.

Subject: Basic Science (JSS / SSS):

  • He / She must able to develop daily lesson notes and weekly lesson plan
  • Organize lab demonstration
  • Develop teaching aids
  • Monitor and Supervise students performance
  • Teach at least 25 hours per week
  • Guidance and counseling skills
  • Be willing to live and work in rural areas.

Qualifications / Competencies & Experience
Subject: French (JSS / SSS):

  • Minimum of Bachelor’s Degree (B.Ed) or Higher Teaching Certificate in French or equivalent
  • 2 years teaching experience in French.
  • Excellent classroom management skills
  • Be a team player
  • Remain Ethical
  • Ability to communicate in English is compulsory.

Subject: Basic Science (JSS / SSS):

  • Minimum of Bachelor’s Degree (B.Ed) or Higher Teaching Certificate in Science or equivalent
  • 2 years teaching experience.
  • Excellent classroom management skills
  • Be a team player
  • Remain Ethical
  • Ability to deliver course in English is compulsory.

Language Requirements:

  • Perfect command of the English language (written and oral) is mandatory.
  • Knowledge of any other official language of ECOWAS (French or Portuguese) will be considered an asset / advantage

Conditions of Life

  • Sierra Leone is a growing post-conflict country with a desire to improve its social and economic institutions. The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and the host institutions will assist the volunteers to integrate into the communities and facilitate the provision of appropriate accommodation facilities.

Conditions of Service

  • A one year contract with the possibility of one year extension, following positive performance appraisal and if funds available. A modest Monthly Living Allowance of US$1,112.50 will be paid monthly to the volunteers plus a full life and health insurance cover. At the beginning of the assignment, a settling-in grant will be paid and a resettlement grant will be provided at the end of the assignment. Air transport from home country to the duty station and return at end of mission is also provided.
  • Other conditions and benefits as stipulated in the EVP Management and Administration Manual and Handbook of Conditions of Service shall also apply.

Other Conditions:

  • This position is considered a non-family ECOWAS International Volunteer position.
  • The position is open to Nationals of ECOWAS member States (except Sierra Leone), aged not more than 35 years by the date of recruitment.

Application Closing Date
1st December, 2021.

Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should send their Applications to:

using "Application for the Post of ECOWAS Volunteer Teacher in Sierra Leone (French or Sciences as the case may be)" as the subject of the email.

Click here for more information (PDF)

Composition of Application

  • A signed letter of application/motivation in English language addressed to the Director , EYSDC, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso;
  • A detailed Curriculum Vitae highlighting specific skills and experiences of the candidate;
  • Certified copies of certificates, diplomas and work certificates. Certificates will be checked to ascertain their authenticity.


  • ECOWAS is committed to promoting gender equality and equity. To this end, female candidates are strongly encouraged.
  • Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. ECOWAS reserves the right to terminate the process without notice.



6.) Administrative and Finance Assistant (ECOWAS Volunteer Programme)


Location: Freetown, Sierra Leone
Category: ECOWAS National Volunteer (with supervisory duties)
Type of Contract: ECOWAS Volunteers Programme. Non-Family Position
Duration: One (01) year, with the possibility of extension if performance satisfactory and
budget available
Expected start date: 1st February 2022.

Brief Description of Project

  • In line with the Vision 2020, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is implementing a volunteers programme that cuts across all sectors of the Commission and its sister Institutions.
  • ECOWAS Volunteers are a group of men and women (18-35 years) from ECOWAS member States, with the ability to adapt to different social, cultural and political circumstances.
  • They are deployed in community-based organisations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and international specialized agencies active in the field of socioeconomic, cultural, political and humanitarian engagement.
  • Volunteers will contribute to national and regional development and help to consolidate peace, recovery, national reconciliation and rehabilitation of communities where they are deployed.
  • It is expected that members of this corps of volunteers will help to build the capacities of local assistants in the development and implementation of projects and programmes.
  • This initiative complements the construction of the existing peace and national volunteer corps in member countries of ECOWAS. It helps to address the structural causes of vulnerability, instability and eruption of violence in the region and promote the contribution of youth to regional development and integration while harnessing and promoting the development of their professional competencies.

Organisational Framework of the Centre

  • The Youth and Sports Development Centre (EYSDC) is one of the Directorates under the Social Affairs and Gender Department of the ECOWAS Commission. It is based in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) under the headquarters agreement signed between the Burkina Faso authorities and the ECOWAS Commission.
  • Decision N° A/DEC 13/01/2005 of 19th January 2005 had adopted the organizational structure comprising of four Divisions (Youth, Sports, Administration and Finance, and TIC).
  • However, since 2008, the Centre has undergone some structural modifications following the transfer of the ECOWAS Volunteers Programme (EVP) from the Political Affairs, Peace and Security Department of the Commission (CPAPS) to the EYSDC, under the Social Affairs and Gender Department.
  • The EVP is centralized in organisation, but decentralized in its application to allow for flexibility and adaptation to the current realities of each country. The strategic directions, including the formulation of the overall vision, goals and objectives of the Programme, is the responsibility of the Regional Coordination Council (RCC), whose role, among others, is to ensure that the EVP becomes a genuine voluntary arm of ECOWAS.
  • Being a cross-cutting programme, the ECOWAS Volunteers Regional Coordination Council (RCC) includes representatives of relevant departments of the ECOWAS Commission.
  • The RCC is chaired by the Commissioner for Social Affairs and Gender of the ECOWAS Commission.
  • She is assisted by the Director of the ECOWAS Youth and Sports Development Centre (EYSDC), as Alternate Chairman of the RCC.
  • The executive arm of the RCC is the Regional Office, provided by the EYSDC in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso).
  • The programme’s regional coordination activities are coordinated by a Regional Coordinator under the supervision of the EYSDC Director.
  • Although the EVP is under the Youth Division of the EYSDC, it is directly supervised by the EYSDC Director for effectiveness.
  • At the National level, the National Coordination Council (NCC) serves as the national body through which national policy guidelines for the Programme are given.
  • This Council works towards the understanding and entrenchment of the Volunteer Programme in the national environment.
  • It also serves as advisor to the country office, which is responsible for the coordination of the Programme at national level.
  • The NCC is chaired by the Head of the ECOWAS National Office in the country. It is made up of Focal Points/Representatives of the various ministries, Civil Society Organisations, United Nations Agencies and local youth associations involved in the implementation of the Programme at the National level.

Duties and Responsibilities
Under the supervision of the Country Coordinator of the ECOWAS Volunteers Programme in Sierra Leone, the Programme Admin and Finance Assistant will provide administrative and finance, secretarial, and logistic support to the EVP in Sierra Leone.

S/He will:

  • Provide administrative assistance to the Country Coordinator;
  • Develop and maintain a reliable filling system;
  • Receive, screen and distribute incoming mails pertaining to programme areas, maintain an overview of the current situation, including a follow-up of the system to ensure timely action, preparing reminders on urgent action to be taken;
  • Monitor and ensure correct application of EVP administrative and financial procedures as relates to ECOWAS Volunteers serving in Sierra Leone;
  • Provide support to the management and execution of projects and activities, including preparation of terms of reference, management of budgets and drafting of financial reports; monitoring and reporting on results-based budget performance;
  • Prepare routine non-technical correspondence in English from brief verbal or written instructions, type documents;
  • Register and monitor ECOWAS Volunteers contracts (end dates, renewals, extensions, redeployments, resignations, terminations, etc) in liaison with the Regional Office;
  • Forward signed volunteer contracts to the Regional Office;
  • Provide logistical support, including, but not limited to: organizing for travels, workshops, meetings and trainings, taking records and minutes of all meetings and filing them;
  • Follow up on and facilitate monthly VLA and other payments due to ECOWAS Volunteers (EVs) and keep track of programme expenses;
  • Coordinate and where necessary, arrange official travel for professional staff, ECOWAS Volunteers and partners including the preparation of itineraries, hotel accommodation, responsible for all follow-up actions required;
  • Research and prepare relevant background information and participate in all areas of meeting functions: take notes, draft minutes, type the reports and follow up on the production of the meetings final report;
  • Assist the Country Coordinator in organising orientation/induction sessions for new, in-coming or out-going volunteers;
  • Undertake other administrative and secretarial duties/activities related to the programme areas as required;
  • Scan, photocopy, and mail documents on request;
  • In the absence of the Country Coordinator, ensure uninterrupted and smooth functioning of the Country Office, in coordination with the Regional Office.
  • Travel as part of the mission and
  • Perform any other duties that may be requested.

Required Skills and Experiences

  • Post Secondary School Diploma or equivalent certificate in the Social Sciences, Business Administration, Management, Public Administration, Finance, Accounting, Project Management, Economics or any other related fields. Candidates with a Bachelor’s degree in the relevant fields will be given priority.


  • 3 years experience in administrative, finance or related field of work;
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and other accountancy software;
  • Good report writing and analytical skills;
  • Good interpersonal skills;
  • Familiarity with ECOWAS and UNV-UNDP rules, regulations and procedures and/or previous work experience with a regional or international organization will be considered an advantage;
  • Experience in accounting (from budgeting and costing to expenditure control, cash management, financial recording and report preparation) will be an asset;
  • Work experience with/in an international volunteer programme or organisation will be considered an added asset;
  • Previous work experience as an ECOWAS Volunteer will be considered an advantage.

Language requirements:

  • Excellent writing and oral English language skills. Knowledge of a second official language of ECOWAS (French and/or Portuguese) will be considered an asset/advantage.

Conditions of Service

  • An initial 12 months contract will be offered with a total basic monthly living allowance of 683.13 USD or equivalent in local currency.
  • A life and health insurance cover for the incumbent will be provided.
  • Other allowances and conditions of service as stipulated in the EVP Management and Administration Manual and handbook of Conditions of Service shall apply.

Other Conditions:

  • This position is open to ONLY nationals of Sierra Leone.
  • Candidates must not be older than 38 years at the date of recruitment.
  • The allowance for this position is that of an ECOWAS National Volunteer with coordination / supervision responsibilities (a ‘non family’ position).
  • ECOWAS is committed to the promotion of gender equality and equity and therefore strongly encourages female candidates to apply.
  • Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Application Closing Date
1st December, 2021.

Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should send their CV to:

using "Application for the Post of EVP Programme Admin / Finance Assistant in Sierra Leone" as the subject of the email.

Click here for more information (PDF)

Composition of Application

  • A letter of application / motivation signed and addressed to the Director, ECOWAS Youth and Sports Development Centre, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso;
  • Detailed Curriculum Vitae highlighting specific experiences and skills of the candidate;
  • Copies of diplomas and certificates / work certificates;
  • A police criminal record report of less than three months;
  • A certified copy of the birth certificate.



7.) Critical Care Nurse


Location: Republic of Sierra Leone
Category: ECOWAS International Volunteer
Type of Contract: ECOWAS Volunteers Programme. Non-Family Position
Expected start date: 1st February 2022
Duration: One (01) year, with possibility for renewal (depending on budget availability and satisfactory performance)


  • The ECOWAS Youth and Sports Development Centre (EYSDC), was created by the Decision A/DEC.13/01/05 of 19th January 2005 at Accra, Ghana as a specialized Agency of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).
  • At the 32nd session of the ECOWAS Summit held in June 2007, the Heads of States and Government adopted a new approach to regional integration by approving a new global vision called the ECOWAS Vision 2020. The principal objective of this vision is to move the Community from an «ECOWAS of States» to an «ECOWAS of Peoples» by the year 2020.
  • Consequently, the EYSDC implements her policies, activities and strategic action plans, as well as the ECOWAS vision in the areas of youth and sports, including the ECOWAS Volunteers Programme. The EYSDC’s objective is to initiate, develop, coordinate and implement youth and sports programmes within the Community.
  • To this end, it works to:
    • Mobilise the different segments of the population to ensure their integration and effective participation in the social development of the region, as well as the promotion of youth organisations and professional associations to ensure maximum participation in the activities of the Community;
    • Provide a permanent institutional framework within ECOWAS through which issues related to Youth and Sports activities in the sub-region can be developed and promoted.

Organizational Framework of the Centre

  • The ECOWAS Youth and Sports Development Centre (EYSDC) is one of the Directorates under the Social Affairs and Gender Department of the ECOWAS Commission. It is based in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) under the headquarters agreement signed between the Burkina Faso authorities and the ECOWAS Commission.
  • Decision N° A/DEC 13/01/2005 of 19th January 2005 had adopted the organizational structure comprising of four Divisions (Youth, Sports, Administration and Finance, and TIC). However, since 2008, the Centre has undergone some structural modifications following the transfer of the ECOWAS
  • Volunteers Programme (EVP) from the Political Affairs, Peace and Security Department of the Commission (CPAPS) to the EYSDC, under the Social Affairs and Gender Department.
  • The EVP is centralized in an organisation but decentralized in its application to allow for flexibility and adaptation to the current realities of each country. The strategic directions, including the formulation of the overall vision, goals and objectives of the Programme, is the responsibility of the Regional Coordination Council (RCC), whose role, among others, is to ensure that the EVP becomes a genuine voluntary arm of ECOWAS.
  • Being a cross-cutting programme, the ECOWAS Volunteers Regional Coordination Council (RCC) includes representatives of relevant departments of the ECOWAS Commission. The RCC is chaired by the Commissioner for Social Affairs and Gender of the ECOWAS Commission.
  • She is assisted by the Director of the ECOWAS Youth and Sports Development Centre (EYSDC), as Alternate Chairman of the RCC.
  • The executive arm of the RCC is the Regional Office, provided by the EYSDC in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso).
  • The programme’s regional coordination activities are coordinated by a Regional Coordinator under the supervision of the EYSDC Director. Although the EVP is under the Youth Division of the EYSDC, it is directly supervised by the EYSDC Director for effectiveness.
  • At the National level, the National Coordination Council (NCC) serves as the national body through which national policy guidelines for the Programme are given. This Council works towards the understanding and entrenchment of the Volunteer Programme in the national environment. It also serves as advisor to the country office, which is responsible for the coordination of the Programme at national level.
  • The NCC is chaired by the Head of the ECOWAS National Office in the country. It is made up of Focal Points/Representatives of the various ministries, Civil Society Organisations, United Nations Agencies and local youth associations involved in the implementation of the Programme at the National level.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • The ECOWAS Volunteer Critical Care Nurse will work in the Internal Medicines Department/Unit of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation of Sierra Leone.
  • He/She will be responsible for specialized care to patients who are critically ill or suffer from life-threatening injuries that require advanced care in ICUs, emergency rooms, neonatal ICUs, pediatric ICUs, cardiac care units, cardiac catheter labs, telemetry units, progressive units, and recovery rooms.
  • The Critical Care nurse shall work under the direct supervision of the Ward Matron, and shall undertake the following duties and responsibilities:
  • Administer care to seriously ill or injured patients;
  • Treat patients who have suffered strokes, heart attacks or grave wounds, such as gunshot wounds, stab wounds or head injuries monitoring of the patient's condition; Assess patient’s condition, perform diagnostic tests, begin treatments and assist the doctor with any required medical procedures;
  • Ensure proper care for patients and the successful operations of emergency or intensive care departments.
  • Educate Patients on care
  • Ensure Compliance with Healthcare Regulations
  • Provide technical advice on internal medicine.
  • The job is mostly a hospital-based role with minor office work.
  • There is also a frequent requirement to make an early start or late finish as well as work on weekends.
  • The incumbent may also be required to attend workshops, seminars, meetings, conferences, etc and perform any other duty assigned by the Ward Matron.

Required Qualifications and Experience

  • Candidates must possess a Bachelor's Degree in Nursing (B.Sc Nursing), Critical Care Nursing, with at least 8 Years relevant working experience
  • Must be a Licensed Nurse (SECHN) or a Registered Nurse (SRN).

Additional skills must include:

  • Ability to work within a multidisciplinary team
  • Good oral and written communication skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • People management skills
  • Analytical skills
  • Leadership skills
  • Detail orientation
  • Good computer skills and the ability to analyze numerical and graphical data
  • Ability to work with little supervision
  • Being proactive and enterprising (taking initiative)
  • Knowledge of volunteerism will be an asset.

Language Requirements:

  • Perfect command of the English language (written and oral) is mandatory.
  • Knowledge of any other official language of ECOWAS (French or Portuguese) will be considered an asset/advantage.

Conditions of Service

  • An initial contract for 12 months will be offered to the successful candidate with a Monthly Living Allowance of 1,112.50 USD or its equivalent in local currency.
  • At the beginning of the assignment, and only where applicable, a settling-in grant will be paid, and a resettlement grant will be provided at the end of the assignment.
  • Where applicable, air transport from the home country to the duty station and return at end of the mission is also provided.
  • A life and health insurance cover for the incumbent of the position will be provided.
  • Other conditions of service as stipulated in the EVP Management and Administration Manual and
  • Handbook of Conditions of Service shall apply.

Other Conditions:

  • A signed letter of application/motivation addressed to the Director, EYSDC, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso;
  • A detailed Curriculum Vitae highlighting specific skills and experiences of the candidate;
  • Certified copies of certificates, diplomas and work certificates.

Application Closing Date
1st December, 2021.

Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should send their Applications to:

using "Application for the Post of Critical Care Nurse" as the subject of the email.

Click here for more information (PDF)

Composition of Application

  • The position is open to Nationals of ECOWAS member States (except Sierra Leone), aged not more than 35 years by the date of recruitment.
  • This position is considered a non-family ECOWAS International Volunteer position.
  • An international ECOWAS Volunteer cannot serve in their own country of origin.
  • ECOWAS is committed to promoting gender equality and equity. To this end, female candidates are strongly encouraged.
  • Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. ECOWAS reserves the right to terminate the process without notice.



8.) Nephrology or Dialysis Specialist Nurse (x2)


Location: Republic of Sierra Leone
Category: ECOWAS International Volunteer
Number of Positions: 2
Type of Contract: ECOWAS Volunteers Programme. Non-Family Position
Expected Starting Date: 1st February, 2022
Duration: One (01) year, with possibility for extension (depending on budget availability and satisfactory performance)


  • The ECOWAS Youth and Sports Development Centre (EYSDC), was created by the Decision A/DEC.13/01/05 of 19th January 2005 at Accra, Ghana as a specialized Agency of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).
  • At the 32nd session of the ECOWAS Summit held in June 2007, the Heads of States and Government adopted a new approach to regional integration by approving a new global vision called the ECOWAS Vision 2020. The principal objective of this vision is to move the Community from an «ECOWAS of States» to an «ECOWAS of Peoples» by the year 2020.
  • Consequently, the EYSDC implements her policies, activities and strategic action plans, as well as the ECOWAS vision in the areas of youth and sports, including the ECOWAS Volunteers Programme. The EYSDC’s objective is to initiate, develop, coordinate and implement youth and sports programmes within the Community. To this end, it works to:
    • Mobilise the different segments of the population to ensure their integration and effective participation in the social development of the region, as well as the promotion of youth organisations and professional associations to ensure maximum participation in the activities of the Community;
    • Provide a permanent institutional framework within ECOWAS through which issues related to Youth and Sports activities in the sub-region can be developed and promoted.

Organizational Framework of the Centre

  • The ECOWAS Youth and Sports Development Centre (EYSDC) is one of the Directorates under the Social  Affairs and Gender Department of the ECOWAS Commission. It is based in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) under  the  headquarters agreement  signed between the Burkina Faso authorities  and  the  ECOWAS  Commission.
  • Decision  N°  A/DEC  13/01/2005  of  19th  January  2005  had  adopted  the  organizational  structure  comprising of four Divisions (Youth, Sports, Administration and Finance, and TIC). However, since 2008, the  Centre  has  undergone  some  structural  modifications  following  the  transfer  of  the  ECOWAS Volunteers  Programme  (EVP)  from  the  Political  Affairs,  Peace  and  Security Department of the Commission (CPAPS) to the EYSDC, under the Social Affairs and Gender Department.
  • The EVP is centralized in organisation, but decentralized in its application to allow  for flexibility and adaptation to the current realities of each country. The strategic directions, including the formulation of  the  overall  vision,  goals  and  objectives of the Programme, is the responsibility of the Regional
  • Coordination Council (RCC), whose role, among others, is to ensure that the EVP becomes a genuine voluntary arm of ECOWAS.
  • Being  a  cross-cutting programme, the ECOWAS Volunteers Regional  Coordination  Council  (RCC) includes representatives of relevant departments of the ECOWAS Commission. The RCC is chaired by the  Commissioner  for  Social  Affairs  and  Gender  of  the  ECOWAS Commission. She  is  assisted  by  the Director of the ECOWAS Youth and Sports Development Centre (EYSDC), as Alternate Chairman of the RCC.
  • The executive arm of the RCC is the Regional Office, provided by the EYSDC in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). The programme’s regional coordination activities are coordinated by a  Regional Coordinator under  the  supervision  of  the  EYSDC  Director. Although the EVP is under the Youth Division of the EYSDC, it is directly supervised by the EYSDC Director for effectiveness.
  • At the National level, the National Coordination Council (NCC) serves  as  the  national  body  through which  national  policy  guidelines  for the Programme  are  given. This  Council  works towards  the understanding and entrenchment  of the Volunteer Programme in the national environment. It also serves as advisor to the country office, which is responsible for the coordination of the Programme at national level. The NCC is chaired by the Head of the ECOWAS National Office in the country.
  • It is made up of Focal Points/Representatives of the various ministries, Civil Society Organisations, United Nations Agencies and  local  youth  associations  involved  in  the  implementation of the Programme  at the National level.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • The  ECOWAS  Volunteer  Nephrology or Dialysis  Specialist Nurse will work  in  the  Internal  Medicines Department/Unit of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation of Sierra Leone.
  • He/She  will  be  responsible  for  developing,  leading  and  delivering  a  high  quality  nursing  service  for patients with Chronic  Kidney Disease  (CKD)  under  SaTH  Nephrology  service.  The  post  holder  will  be based in Dialysis care Unit but will be expected to develop links with primary and secondary care teams to ensure collaborative working to deliver optimum management of the patients with CKD and delay of its progression.

The  Nephrology or Dialysis  Specialist  Nurse  shall  work  under  the  direct  supervision of the Ward Matron, and shall undertake the following duties and responsibilities:

  • Develop  and  provide a coordinated  specialist  service  to  patients  with  CKD  and  their  careers and to have direct clinical involvement in their renal care pathway;
  • Monitor  and  review the effectiveness  of  interventions  with  the  patient  and  colleagues  and modify this to meet the changing needs and established goals of care;
  • Work in collaboration with consultant nephrologists as well as primary care teams to establish, implement and maintain evidence-based care pathways for patients with progressive CKD;
  • Demonstrate a high level of communication skills to impart highly sensitive information with empathy and reassurance to patients and relatives.
  • Coordinate  and participate in the Continuous Professional Development (CPD)  programs for staff at the hospital

The job is mostly a hospital-based role with minor office work. There is also a frequent requirement to make an early start or late finish as well as work on weekends. The job holder may be required to:

  • Attend and share knowledge at national conferences
  • Participate in developing systems for assessing the user’s views on the quality of services
  • Provided and involving patients’ relatives and their representatives in the planning and development of services.
  • Perform other duties assigned.

Required Qualifications and Experience

  • Candidates must possess a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing (B.Sc Nursing) Nephrology or Dialysis Nursing,
  • At least 8 years relevant working experience, three of which must be in a supervisory role.
  • Must be a Licensed Nurse (SECHN) or a Registered Nurse (SRN).

Additional Skills must include:

  • Ability to work within a multidisciplinary team
  • Good oral and written communication skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • People management skills
  • Analytical skills
  • Leadership skills
  • Detail orientation
  • Good computer skills and the ability to analyze numerical and graphical data.
  • Ability to work with little supervision
  • Being proactive and enterprising (taking initiative)
  • Knowledge of volunteerism will be an asset.

Language Requirements:

  • Perfect command of the English language (written and oral) is mandatory.
  • Knowledge of any other official language of ECOWAS (French or Portuguese) will be considered an asset / advantage

Conditions of Service

  • An  initial  contract for 12 months will be offered to the successful candidate  with a Monthly Living Allowance of 1,112.50 USD or its equivalent in local currency.
  • At the beginning of the assignment, and only where applicable, a settling-in grant will be paid, and a resettlement grant will be provided at the end of the assignment. Where applicable, air transport from home country to the duty station and return at end of mission is also provided.
  • A life and health insurance cover for the incumbent of the position will be provided.
  • Other conditions of service as stipulated  in  the  EVP  Management  and  Administration  Manual  and Handbook of Conditions of Service shall apply.

Other Conditions:

  • The position is open to Nationals of ECOWAS member States (except Sierra Leone), aged not more than 35 years by the date of recruitment.
  • This position is considered a non-family ECOWAS International Volunteer position.
  • An international ECOWAS Volunteer cannot serve in their own country of origin.
  • ECOWAS is committed to promoting gender equality and equity. To this end, female  candidates are strongly encouraged.
  • Only shortlisted  candidates will be contacted.
  • ECOWAS reserves the right to terminate the process without notice.

Application Closing Date
1st December, 2021.

Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should send their Applications to:

using "Application for the Post of Nephrology or Dialysis Specialist Nurse" as the subject of the email.

Click here for more information (PDF)

Composition of Application
Applications must include:

  • A signed Letter of Application/Motivation addressed to the Director, EYSDC,  Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso;
  • A detailed Curriculum Vitae highlighting specific skills and experiences of the candidate; Certified copies of certificates, diplomas and work certificates;



9.) Anaesthetic Nurse


Location: Sierra Leone
Category: ECOWAS National Volunteer (with Supervisory duties)
Type of Contract: ECOWAS Volunteers Programme. Non-Family Position
Expected Start Date: 1st February, 2022
Duration: One (01) year, with possibility for renewal (depending on budget availability and satisfactory performance)


  • The ECOWAS Youth and Sports Development Centre (EYSDC), was created by the Decision A/DEC.13/01/05 of 19th January 2005 at Accra, Ghana as a specialized Agency of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).
  • At the 32nd session of the ECOWAS Summit held in June 2007, the Heads of States and Government adopted a new approach to regional integration by approving a new global vision called the ECOWAS Vision 2020. The principal objective of this vision is to move the Community from an «ECOWAS of States» to an «ECOWAS of Peoples» by the year 2020.
  • Consequently, the EYSDC implements her policies, activities and strategic action plans, as well as the ECOWAS vision in the areas of youth and sports, including the ECOWAS Volunteers Programme. The EYSDC’s objective is to initiate, develop, coordinate and implement youth and sports programmes within the Community. To this end, it works to:
    • Mobilise the different segments of the population to ensure their integration and effective participation in the social development of the region, as well as the promotion of youth
    • organisations and professional associations to ensure maximum participation in the activities of the Community;
    • provide a permanent institutional framework within ECOWAS through which issues related to Youth and Sports activities in the sub-region can be developed and promoted

Organization Framework of the Centre

  • The Youth and Sports Development Centre (EYSDC) is one of the Directorates under the Social Affairs and Gender Department of the ECOWAS Commission. It is based in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) under the headquarters agreement signed between the Burkina Faso authorities and the ECOWAS Commission.
  • Decision N° A/DEC 13/01/2005 of 19th January 2005 had adopted the organizational structure comprising of four Divisions (Youth, Sports, Administration and Finance, and TIC). However, since 2008, the Centre has undergone some structural modifications following the transfer of the ECOWAS Volunteers Programme (EVP) from the Political Affairs, Peace and Security Department of the Commission (CPAPS) to the EYSDC, under the Social Affairs and Gender Department.
  • The EVP is centralized in organisation, but decentralized in its application to allow for flexibility and adaptation to the current realities of each country. The strategic directions, including the formulation of the overall vision, goals and objectives of the Programme, is the responsibility of the Regional Coordination Council (RCC), whose role, among others, is to ensure that the EVP becomes a genuine voluntary arm of ECOWAS.
  • Being a cross-cutting programme, the ECOWAS Volunteers Regional Coordination Council (RCC) includes representatives of relevant departments of the ECOWAS Commission.
  • The RCC is chaired by the Commissioner for Social Affairs and Gender of the ECOWAS Commission. She is assisted by the Director of the ECOWAS Youth and Sports Development Centre (EYSDC), as Alternate Chairman of the RCC.
  • The executive arm of the RCC is the Regional Office, provided by the EYSDC in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). The programme’s regional coordination activities are coordinated by a Regional Coordinator under the supervision of the EYSDC Director. Although the EVP is under the Youth Division of the EYSDC, it is directly supervised by the EYSDC Director for effectiveness.
  • At the National level, the National Coordination Council (NCC) serves as the national body through which national policy guidelines for the Programme are given.
  • This Council works towards the understanding and entrenchment of the Volunteer Programme in the national environment. It also serves as advisor to the country office, which is responsible for the coordination of the Programme at national level.
  • The NCC is chaired by the Head of the ECOWAS National Office in the country.
  • It is made up of Focal Points/Representatives of the various ministries, Civil Society Organisations, United Nations Agencies and local youth associations involved in the implementation of the Programme at theNational level.

Duties & Responsibilities

  • The ECOWAS Volunteer Anaesthetic Nurse will work in the Internal Medicines Department/Unit of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation of Sierra Leone.
  • He/She will assist the anaesthetist in the administration of anesthetics during surgery.
  • The anaesthetic nurse shall work under the direct supervision of the anaesthetist and the Ward matron, and shall undertake the following duties and responsibilities:
    • preparation of equipment; monitoring of the patient's condition;
    • Administering of anaesthesia during medical procedures and monitoring patients during recovery;
    • Determining the amount and type of anaesthesia needed – general, local or regional;
    • Determining the method for administering anaesthesia, including injections, inhalants, and oral medication;
    • Conducting patient assessments;
    • Educating patients about their surgery and recovery;
    • Overseeing the patient’s safety as they recover from anaesthesia;
    • Working with other medical staff to develop pain management plans.
  • The job is mostly a hospital-based role with minor office work. There is also a frequent requirement to make an early start or late finish as well as work on weekends.
  • The incumbent may also be required to attend workshops, seminars, meetings, conferences, etc and perform any other duty assigned by the Anaesthetist.

Required Qualifications and Experience

  • Candidates must possess a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing (B.Sc Nursing) Anaesthesiology with at least 4 Years relevant working experience
  • Must be a Licensed Nurse (SECHN) or a registered Nurse (SRN).

Additional Skills must include:

  • Ability to work within a multidisciplinary team
  • Good oral and written communication skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • People management skills
  • Analytical skills
  • Leadership skills
  • Detail orientation
  • Good computer skills and the ability to analyze numerical and graphical data
  • Ability to work with little supervision
  • Being proactive and enterprising (taking initiative)
  • Knowledge of volunteerism will be an asset

Language Requirements:

  • Perfect command of the English language (written and oral) is mandatory.
  • Knowledge of any other official language of ECOWAS (French or Portuguese) will be considered an asset / advantage.

Condition of Service

  • An initial contract for 12 months will be offered to the successful candidate with a Monthly Living Allowance of 683.13 USD or its equivalent in local currency.
  • At the beginning of the assignment, and only where applicable, a settling-in grant will be paid, and a resettlement grant will be provided at the end of the assignment.
  • A life and health insurance cover for the incumbent of the position will be provided.
  • Other conditions of service as stipulated in the EVP Management and Administration Manual and Handbook of Conditions of Service shall apply.

Other Conditions:

  • The position is open to ONLY nationals of the Republic of Sierra Leone, aged not more than 35 years by the date of recruitment.
  • This position is considered a non-family ECOWAS National Volunteer position, with supervisory duties.
  • ECOWAS is committed to promoting gender equality and equity. To this end, female candidates are strongly encouraged.
  • Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. ECOWAS reserves the right to terminate the process without notice.

Application Closing Date
1st December, 2021.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should send their Applications to:

using "Application for the Post of Anaesthetic Nurse" as the subject of the mail.

Click here for more information (PDF)

Composition of Application
Applications must include:

  • A signed Letter of Aapplication / motivation addressed to the Director, EYSDC, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso;
  • A detailed Curriculum Vitae highlighting specific skills and experiences of the candidate;
  • Certified copies of certificates, diplomas and work certificates.



10.) Country Coordinator (ECOWAS Volunteer Programme)


Location: Freetown, Sierra Leone
Category: ECOWAS International Volunteer Programme
Type of Contract: ECOWAS Volunteer Programme. Non-family Position.
Expected Starting Date: 1st February 2022
Duration: One (01) year, with possibility for extension (depending on budget availability and satisfactory performance)


  • The ECOWAS Youth and Sports Development Centre (EYSDC), was created by the Decision A/DEC.13/01/05 of 19th January 2005 at Accra, Ghana as a specialized Agency of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).
  • At the 32nd session of the ECOWAS Summit held in June 2007, the Heads of States and Government adopted a new approach to regional integration by approving a new global vision called the ECOWAS Vision 2020. The principal objective of this vision is to move the Community from an «ECOWAS of States» to an «ECOWAS of Peoples» by the year 2020.
  • Consequently, the EYSDC implements her policies, activities and strategic action plans, as well as the ECOWAS vision in the areas of youth and sports, including the ECOWAS Volunteers Programme. The EYSDC’s objective is to initiate, develop, coordinate and implement youth and sports programmes within the Community. To this end, it works to:
    • Mobilise the different segments of the population to ensure their integration and effective participation in the social development of the region, as well as the promotion of youth organisations and professional associations to ensure maximum participation in the activities of the Community;
    • Provide a permanent institutional framework within ECOWAS through which issues related to Youth and Sports activities in the sub-region can be developed and promoted.

Organizational Framework of the Centre

  • The Youth and Sports Development Centre (EYSDC) is one of the Directorates under the Social Affairs and Gender Department of the ECOWAS Commission. It is based in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) under the headquarters agreement signed between the Burkina Faso authorities and the ECOWAS Commission.
  • Decision N° A/DEC 13/01/2005 of 19th January 2005 had adopted the organizational structure comprising of four Divisions (Youth, Sports, Administration and Finance, and TIC). However, since 2008, the Centre has undergone some structural modifications following the transfer of the ECOWAS Volunteers Programme (EVP) from the Political Affairs, Peace and Security Department of the Commission (CPAPS) to the EYSDC, under the Social Affairs and Gender Department.
  • The EVP is centralized in organisation, but decentralized in its application to allow for flexibility and adaptation to the current realities of each country. The strategic directions, including the formulation of the overall vision, goals and objectives of the Programme, is the responsibility of the Regional Coordination Council (RCC), whose role, among others, is to ensure that the EVP becomes a genuine voluntary arm of ECOWAS.
  • Being a cross-cutting programme, the ECOWAS Volunteers Regional Coordination Council (RCC) includes representatives of relevant departments of the ECOWAS Commission. The RCC is chaired by the Commissioner for Social Affairs and Gender of the ECOWAS Commission. She is assisted by the Director of the ECOWAS Youth and Sports Development Centre (EYSDC), as Alternate Chairman of the RCC.
  • The executive arm of the RCC is the Regional Office, provided by the EYSDC in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). The programme’s regional coordination activities are coordinated by a Regional Coordinator under the supervision of the EYSDC Director. Although the EVP is under the Youth Division of the EYSDC, it is directly supervised by the EYSDC Director for effectiveness.
  • At the National level, the National Coordination Council (NCC) serves as the national body through which national policy guidelines for the Programme are given. This Council works towards the understanding and entrenchment of the Volunteer Programme in the national environment. It also serves as advisor to the country office, which is responsible for the coordination of the Programme at national level.
  • The NCC is chaired by the Head of the ECOWAS Country Office in the country. It is made up of Focal Points/Representatives of the various ministries, Civil Society Organisations, United Nations Agencies and local youth associations involved in the implementation of the Programme at the National level.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • The Country Coordinator is at the heart of implementation of the ECOWAS Volunteer Programme at the National level. S/He will work closely with the Head of ECOWAS Country Office (Chairman of the NCC) in the country of deployment and will report to the ECOWAS Volunteer Programme Officer (Coordination) at the ECOWAS Youth and Sports Development Centre in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
  • Under the overall guidance and supervision of the ECOWAS Volunteer Programme’s Programme Officer at the EYSDC, Ouagadougou and in collaboration with the Head of ECOWAS Country Office (Chairman of the NCC) in Sierra Leone, s/he will perform the following duties:

Programme Development and Management:

  • Be knowledgeable about the country’s information evolvement, which is necessary for ECOWAS to make relevant contributions, based on current, relevant and systematic national and sectoral socio-economic information that is available at the local level, and working in partnership with government counterparts, the UNV, other United Nations Agencies, the private sector, NGOs and OSC ;
  • Get acquainted with peace-related activities of government, the United Nations system and other partners in the country of deployment, which offer opportunities for ECOWAS Volunteer services.
  • Develop connections, initiate and maintain networks with the government, NGOs, OSC, United Nations Agencies, the private sector and other partners ;
  • Undertake field monitoring visits, ensure technical guidance of ECOWAS Volunteers placed under different agencies ;
  • Analyse the performance of ECOWAS Volunteers and be able to solve problems that could hinder progress ;
  • Prepare analytic reports on field visits and make recommendations for appropriate actions.
  • In collaboration with the Regional Coordinator, prepare annual reports and organise evaluation meetings.

Management of Operational Issues:

  • Manage the day to day activities of the Programme’s Country Office;
  • Carefully review all correspondences received and prepare appropriate responses ;
  • Supervise and evaluate the junior staff of the Programme’s Country Office
  • Assist the NCC to review applications for ECOWAS volunteers positions and participate in the recruitment processes of successful applicants. Compile reports on relevant interview and recruitment recommendations and submit them to the Regional Office of the Programme for finalization.
  • Provide support and personal guidance to ECOWAS volunteers through sharing of concerns and advice and build a network of mutual support for the Volunteers in the country.
  • Receive and provide information, guidance, supervision and administrative support to all newly recruited ECOWAS Volunteers;
  • Monitor performances of volunteers in service through routine field visits to their duty station, discussions with their supervisors and counterparts and follow up on their periodic reports.
  • Prepare analytical biannual reports on the Programme for the ECOWAS Country Office and copy the Programme’s Regional Office.
  • Ensure adequate preparation for the deployment of each volunteer, particularly by providing administrative support, budgets, training facilities, equipment, office space, etc., before sending the Volunteers out to the field.
  • Keep comprehensive and updated records on the contractual status of the incumbent Volunteers and initiate timely action on decisions for replacements.
  • As the Administrative and Finance Manager of the Country Office, manage finances and report regularly to the Regional Office in accordance with the rules and procedures governing the financial management of the Programme.

Promotion of the Volunteer Programme:

  • The Country Coordinator of ECOWAS Volunteers will study ways to connect with local expressions of volunteerism and volunteer organisation/ civil society organizations. S/He shall ensure the advocacy and promotion of volunteerism in the country of assignment. Specific efforts will be geared towards:
  • Advocating for the promotion of volunteerism in institutions hosting ECOWAS volunteers.
  • Contribute to the promotion of voluntary actions, particularly in the areas of social cohesion, conflict resolution, peace consolidation and poverty reduction.
  • Support and encourage local and national organizations in promoting volunteerism for sustainable human development
  • Promote and work with local practices of volunteerism and with people working together for the development of social capital, social integration, cohesion and solidarity.
  • Take action on ECOWAS recommendations in the area of peace building.

S/He will in particular:

  • Promote other volunteering initiatives
  • Contribute to the activities commemorating the annual ECOWAS Volunteers day (26 March), ECOWAS day (28 May) and the International Volunteers Day (5 December)
  • Work closely with the media to give wide publicity and create good awareness of the Programme in particular and ECOWAS in general.
  • Encourage serving Volunteers to embrace the ideals of volunteerism and to be the best defenders of voluntary service through training exercises and the provision of promotional materials.
  • Ensure the integration of volunteerism for peace in the country’s main development instruments, especially in the national human development reports (NHDR) and others.

Safety and Security Support:

  • Maintain constant dialogue with host agencies and ensure a continuous flow of current information on security issues among ECOWAS Volunteers ;
  • During field visits, evaluate the security situation at the duty station and make recommendations to the ECOWAS Country Office and the regional office, if necessary ;
  • Keep the regional office regularly informed of the security situation of the Volunteers.

Public relations, Partnerships and Networking:

  • Prepare, coordinate and disseminate informational material related to ECOWAS Volunteer Programme and the specific activities of the Volunteers to local and international media, the United Nations Volunteers Programme information service and the ECOWAS information services
  • Establish, build and maintain working relationships with all the organizations that use the services of the ECOWAS volunteers, particularly government institutions, NGOs and CBOs
  • Continually share information on the work of the Volunteers with partners to stimulate an interest in the ECOWAS Volunteers Programme.

Required Qualifications and Experiences

  • A Bachelor's Degree or its equivalent in the Arts, Social Sciences, Law, International Relations, Development Studies or any other appropriate discipline. Possession of a post-graduate degree is an advantage.


  • A minimum of 5 years’ experience in the field of development or capacity-building, organizational development, and/or management of volunteers ;
  • Proven knowledge of the socio-economic situation, cultural dimensions and political structure of ECOWAS countries ;
  • Knowledge of ECOWAS and the EVP system is an asset ;
  • Professional experience in a conflict/post conflict context is an asset;
  • Prior engagement as an ECOWAS Volunteer would be considered an advantage;
  • Prior service in an international institution or volunteering in a position of responsibility will be an additional asset.
  • Ability to coordinate multiple activities and to work under pressure.

Language Requirements:

  • Excellent knowledge of English is a must
  • A good working knowledge of one of the two official languages of ECOWAS (French and Portuguese) will be an asset
  • Knowledge of the other above-mentioned languages will be an advantage

Other Skills:

  • Computer knowledge (MS-Office/ Internet) ;
  • Excellent interpersonal skills;
  • Excellent communication skills
  • High level of advocacy, negotiation and presentation skills, development of team spirit and human resources management
  • High degree of personal initiative
  • Ability to work effectively in a multicultural team.

Conditions of Service

  • An initial contract for 12 months will be offered with a basic Monthly Living Allowance of $1571.88 or its equivalent in local currency.
  • At the beginning of the assignment, a settling-in grant will be paid, and a resettlement grant will be provided at the end of the assignment. Air transport from home country to the duty station and return at end of mission is also provided.
  • A life and health insurance cover for the incumbent of the position will be provided.
  • Other allowances and conditions of service as stipulated in the EVP management and Administration Manual and handbook of Conditions of service shall apply.

Other Conditions:

  • The position is open to nationals of all ECOWAS Member States (except Sierra Leone), aged not more than 38 years by the date of recruitment.
  • This position is considered a non-family ECOWAS International Volunteer position.
  • International ECOWAS Volunteers cannot serve in their own country of origin.
  • ECOWAS is committed to promoting gender equality and equity. To this end, female candidates are strongly encouraged.

Application Closing Date
1st December, 2021.

Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should send their Applications to:

using "Application for the Post of Country Coordinator, ECOWAS Volunteer Programme, Sierra Leone" as the subject of the email.

Click here for more information (Pdf)

Composition of Application

  • A signed letter of application/motivation addressed to the Director of ECOWAS /YSDC
  • A detailed Curriculum Vitae highlighting candidate’s experiences and skills
  • Certified copies of diplomas and certificates/work certificates


11.) Driver / Messenger


Location: Freetown, Sierra Leone
Category: National Volunteer
Type of Contract: ECOWAS Volunteers Programme
Expected Starting Date: 1st February, 2022
Duration: One (01) year, with possibility for extension (depending on budget availability and satisfactory performance)


  • The ECOWAS Youth and Sports Development Centre (EYSDC), was created by the Decision A/DEC.13/01/05 of 19th January 2005 at Accra, Ghana as a specialized Agency of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).
  • At the 32nd session of the ECOWAS Summit held in June 2007, the Heads of States and Government adopted a new approach to regional integration by approving a new global vision called the ECOWAS Vision 2020. The principal objective of this vision is to move the Community from an «ECOWAS of States» to an «ECOWAS of Peoples» by the year 2020.
  • Consequently, the EYSDC implements her policies, activities and strategic action plans, as well as the ECOWAS vision in the areas of youth and sports, including the ECOWAS Volunteers Programme. The EYSDC’s objective is to initiate, develop, coordinate and implement youth and sports programmes within the Community. To this end, it works to:
    • Mobilise the different segments of the population to ensure their integration and effective participation in the social development of the region, as well as the promotion of youth organisations and professional associations to ensure maximum participation in the activities of the Community;
    • Provide a permanent institutional framework within ECOWAS through which issues related to Youth and Sports activities in the sub-region can be developed and promoted.

Organizational Framework of the Centre

  • The Youth and Sports Development Centre (EYSDC) is one of the Directorates under the Social Affairs and Gender Department of the ECOWAS Commission. It is based in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) under the headquarters agreement signed between the Burkina Faso authorities and the ECOWAS Commission.
  • Decision N° A/DEC 13/01/2005 of 19th January 2005 had adopted the organizational structure comprising of four Divisions (Youth, Sports, Administration and Finance, and TIC). However, since 2008, the Centre has undergone some structural modifications following the transfer of the ECOWAS Volunteers Programme (EVP) from the Political Affairs, Peace and Security Department of the Commission (CPAPS) to the EYSDC, under the Social Affairs and Gender Department.
  • The EVP is centralized in organisation, but decentralized in its application to allow for flexibility and adaptation to the current realities of each country. The strategic directions, including the formulation of the overall vision, goals and objectives of the Programme, is the responsibility of the Regional Coordination Council (RCC), whose role, among others, is to ensure that the EVP becomes a genuine voluntary arm of ECOWAS.
  • Being a cross-cutting programme, the ECOWAS Volunteers Regional Coordination Council (RCC) includes representatives of relevant departments of the ECOWAS Commission. The RCC is chaired by the Commissioner for Social Affairs and Gender of the ECOWAS Commission. She is assisted by the Director of the ECOWAS Youth and Sports Development Centre (EYSDC), as Alternate Chairman of the RCC.
  • The executive arm of the RCC is the Regional Office, provided by the EYSDC in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). The programme’s regional coordination activities are coordinated by a Regional Coordinator under the supervision of the EYSDC Director. Although the EVP is under the Youth Division of the EYSDC, it is directly supervised by the EYSDC Director for effectiveness.
  • At the National level, the National Coordination Council (NCC) serves as the national body through which national policy guidelines for the Programme are given. This Council works towards the understanding and entrenchment of the Volunteer Programme in the national environment. It also serves as advisor to the country office, which is responsible for the coordination of the Programme at national level. The NCC is chaired by the Head of the ECOWAS National Office in the country. It is made up of Focal Points/Representatives of the various ministries, Civil Society Organisations, United Nations Agencies and local youth associations involved in the implementation of the Programme at the National level.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Under the overall supervision of the Country Coordinator and the direct supervision of the Programme Administrative Assistant, the incumbent will work as a Driver/Messenger to transport personnel of the Programme and other functional partners. S/He will:
  • Ensure the delivery and retrieval of mails, documents, folders, or specific goods.
  • Transport staff or visitors to town, or to other parts of the country or abroad.
  • Ensure daily maintenance of the vehicle (washing, cleaning and checking of the levels of: fuel, oil, water and tyre pressure, and top them up to appropriate levels).
  • Report any malfunctioning of the equipment and make repairs in authorized garages.
  • Maintain the logbook of the vehicle and keep accurate records of all expenses incurred.
  • Follow specific instructions, procedures and standards for efficient use of the vehicle to avoid damage to the vehicle, and to ensure the comfort and safety of the passengers.
  • Comply with the driving laws and regulation in force in the country as well as the procedures governing the use of ECOWAS and UNDP vehicles.
  • Ensure the update of all administrative documents of the vehicle.
  • Ensure the renewal of the vehicle insurance at least one (01) month before the expiration date
  • Carry out any other relevant task assigned by the Office.


  • A minimum of class 3 of Secondary School Education
  • A minimum of class B driver’s license


  • Minimum of 3 years working experience, good driving history. Very good knowledge of the highway code
  • Knowledge in auto mechanics will be an asset
  • Experience working with a regional or international organization would be considered an advantage.

Exigencies Linguistics:

  • A mastery of oral and written English language is a must.
  • Working knowledge of French is an asset.

Conditions of Service

  • An initial 12-month contract will be offered with a total basic monthly living allowance of US$ 497.5 or its equivalent in local currency.
  • A life and health insurance cover for the incumbent of the position will be provided.
  • Other allowances and conditions of service as stipulated in the EVP management and Administration Manual and handbook of Conditions of service shall apply.

Other Conditions:

  • The position is open to ONLY nationals of Sierra Leone, an ECOWAS Member State, aged not more than 38 years by the date of recruitment.
  • This position is considered a non-family ECOWAS National Volunteer position.
  • ECOWAS is committed to promoting gender equality and equity. To this end, female candidates are strongly encouraged.

Application Closing Date
1st December, 2021.

Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should send their Applications to:

using "Application for the Post of Driver/Messenger, Sierra Leone" as the subject of the email.

Click here for more information (PDF)

Composition of Application

  • A signed letter of application/motivation addressed to the Director, EYSDC, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso;
  • A detailed Curriculum Vitae highlighting specific skills and experiences of the candidate ;
  • Certified copies of certificates, diplomas and work certificates ;
  • A criminal record of less than three months.






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Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)

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Status: Open No of vacancies: 15 Job type: Full Time Salary: Negotiable Publish date: 20 Nov 2021

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Job tags: Nigeria , Sierra Leone

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