Job Vacancies at United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Nigeria – 5 Positions

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is recruiting to fill the following positions:

1.) National Constitution and Gender Expert (Nigerian House of Representatives)
2.) Host and Moderator
3.) National Constitution and Gender Expert (Nigerian Senate)
4.) Data Scientist (UNDP Knowledge Hub)
5.) Public Engagement, Outreach, and Partnerships Lead


The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the United Nations' global development network. It advocates for change and connects countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life for themselves. It provides expert advice, training and grants support to developing countries, with increasing emphasis on assistance to the least developed countries. It promotes technical and investment cooperation among nations.

Headquartered in New York City, the status of UNDP is that of an executive board within the United Nations General Assembly. The UNDP is funded entirely by voluntary contributions from UN member states. The organization operates in 177 countries, where it works with local governments to meet development challenges and develop local capacity.


See job details and how to apply below.


1.) National Constitution and Gender Expert (Nigerian House of Representatives)


Location: Abuja, Nigeria
Additional Category: Democratic Governance and Peacebuilding
Type of Contract: Individual Contract
Post Level: National Consultant
Starting Date: 30-Sep-2021 - (date when the selected candidate is expected to start)
Duration of Initial Contract: 60 working days spread over 3 months
Expected Duration of Assignment: 60 working days spread over 3 months

Organizational Context / Background:

  • Women in Nigeria face many challenges to entering and remaining engaged in politics. Undemocratic party nomination processes and negative gender stereotypes hinder women from taking on leadership positions in public life.
  • These are deeply entrenched in a patriarchal, male-dominant culture with minimal political will to make the changes needed to improve women’s political participation. Unequal skills and lack of financial capacity amongst other things are all barriers to women’s active engagement in politics.
  • The 2019 polls recorded a decline in the number of women elected into national and state legislatures. For instance, the Center for Democracy and Development (CDD) Report[1] revealed that 2,970 women were on the electoral ballot, representing only 11.36% of nominated candidates. Only 62 women were elected representing 4.17% of the elected officials. This figure represents a decline from the 2015-19 period, when women formed 5.65% of elected officials and risks declining further without robust action to reverse the trend.
  • Nigeria is entering into a critical stage of its election cycle, with only two years until the 2023 elections. Support for enhancing women’s participation and leadership in decision-making is critical to Nigeria’s development and recovery processes and ensures that gains made in promoting women’s political representation are not lost.
  • Against this backdrop, UNDP will be collaborating with UN Women to support legal reforms to promote women’s political participation in Nigeria.
  • UNDP is the United Nations’ global development network with the mandate of advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience, and resources to help people build a better life. UNDP has been supporting the government and people of Nigeria to address developmental challenges through strengthening and building institutions that promote inclusive sustainable development and democratic governance.
  • UN Women, on the other hand, grounded in the vision of equality as enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security.
  • Placing women’s rights at the center of all its efforts, UN Women leads and coordinates the United Nations System’s efforts to ensure that commitments on gender equality and gender mainstreaming translate into action throughout the world. It provides strong and coherent leadership in support of Member States’ priorities and efforts, building effective partnerships with civil society and other relevant actors.
  • Women’s political participation and leadership is a priority area of focus for the UN Women Nigeria Country Office.
  • In the same vein, UNDP focuses on the promotion of inclusive governance which entails active participation of marginalized groups such as women in politics and governance.
  • Nigeria has ratified and is a party to several international and regional instruments on women’s rights such as the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, as well as the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa.
  • However, critical challenges remain in the application and domestication of such frameworks, ranking Nigeria among the lowest in Africa for women’s representation in government.
  • In line with the above, UN Women in Nigeria is currently supporting the ongoing constitutional review process in Nigeria, which commenced in early February 2020, to improve the normative framework and to strengthen and protect women’s rights.
  • The Senate Constitutional Review Committee’s (SCRC) Plan of Action includes: (1) A call for memoranda which delineates scope of work relating to different thematic areas; (2) The establishment of a technical team of consultants to analyze all submissions and turn them into operations for the relevant sections of the constitution; (3) Virtual and physical outreach to collate views and opinions of Nigerians; (4) The SCRC is to present its report to the Senate Plenary by June 2021.
  • UN Women’s support to the review process to date has included a gender analysis of the 1999 constitution, highlighting discriminatory provisions and making formulations for amendments.
  • Furthermore, UN Women has supported the development of draft bills to promote gender equality in consultation with key stakeholders such as civil society and the constitutional review committee.
  • In January 2021, UN Women supported the senate constitutional review committee’s technical team of consultants to convene a retreat to analyze memoranda submitted by several interest groups.
  • More recently, UN Women supported to mobilize women groups and male allies to participate in the constitution review public hearings in May 2021, to amplify women’s voices and the need for reforms to promote women’s rights and gender equality.
  • UN Women has deployed a gender and constitutional technical expert who has been supporting the SCRC to ensure gender is mainstreamed in the process and the adoption of gender-sensitive reforms.
  • The expert has so far been an invaluable resource to the SCRC, being the only female in a team of 20 technical consultants supporting the SCRC. The SCRC is currently at the fourth stage of the review process, a critical stage where amendment reforms are being adopted to be presented to the senate plenary.
  • UN Women has also made notable investments to advance passage of the ‘Gender and Equal Opportunities Bill’ through the provision of both technical and funding support toward passage of the GEO Bill, including funding of the National Coalition on Affirmative Action to mobilize attendance from women’s groups for the public hearing on the GEO Bill in 2018.
  • UN Women facilitated a consultative dialogue with the Senators’ Wives Forum, His Eminence, the Sultan of Sokoto, Cardinal Onaiyekan and a coalition of women’s religious groups to examine and identify points of disagreement within the Bill and elicit support for its passage. Current efforts include support to a GEOB Technical Working Committee (TWC) established in September 2020 to drive the process of passing the GEOB into law
  • Against this background, UNDP in collaboration with UN Women will also be providing support to the House of Representatives Committee on Constitutional Review to mainstream gender in the review process and ensure that the adoption of gender reforms to protect women’s rights and promote gender equality by the review committee. Furthermore, the collaboration with UNDP will be geared towards sustaining UN Women’s current support to the efforts by TWC to pass GEOB into law.
  • This partnership between UNDP and UN Women is aimed at strengthening legal reforms to enhance women’s political participation. It is along this line that UNDP and UN Women seek to engage a gender and constitutional expert to provide support to the HoR at this critical stage of the review process, to guarantee that gains made in the review process so far are not lost, and concurrently support efforts towards passage of the GEOB.

Duties and Responsibilities
Purpose and Objectives of the Assignment:

  • The purpose of this short-term consultancy is to support UNDP and UN Women to provide gender technical expertise to support parallel efforts of the ongoing constitution review process and passage of the GEOB through engagement of a gender and constitutional consultant.

Specific Objectives:

  • Support the House of Representatives (HoR) review committee to mainstream gender in the constitution review process, particularly in the analysis of constitution review proposals and to make recommendations for the adoption of gender sensitive reforms.
  • To track progress of gender bills in the constitution review process and work with the HoR legal draftsperson to strengthen existing bills relevant to women’s rights and gender equality, particularly around women’s political participation.
  • Develop a strategy for engaging CSOs and other key stakeholders to advocate for the adoption of gender reforms in the ongoing review process.
  • Support advocacy efforts towards passage of the GEOB.
  • Liaise and share information with the UN Women Consultant supporting the review process in the Senate to synergize efforts in both houses of assembly.

Main Tasks - The consultant will support the constitutional review committee of the National Assembly, and perform the following tasks:

  • Support to the House of Representatives Constitution Review Committee
  • Be a part of the technical team of consultants supporting the work of the HoR Constitution Review Committee.
  • Attend all meetings of the HoR constitution review committee and make presentations and provide strong justification for the adoption of gender-sensitive reforms.
  • Work closely with the lead consultant of the HoR review committee, clerk of the committee and legal draftsperson to analyze proposed bills from a gender perspective and track progress of gender bills.

Advocacy for passage of the GEOB:

  • One-on-one outreach to technical consultants of the HoR to sensitize them and advocate for the adoption of gender reforms in the ongoing constitution review process.
  • Package of background and reference materials on the constitutional review process including the HoR’s plan of action to inform advocacy initiatives.
  • In collaboration with the consultant supporting the senate, conduct consultations with CSOs and other key stakeholders to develop a strategy for engaging the National Assembly to ensure the adoption of gender sensitive reforms.
  • Presentations on the constitution review process and proposed gender reforms to selected opinion leaders, such as the Nigeria Governors Forum (NGF), etc.
  • Presentations to key stakeholders on the GEOB process to create awareness and correct misconceptions.


  • Provide monthly updates on all HoR and joint meetings with the SCRC.
  • Mid-assignment report highlighting achievements, challenges, opportunities, and recommendations for improved engagement on the gender-sensitive constitution and passage of GEOB.
  • Provide end of consultancy report of UN Women/UNDP’s support to the HoR constitution review committee and on GEOB with compilation of lessons learned from UN Women’s support to the constitution review process and efforts to pass the GEOB.


  • Monthly updates on all HoR and joint meetings with the SCRC.
  • Mid-assignment report.
  • End of consultancy report.

Hiring Agency and Specific Consultancy Requirement:

  • UN Women in collaboration with UNDP is seeking the services of a national consultant with strong experience in legal framework, the development of gender-sensitive laws in Nigeria, policy review and development and strong knowledge of the Nigerian 1999 constitution.
  • The National consultant should have a background in constitutional law with strong linkages with the Nigerian National Assembly.

Core Values:

  • Integrity: Demonstrates consistency in upholding and promoting the values of UNDP and UN Women in actions and decisions, in line with the UN Code of Conduct.
  • Professionalism: Demonstrates professional competence and expert knowledge of the pertinent substantive areas of work.
  • Respect for Diversity: Demonstrates an appreciation of the multi-cultural nature of the organization and the diversity of its staff. Demonstrates an international outlook, appreciating difference in values and learning from cultural diversity.


  • Ethics and Values: Demonstrate and safeguard ethics and integrity.
  • Organizational Awareness: Demonstrate corporate knowledge and sound judgment.
  • Development and Innovation: Take charge of self-development and take initiative.
  • Teamwork: Demonstrate ability to work in a multicultural, multi-ethnic environment and to maintain effective working relations with people of different national and cultural backgrounds.
  • Communication and Information Sharing: Facilitate and encourage open communication and strive for effective communication.
  • Self-management and Emotional Intelligence: Stay composed and positive even in difficult moments, handle tense situations with diplomacy and tact, and have a consistent behavior towards others.
  • Conflict Management: Surface conflicts and address them proactively acknowledging different feelings and views and directing energy towards a mutually acceptable solution.
  • Continuous Learning and Knowledge Sharing: Encourage learning and sharing of knowledge.

Appropriate and Transparent Decision Making: Demonstrate informed and transparent decision making.

Required Skills and Experience
Education and certification:

  • PhD in Legal Studies
  • Special focus on constitutional law/studies is desirable


  • At least 15 years of experience in law and legal research.
  • Experience in combination of gender analysis and legal frameworks/constitutions is mandatory.
  • Proven experience in conducting legal research and drafting bills.
  • Experience in presenting research papers and facilitating working sessions.
  • Strong ties with the National Assembly and the GEOB TWC.
  • Experience with UN Intergovernmental processes including those related to women’s empowerment, gender mainstreaming and gender equality.
  • Proven experience working with the National Assembly on law reforms.
  • Strong knowledge of the Nigerian 1999 Constitution.
  • Experience of working with multi-stakeholder organizations is essential: governments, CSOs, and the UN/ multilateral/bilateral institutions.
  • Excellent analytical and reporting skills.

Language Requirements:

  • Fluency in written and spoken English is required.

Application Closing Date
23rd September, 2021 (Midnight New York, USA).

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click here to apply online


  • UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.
  • UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.


2.) Host and Moderator


Location: Lagos, Nigeria
Post Level: National Consultant
Additional Category: Management
Type of Contract: Individual Contract
Starting Date: 08-Oct-2021 - (date when the selected candidate is expected to start)
Duration of Initial Contract: 30 Days
Expected Duration of Assignment: 30 Days


  • In 2019, UNDP built the world’s largest and fastest learning network on sustainable development challenges with the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany and the Qatar Fund for Development as founding investors, and support from Italy and UNDP core donors is creating actionable intelligence, test solutions with national partners.
  • The Accelerator Lab is part of UNDP’s drive to be an incubator for the future to accelerate progress to the 2030 Agenda and is designed to close the gap between the current practices of international development in an accelerated pace of change.
  • Modelling a new capability to make breakthroughs on the future of development: inequality, decarbonization, the 4th industrial revolution and new forms of governance. With 270 Lab team members bringing bright, unusual talent and experience in prototyping, citizen generated data, artificial intelligence and machine learning which are providing huge contribution to the development sector.
  • UNDP Nigeria will launch the first-ever Accelerator Lab in Lagos, Nigeria, in the effort to expedite development while augmenting the existing capabilities of the Country Office. The Accelerator Lab in Nigeria is part of the second cohort of labs established between 2020 and 2021, and it is one of the last to launch within this global network.
  • The launch event will showcase the journey of the lab as it tackles the frontier challenge of youth unemployment, engagement with stakeholders, and innovations across the country. The event will also spotlight existing innovation hubs across Nigeria.
  • In addition, the launch will also provide an opportunity to engage with stakeholders from different regions within the country in order to gain diverse perspectives and better understand, map and analyze the youth unemployment issue in Nigeria.
  • UNDP Nigeria is looking for a qualified and engaging personality to host and moderate a one-day hybrid (virtual and in-person) launch of the Accelerator Lab in Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria. The location is yet to be determined; the date is 13th October 2021.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • The Host and Moderator will be required to work with UNDP Nigeria Accelerator Lab to facilitate and ensure smooth flow of the launch program, dynamic, interesting and balanced discussions, including continuity of the session to individual presentations and plenary discussions. Specifically, the host and moderator will, among others, be required to perform the following tasks:
    • Before the launch
    • Be familiar with the core mandate of UNDP Acc Lab.
    • Ensure that they are familiar with the VIP guests, speakers, their bio data, and their names.
  • Meet before the launch to define the strategy they will use to run the launch event. This will ensure an interesting exchange of information with the active participation of both the physical and online audience.
  • Identify suitable, to-the-point questions targeted at the panel discussion during the launch presentation - in case no questions come from the audience.

During the launch:

  • Monitor the time of the presentation, informing the speaker (if necessary) of the time left or to conclude his/her presentation.
  • Give the floor to the audience for questions, remarks, comments, etc. to avoid unnecessary discussion and long monologues.
  • Provide time for the speakers to reply or comment on questions and issues raised by the audience. If necessary, redirect questions to the speakers to highlight the most important issues (if time is running short).
  • Engage the online as well as physical audience during intermissions and audience interactions.
  • Present a summary of the discussion, emphasizing any conclusions and recommendations after intermission.
  • Close the sessions.

Time frame of assignment:

  • That the launch will be held on October 13th, 2021. All interested parties will be expected to submit a proposal for hosting and moderating the event by deadline.  The service will be delivered from 8th to the 13th of October 2021.

Key Deliverables
The following needs should be met by the host and moderator: Deliver an engaging and memorable experience during the Launch event:

  • Conclude on an engagement strategy for the Launch.
  • Conduct a dry run with the Accelerator Lab team
  • Produce draft questions for the Launch and share with the Accelerator Lab.
  • Host the launch event.

Required Skills and Experience

  • The host must have some level of education with the minimum requirement of at least completing secondary school, however having a higher degree will be of an advantage.


  • Extensive experience in stage management and engaging audience.
  • Ability to manage time and facilitate events.
  • Extensive knowledge of development in addition to probing stakeholders with clear questions and summary of responses.
  • Engage the online as well as physical audience during intermissions and audience interactions.
  • Present a summary of the discussion, emphasizing any conclusions and recommendations after intermission.
  • Minimum of 3 years professional expertise event hosting and management and communication.
  • Good professional knowledge of the Nigerian governance context and the UNDP.

Language Requirements:

  • Fluency in both written and spoken English.

Selection Criteria:

  • Education degree in communication, administration, or other relevant fields. 15 points
  • Extensive experience in hosting events and managing audiences with a strong working knowledge on development issues. 40 points
  • Level of Social media expertise and activities with fans and followers. 25 points
  • Good professional knowledge of the Nigerian governance and innovation ecosystem context. 20 points


  • The Host and moderator will have demonstrated the ability to host successfully at least 5 large and small-scale events with at least 3 years of experience as host/facilitator/moderator in events, workshops conferences, training and similar activities. The following are some of the competencies the host must possess:

Core Values:

  • Respect for Diversity
  • Integrity
  • Professionalism
  • Strong verbal and communication skills
  • Ability to remain impartial, open-minded, and unbiased.

Core Competencies:

  • Demonstrate high level of listening and communication ability.
  • Strong working knowledge of the UN and its mandate in Nigeria, and more specifically the work of UNDP in support of government.
  • Demonstrate understanding of local innovation ecosystem.
  • Ability to build rapport- smile, make eye contact, and allow introductions; create a warm, supportive, and comfortable environment.
  • Remain neutral yet involved- maintain objectivity both verbally and non-verbally.
  • Ability to flow with the conversation, pause, probe and ask questions that are clear
  • Acknowledge and Respect- recognize participants, respect various points of view.
  • Practice good Organization/Management Skills- practice the guide, prepare for the unexpected; keep the discussion moving, focused, and within the established timeframe.
  • Have basic knowledge of development in line with focus area of the Lab. basic information on unemployment and underemployment with the interventions of UNDP.
  • Be enthusiastic and attentive- have a high energy level; pay attention to participants- recognize group dynamics.
  • Having a Sense of Humor- laughter helps and keeps audience relaxed, encourages sharing of information, and helps the moderator maintain a human connection.

Application Closing Date
23rd September 2021 (Midnight New York, USA).

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click here to apply online


  • UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.
  • UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.


3.) National Constitution and Gender Expert (Nigerian Senate)


Location: Abuja, Nigeria
Additional Category: Democratic Governance and Peacebuilding
Type of Contract: Individual Contract
Post Level: National Consultant
Duration of Initial Contract: 60 working days spread over 3 months
Expected Duration of Assignment: 60 working days spread over 3 months

Organizational Context / Background

  • Women in Nigeria face many challenges to entering and remaining engaged in politics. Undemocratic party nomination processes and negative gender stereotypes hinder women from taking on leadership positions in public life.
  • These are deeply entrenched in a patriarchal, male-dominant culture with minimal political will to make the changes needed to improve women’s political participation. Unequal skills and lack of financial capacity amongst other things are all barriers to women’s active engagement in politics.
  • The 2019 polls recorded a decline in the number of women elected into national and state legislatures. For instance, the Center for Democracy and Development (CDD) Report[1] revealed that 2,970 women were on the electoral ballot, representing only 11.36% of nominated candidates. Only 62 women were elected representing 4.17% of the elected officials.
  • This figure represents a decline from the 2015-19 period, when women formed 5.65% of elected officials and risks declining further without robust action to reverse the trend. Nigeria is entering into a critical stage of its election cycle, with only two years until the 2023 elections. Support for enhancing women’s participation and leadership in decision-making is critical to Nigeria’s development and recovery processes and ensures that gains made in promoting women’s political representation are not lost.
  • Against this backdrop, UNDP will be collaborating with UN Women to support legal reforms to promote women’s political participation in Nigeria.
  • UNDP is the United Nations’ global development network with the mandate of advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience, and resources to help people build a better life. UNDP has been supporting the government and people of Nigeria to address developmental challenges through strengthening and building institutions that promote inclusive sustainable development and democratic governance.
  • UN Women, on the other hand, grounded in the vision of equality as enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security. Placing women’s rights at the center of all its efforts, UN Women leads and coordinates the United Nations System’s efforts to ensure that commitments on gender equality and gender mainstreaming translate into action throughout the world. It provides strong and coherent leadership in support of Member States’ priorities and efforts, building effective partnerships with civil society and other relevant actors.
  • Women’s political participation and leadership is a priority area of focus for the UN Women Nigeria Country Office. In the same vein, UNDP focuses on the promotion of inclusive governance which entails active participation of marginalized groups such as women in politics and governance.
  • Nigeria has ratified and is party to several international and regional instruments on women’s rights such as Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, as well as the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa. However, critical challenges remain in the application and domestication of such frameworks, ranking Nigeria among the lowest in Africa for women’s representation in government.
  • In line with the above, UN Women in Nigeria is currently supporting the ongoing constitutional review process in Nigeria which commenced in early February 2020, to improve the normative framework and to strengthen and protect women’s rights. The Senate Constitutional Review Committee’s (SCRC) Plan of Action includes: (1) A call for memoranda which delineates scope of work relating to different thematic areas; (2) Establishment of a technical team of consultants to analyze all submissions and turn them into operations for the relevant sections of the constitution; (3) Virtual and physical outreach to collate views and opinions of Nigerians; (4) The SCRC is to present its report to the Senate Plenary by June 2021.
  • UN Women’s support to the review process to date has included a gender analysis of the 1999 constitution, highlighting discriminatory provisions and making formulations for amendments. Furthermore, UN Women has supported the development of draft bills to promote gender equality in consultation with key stakeholders such as civil society and the constitutional review committee. In January 2021, UN Women supported the senate constitutional review committee’s technical team of consultants to convene a retreat to analyze memoranda submitted by several interest groups. More recently, UN Women supported to mobilize women groups and male allies to participate in the constitution review public hearings in May 2021, to amplify women’s voices and the need for reforms to promote women’s rights and gender equality. UN Women has deployed a gender and constitutional technical expert who has been supporting the SCRC to ensure gender is mainstreamed in the process and the adoption of gender-sensitive reforms.
  • The expert has so far been an invaluable resource to the SCRC, being the only female in a team of 20 technical consultants supporting the SCRC.  The SCRC is currently at the fourth stage of the review process, a critical stage where amendment reforms are being adopted to be presented to the senate plenary.
  • UN Women has also made notable investments to advance the passage of the ‘Gender and Equal Opportunities Bill’ through the provision of both technical and funding support toward passage of the GEO Bill, including funding of the National Coalition on Affirmative Action to mobilize attendance from women’s groups for the public hearing on the GEO Bill in 2018. UN Women facilitated a consultative dialogue with the Senators’ Wives Forum, His Eminence, the Sultan of Sokoto, Cardinal Onaiyekan and a coalition of women’s religious groups to examine and identify points of disagreement within the Bill and elicit support for its passage. Current efforts include support to a GEOB Technical Working Committee (TWC) established in September 2020 to drive the process of passing the GEOB into law.
  • Against this background, UNDP will be collaborating with UN Women to sustain the current support to the SCRC to ensure the final adoption of gender reforms to protect women’s rights and promote gender equality by the review committee. Furthermore, the collaboration with UNDP will be geared towards sustaining UN Women’s current support to the efforts by TWC to pass GEOB into law.  This partnership between UNDP and UN Women is aimed at strengthening legal reforms to enhance women’s political participation. It is along this line that UNDP and UN Women seek to engage a gender and constitutional expert to provide support to the SCRC at this critical stage of the review process, to guarantee that gains made in the review process so far are not lost, and concurrently support efforts towards passage of the GEOB.

Duties and Responsibilities
Purpose and Objectives of the Assignment:

  • The purpose of this short-term consultancy is to support UNDP and UN Women to provide gender technical expertise to support parallel efforts of the ongoing constitution review process and passage of the GEOB through the engagement of a gender and constitutional expert.

Specific Objectives

  • Support the SCRC to mainstream gender in the constitution review process, particularly in the analysis of constitution review proposals and to make recommendations for the adoption of gender sensitive reforms.
  • To track progress of gender bills in the constitution review process and work with the senate legal draftsperson to strengthen existing bills relevant to women’s rights and gender equality, particularly around women’s political participation.
  • Develop a strategy for engaging CSOs and other key stakeholders to advocate for the adoption of gender reforms in the ongoing review process.
  • Support advocacy efforts towards passage of the GEOB.
  • Liaise and share information with the UN Women Consultant supporting the review process in the House of Representatives to synergize efforts in both houses of assembly.

Main Tasks
The consultant will support the constitutional review committee of the National Assembly, and perform the following tasks:

Support to the Senate Constitution Review Committee:

  • Be a part of the technical team of consultants supporting the work of the Senate Constitution Review Committee.
  • Attend all meetings of the senate constitution review committee and make presentation and provide strong justification for the adoption of gender-sensitive reforms.
  • Work closely with the lead consultant of the SCRC, clerk of the committee and legal draftsperson to analyze proposed bills from a gender perspective and track progress of gender bills.

Advocacy for passage of the GEOB:

  • One-on-one outreach to technical consultants of the SCRC to sensitize them and advocate for the adoption of gender reforms in the ongoing constitution review process.
  • Package of background and reference materials on the constitutional review process including the SCRC plan of action to inform advocacy initiatives.
  • In collaboration with the consultant supporting the HoR constitution review committee, conduct consultations with CSOs and other key stakeholders to develop a strategy for engaging the National Assembly to ensure adoption of gender sensitive reforms.
  • Presentations on the constitution review process and proposed gender reforms to selected opinion leaders, such as the Nigeria Governors Forum (NGF), etc.
  • Presentations to key stakeholders on the GEOB process to create awareness and correct misconceptions.


  • Provide monthly updates on all SCRC and joint meetings with the HoR.
  • Mid-assignment report highlighting achievements, challenges, opportunities, and recommendations for improved engagement on the gender-sensitive constitution and passage of GEOB.
  • Provide end of consultancy report of UN Women/UNDP’s support to the HoR constitution review committee and on GEOB with compilation of lessons learned from UN Women’s support to the constitution review process and efforts to pass the GEOB.


  • Monthly updates on all HoR and joint meetings with the SCRC.
  • Mid-assignment report.
  • End of consultancy report.

Hiring Agency and Specific Consultancy Requirement:

  • UN Women in collaboration with UNDP is seeking the services of a national consultant with strong experience in legal framework, the development of gender-sensitive laws in Nigeria, policy review and development and strong knowledge of the Nigerian 1999 constitution. The National consultant should have a background in constitutional law with strong linkages with the Nigerian National Assembly.

Required Skills and Experience
Education and certification:

  • PhD in Legal Studies
  • Special focus on constitutional law/studies is desirable


  • At least 15 years of experience in law and legal research.
  • Experience in combination of gender analysis and legal frameworks/constitutions is mandatory.
  • Proven experience in conducting legal research and drafting bills.
  • Experience in presenting research papers and facilitating working sessions.
  • Strong ties with the National Assembly and the GEOB TWC
  • Experience with UN Intergovernmental processes including those related to women’s empowerment, gender mainstreaming and gender equality.
  • Proven experience working with the National Assembly on law reforms.
  • Strong knowledge of the Nigerian 1999 Constitution.
  • Experience of working with multi-stakeholder organizations is essential: governments, CSOs, and the UN/ multilateral/bilateral institutions.
  • Excellent analytical and reporting skills

Language Requirements:

  • Fluency in written and spoken English is required

Core Values:

  • Integrity: Demonstrates consistency in upholding and promoting the values of UNDP and UN Women in actions and decisions, in line with the UN Code of Conduct.
  • Professionalism: Demonstrates professional competence and expert knowledge of the pertinent substantive areas of work.
  • Respect for Diversity: Demonstrates an appreciation of the multi-cultural nature of the organization and the diversity of its staff. Demonstrates an international outlook, appreciating difference in values and learning from cultural diversity.


  • Ethics and Values: Demonstrate and safeguard ethics and integrity.
  • Organizational Awareness: Demonstrate corporate knowledge and sound judgment.
  • Development and Innovation: Take charge of self-development and take initiative.
  • Teamwork: Demonstrate ability to work in a multicultural, multi-ethnic environment and to maintain effective working relations with people of different national and cultural backgrounds.
  • Communication and Information Sharing: Facilitate and encourage open communication and strive for effective communication.
  • Self-management and Emotional Intelligence: Stay composed and positive even in difficult moments, handle tense situations with diplomacy and tact, and have a consistent behavior towards others.
  • Conflict Management: Surface conflicts and address them proactively acknowledging different feelings and views and directing energy towards a mutually acceptable solution.
  • Continuous Learning and Knowledge Sharing: Encourage learning and sharing of knowledge.
  • Appropriate and Transparent Decision Making: Demonstrate informed and transparent decision making.

Application Closing Date
23rd September, 2021.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click here to apply online


4.) Data Scientist (UNDP Knowledge Hub)


Location: Abuja, Nigeria
Additional Category: Management
Type of Contract: Individual Contract
Post Level: International Consultant
Starting Date: 01-Oct-2021 (date when the selected candidate is expected to start)
Duration of Initial Contract: 30 Days
Expected Duration of Assignment: 30 Days

Background and Rationale  

  • UNDP Nigeria has established a Knowledge Hub to enhance its ability to make timely and evidence-based interventions, particularly in areas of Preventing and Responding to Violent Extremism, conflict prevention and human security.
  • A new type of ‘development intelligence gathering’, i.e. continuous monitoring and data collection, is crucial to inform UNDP’s work for early warning, adjust interventions to maximize preventive efforts and initiate new thematic approaches.
  • Trend analyses and ad-hoc policy briefs will also inform interventions of UNDP’s development partners in this field.
  • Through harnessing the potential offered by both old and new sources of data, it is UNDP’s hope that the accuracy and precision of its development responses are increased and a strong foundation for meaningful public policy making, efficient resource allocation and effective public service delivery is created.
  • The ultimate objective of the Knowledge Hub is to harness data, including real time data, for development through providing evidence-based intelligence that can be translated to meaningful policies and planning for development impact.
  • Part of the strategy of the Knowledge Hub includes the use of digital real-time data analytics and data mining to strengthen human security, improve provision of services and support the development of sustainable cities and communities.
  • To achieve this goals, UNDP Nigeria is looking for a Data Scientist to apply data mining techniques (anomaly detection, association learning, cluster detection, classification, and predictive modeling) to create actionable insights from a broad range of structured and unstructured data that is growing rapidly in scale.
  • In addition, given monumental secondary impact of COVID-19 in the country, UNDP’s support to the Governement’s strategy to reestablish conditions for quick recovery and return to a path of economic growth, improved social contract and overall human development that can foster more inclusive societies in the future.
  • A key foundation for this is availing rapid intelligence gathering, R&D support and Data Innovation, to provide the much-needed socio-economic trend analysis to compliment epidemiological analytics that will frame the risk stratification in society and across sectors with policy actions for the immediate long term.
  • UNDP therefore seeks the expertise of a Data Scientist to work with the Knowledge Hub for the acquisition, analysis and visualization of data from a variety of sources in order to:
    • Help understand emerging human vulnerabilities to socio-economic shocks,
    • Detect and highlight patterns that could indicate how people are coping with emerging hardship, and
    • Gather evidence of changes in behavior and perception correlated with public sector policies and programmes.

Duties and Responsibilities

Scope of Work:

  • Under the direct supervision of the Knowledge Hub Coordinator, the Data Scientist will:
  • Define, design and implement research projects harnessing Big Data to improve both understanding of population behavior, needs, and vulnerabilities as well as capacity to monitor and evaluate the impacts of public sector polices and programmes;
  • Perform data discovery studies and software prototypes. Assist in developing new approaches to detecting events, and trends within real-time data sources such as mobile technology as well as online media, social networks, imagery, geospatial data, communications logs, transaction records, etc.;
  • Write code and scripts to perform data cleaning, analysis and modeling;
  • Document advances in big data and artificial intelligence including sectoral deep dives in fields such as human security and service provision;
  • Support and coordinate data innovation projects with multiple partners including UN agencies, government entities, the private sector and academia;
  • Design and implement statistical data quality procedures around new data sources in the context of their application to development and humanitarian issues;
  • Implement any software required for accessing and handling data appropriately;
  • Produce high quality written technical reports and visualize data findings creatively in a variety of formats;
  • Draft and review project proposals, concept notes and scientific articles;
  • Prepare presentations and communication materials as required;
  • Support and advise the Knowledge Hub activities as required;
  • Interact with the global community through a variety of media.

Areas of research and exploration include:

  • Estimating higher frequency and more granular population-related metrics such as vulnerability and migration through alternative data such as cellular phone use
  • Characterization and modelling of regional traffic patterns
  • Extracting sentiment from social media such as Twitter.

Expected Outcome/ Deliverables
The Expert will be expected to deliver the following for each project:

  • A research brief or presentation deck detailing the research question, statistical and enginering methodology, results, technical recommendations for practical use, and policy implications.
  • Well-documented code in either the R or Python programming language that allows other technical staff to use.
  • Supporting visualizations that enable intuitive communication with stakeholders.

Required Skills and Experience
Qualifications and Experience:

  • Proven experience in conducting various methods of statistical analysis including machine learning, predictive modeling;
  • Proven ability to translate findings statistical findings to policy recommendations
  • Ability to lead the statistical analysis and to combine with broader analytical trends and observations. This work includes explaining and applying findings and recommendations following the assessment;
  • Proven experience writing procedure documents and analysis reports for an international audience.
  • Excellent command of English



  • Ability to make new and useful ideas work
  • Level 4: Adept with complex concepts and challenges convention purposefully


  • Sharing knowledge across the organization and building a culture of knowledge sharing and learning.
  • Level 4: Synthesizes information to communicate independent analysis


  • Ability to get things done while exercising good judgement
  • Level 5: Critically assesses value and relevance of existing policy / practice and contributes to enhanced delivery of products, services, and innovative solutions

Technical expertise:

  • Knowledge of advanced data analytics, including methodologies related to big data and data science.
  • Level 4: Apply & Adapt: Contributes skills and knowledge with demonstrated ability to advance innovation and continuous improvement, in professional area of expertise

Knowledge Management:

  • Ability to capture, develop, share and effectively use information and knowledge.
  • Level 4: Apply & Adapt: Contributes skills and knowledge with demonstrated ability to advance innovation and continuous improvement, in professional area of expertise

Gender Sensitivity

  • Demonstrates awareness and sensitivity regarding gender issues;
  • Level 4: Apply & Adapt: Contributes skills and knowledge with demonstrated ability to advance innovation and continuous improvement, in professional area of expertise

Report Writing:

  • Ability to prepare quality reports.
  • Level 4: Apply & Adapt: Contributes skills and knowledge with demonstrated ability to advance innovation and continuous improvement, in professional area of expertise
  • Data Analysis/Measurement Ability to evaluate, transform and  model data to derive relevant findings.
  • Level 4: Apply & Adapt: Contributes skills and knowledge with demonstrated ability to advance innovation and continuous improvement, in professional area of expertise

Application Closing Date
17th September, 2021; (Midnight New York, USA)

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click here to apply online


  • UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.
  • UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.


5.) Public Engagement, Outreach, and Partnerships Lead


Job ID: 39596
Location: Abuja, Nigeria
Grade: P3
Vacancy Type: FTA International
Posting Type: Common System
Contract Duration: 1 Year with possibility for extension
Practice Area - Job Family: Management - Public Engagement and Partnerships


  • UNDP is systemically changing how its institutional and programmatic activities are portrayed and financed. Country Offices are now compelled to unlock new innovative partnerships and business models that enable programmes, projects, and services that support countries to accelerate sustainable development.
  • Adopting a new resource management paradigm, as the global funding landscape for development cooperation is transforming requires the enabling self-sustaining initiatives that are people centered, results oriented and impactful.
  • As a result, dynamic positioning of UNDP for emerging opportunities that help communities to address the complex and evolving development challenges is core to country office programming and delivery.
  • UNDP has identified partnerships and communications as a core strategic area of growth in support of its work at global, regional and country level. Focus on this area is motivated by the new demands posed by the 2030 and 2063 Agendas, which require of concerted actions from all development actors, in order to achieve their ambitious goals for socioeconomic transformation and sustainable development.
  • It is also driven by the growing number of development actors active in the development landscape and the demands that this places on UNDP as convener of national and regional policy dialogue and facilitator of development partnerships.
  • In Nigeria, UNDP works with its national counterparts to the government implement its development priorities towards achievement of sustainable development.
  • The work is guided by global, regional and national development and normative frameworks to which Nigeria is signatory to, including the 2030 Agenda and Agenda 2063.
  • Achieving these core strategic ambitions at country level requires UNDP to take action in a number of areas that support programmatic delivery in crisis and post-crisis settings, to national capacity development, the provision of innovative policy advice to national governments, or the convening of national dialogues around key development issues.
  • To support this work successfully, the UNDP Nigeria intends to engage qualified professionals to support the reimagination of its development offer and support the acceleration the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through integration of community voices, ideas and action as informed by context, leaving no one behind.
  • To support its work in this area, the UNDP Nigeria country office intends to engage a professional expert to support the reimagination of its outreach, partnerships and public engagement initiatives and function.
  • Under the direct supervision and guidance of the Resident Representative, the Public engagement, Outreach, and Partnerships Lead is expected to provide creative, innovative, visionary and strategic leadership to the country office, through distinct approaches and tangible actions that helps to position UNDP Nigeria  in key development areas as a thought leader in ways that boost demand for various service lines and increase overall business opportunities.
  • The incumbent will invest time and experience in proactive public engagement and management for the benefit of the country office and its partners, with the aim of enhancing UNDP's programmatic profile and promote accountability and, public engagement.
  • With the leadership of the Resident Representative and in consultation with the Deputy Resident Representatives (Programmes and Operations) the incumbent will ensure support for inter-agency/multi-sector partnerships and collaboration through critical actions geared towards the strategic positioning, partnership building and business development  with a view to influence the development agenda and, mobilize political and financial support for UNDP.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Design and implementation of public engagement and outreach initiatives
  • Strategic positioning and partnerships (corporate/private and public sector)
  • Proactive Media engagement and management
  • Knowledge Development and Management
  • Effective team management

Ensures design and implementation of public engagement and outreach initiatives focusing on the following results:

  • Curates and oversees implementation of the country office public engagement and outreach strategies based on goals and priorities
  • Assesses the impact of the country office public engagement and outreach implementation and makes adjustments accordingly as informed by trends, media and audience analysis
  • Integrates issue-based and people-centered advocacy around key priority areas relevant to UNDP's work in Nigeria in support of accountability and transparency
  • Ensures communication on and around UNDP contribution and that of its partners to Nigeria’s development agenda is relatable, contextualised, locally understood and visible through evidence-based stories of impact and documentation of lessons learned
  • Fosters outreach partnerships with communication innovators, creatives and social influencers to achieve programmatic visibility and engagement
  • In collaboration with team leaders, and based on their insight, guides the production of results-based communications assets that enhance understanding of UNDP work, programmatic accountability and public appreciation of the UNDP offer
  • Leverages innovative communication approaches, tools and outlets including digital and social media campaigns to enhance understanding of UNDP work in Nigeria
  • Provides technical and oversight support to the packaging and promotion of work carried out under Regional Stabilization Programme, the Accelerator Lab and ECOWAS/EU Small Arms and Light Weapons Programme

Supports strategic positioning and innovative partnerships (corporate/private and public sector) focusing on the following:

  • Supports country office efforts to position UNDP as a trusted partner of choice and convener of policy dialogues on crucial development priorities
  • Identifies opportunities to convene development partners, think-tanks, academia, civil society, media, UN and others around development issues and priorities that can support Nigeria’s acceleration of the SDGs
  • Works with the Senior Management Team (SMT) and team leaders in positioning UNDP Nigeria as a thought leader and an integrator within the development domain, in a manner that promotes UNDP's offer and boosts demand for collaboration at programmatic and policy level
  • Liaises with UNDP’s Bureau for External Relations and Advocacy to ensure full alignment of the country office partnerships and communications strategy with UNDP corporate partnerships, policies and procedures
  • Contextualises and integrates regional and global public campaigns that promote UNDP as a leading development partner and influences national development agendas based on current programmes and new initiatives
  • Strategically supports UNDP engagement with the Nigeria creative sector for development

Manages proactive media engagement and management focusing on the following:

  • Supports country office and programme inoculators' public engagement and messaging to articulate UNDP's offer, programmatic priorities, key milestones, impact and results
  • Works with the Resident Representative, senior officials, team leaders and project focal persons to produce blogs, op-eds and speeches, talking points, organise interviews and support high-level programme visits and events that showcase UNDP work
  • Provides timely support on responses to reputational management inquiries raised by media and donors in close consultation with the Regional Service Centre in Addis Ababa, RBA regional and sub-regional teams and, BERA
  • Delivers substantive oversight and quality assurance of communication products, including external website and social media platforms by strengthening their utility for public engagement.

Ensures Effective team management focusing on the following:

  • Manages Partnerships and Communications unit and delivery of its work plan as aligned to the country office vision and priorities
  • Under the guidance of the Resident Representative, sets priorities of the Partnerships and Communications unit in support of programmatic delivery and resource mobilisation
  • Oversees the development and implementation of the Partnerships and Communications unit annual work plans
  • Encourages and fosters intra-team collaboration to ensure the provision of an integrated package of partnerships and public engagement support to the country office
  • Supports staff development and professional growth to achieve the desired results as outlined in UNDP's people management strategy
  • Represents the Partnerships and Communications unit at various internal and external engagements
  • Manages recruitment of consultants and delivery of their tasks

Ensures facilitation of knowledge building and management focusing on the following:

  • Shares an instrumental culture of knowledge management and sharing within the team and with partners
  • Actively engages in relevant UNDP communities of practice and other practice networks, within UNDP, in the broader UN landscape and externally
  • Leverages the use of blogs, social media, and communities of practice to ensure wide dissemination of positions, events, debates on programmatic work and related issues
  • Ensures the continuous analysis and collation of lessons learnt, best practices and impact in the area of communications for development
  • Provides advice and support to UNDP inputs to CCA, United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF), Country Programme Document (CPD) and other documents
  • Organization and provision of training, consultancy and advice to UNDP staff on communications and advocacy.

Required Skills and Experience

  • Master's Degree or equivalent in Mass Media, Public Relations, Journalism, International Relations or related studies


  • Master's Degree with 5 years or Bachelor’s Degree with 7 years of progressively responsible for teams with relevant professional work experience in communication, print, broadcast, and/or new media and or fundraising/corporate communication, advocacy, Public Relations, project management, brand management including
  • Work experience in conflict related contexts, ideally at national or regional level is an asset
  • Demonstrated experience in partnership development, collaboration and management is required
  • Demonstrated skills and experience in media and public engagement through dynamic platforms is required.
  • Experience in communications for development is not mandatory but an asset
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills is required.
  • Experience in leading teams to create highly effective content targeting various audiences for use on digital platforms and mainstream media using innovative approaches and tools is required
  • Experience in the United Nations, a governmental, other multilateral or civil society organization is an asset.



  • Ability to make new and useful ideas work.
  • Creates new and relevant ideas and leads others to implement them


  • Ability to persuade others to follow.
  • Plans and acts transparently, actively works to remove barriers

People Management:

  • Ability to improve performance and satisfaction.
  • Models high professional standards and motivates excellence in others


  • Ability to listen, adapt, persuade and transform.
  • Gains trust of peers, partners, clients by presenting complex concepts in practical terms to others


  • Ability to get things done while exercising good judgement
  • Critically assesses value and relevance of existing policy / practice and contributes to enhanced delivery of products, services, and innovative solutions

Brand & Quality Management:

  • Ability to strengthen UNDP's identity and distinction through its brand and uphold it to a high level of quality.
  • Catalyzes new ideas, methods, and applications to pave a path for innovation and continuous improvement in professional area of expertise


  • Ability to communicate the value and distinct characteristics of a product or service and to understand the market landscape.

Media Relations:

  • Ability to form and maintain meaningful working relationships with various members of the media.

Multimedia writing/editing:

  • Originating and/or editing written content for media and the general public to be disseminated through press or other online outlets

Public Relations:

  • Ability to manage information sharing and partnership alliances between the UNDP and the public

Social Media:

  • Ability to represent and promote the UNDP brand in virtual communities / networks and promote citizen engagement in UNDP's work


Building Strategic Partnerships:

  • Ability to maintain and establish networks of contacts for general information sharing and to remain up to date on partnership related issues.

Language Requirements:

  • English Proficiency.
  • Other official language of the UN will be desirable.

Application Closing Date
20th September, 2021; (Midnight New York, USA)

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click here to apply online

Note: Qualified Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.






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United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

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Status: Open No of vacancies: 5 Job type: Full Time Salary: Negotiable Publish date: 12 Sep 2021

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