Job Vacancies at CTG Global, Nigeria – 4 Positions

CTG Global is recruiting to fill the following positions:

1.) Communication LGA Facilitator (Polio / Routine Immunization)
2.) State Facilitator (POLIO/ Routine Immunization)
3.) Account Manager - HR
4.) Humanitarian Aid Program Facilitators


CTG Global - CTG stands for Committed To Good. With an ethical approach at the heart of all that we do, it is a description that makes us proud. Respect for the fundamental human rights of our staff, and those our staff encounter, is a cornerstone of our values. We strive for gender equality, inclusion and diversity, providing fair and equal opportunities for all. We take a zero-tolerance approach to corruption and stay true to local labour laws and all local statutory requirements.

In operation since 2006, today we are honoured to serve clients in 15 fragile and conflict-affected states assisting with disaster relief, peacebuilding, humanitarian aid and development programmes through our specialised recruitment, HR management and operational services.


See job details and how to apply below.


1.) Communication LGA Facilitator (Polio / Routine Immunization)


Locations: North, Nigeria
Place of performance: 12 high-risk states in the north, Nigeria
Employment Type: Contract
Contract Duration: Up to 6 months - @21.75 days/month
Start Date: 01/07/2021
Reports to: Chief of Field Office (CFO)
Team Management: No direct report.

CTG Overview

  • CTG stands for Committed To Good. With an ethical approach at the heart of all that we do, it is a description that makes us proud. Respect for the fundamental human rights of our staff, and those our staff encounter, is a cornerstone of our values. We strive for gender equality, inclusion and diversity, providing fair and equal opportunities for all. We take a zero-tolerance approach to corruption and stay true to local labour laws and all local statutory requirements.
  • In operation since 2006, today we are honoured to serve clients in 15 fragile and conflict-affected states assisting with disaster relief, peacebuilding, humanitarian aid and development programmes through our specialised recruitment, HR management and operational services.

Overview of Position   

    • In 2020, Nigeria was declared WPV-free for having gone without any WPV case for over four years.  However, Nigeria is still experiencing outbreaks of cVDPV2 due to low routine immunization coverage, which is further complicated by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Nigeria experienced a major cVDPV2 outbreak in 2018 when the country had 34 AFP cases of cVDPV2 in the northern states. Although the number of cVDPV2 cases from AFP decreased to 18 in 2019, the outbreak spread to more states, including the southern states which were not considered as polio high-risk. In 2020 the AFP cases due to cVDPV2 were 8 and so far in 2021, the AFP cases are 8.  The eradication success is fragile because immunization coverage is still low.
    • The spread of the cVDPV2 in the country is driven by low population immunity due to low routine immunization coverage. With an estimated 4.3 million unimmunised children in 2018, Nigeria has the highest number of unimmunised children globally with 33 per cent routine immunisation coverage (2016 MICS/NICS). Thanks to innovative strategies to strengthen routine immunization through the National Emergency Routine Immunization Coordination Centre (NERICC) framework, there was an increase in routine immunization coverage: 50 per cent (NDHS, 2018) and 57 per cent (SMART Survey, 2018). Still, routine immunization performance in Nigeria has remained sub-optimal for over ten years according to the national demographic health surveys (NDHS) of 2003, 2008, 2013 and 2018, which puts the national Penta3 coverage at 21 per cent, 35 per cent, 49 per cent and 50 per cent, respectively. The national immunization coverage surveys conducted in 2007, 2011 and 2016 also showed that the country’s reported Penta3 coverage rates of 28 per cent, 37 per cent and 33 per cent respectively, far below the acceptable target coverage of 80 per cent.

  • Communication and social mobilizations are critical components in routine immunization and polio vaccination. It utilises the Volunteer Community Mobiliser (VCM) network of more than 18,500 members deployed in 12 high-risk states in the northern part of Nigeria, working closely with stakeholders, caregivers, and the community at large to promote vaccination. Members of the network conduct active, community-based AFP case search and reporting, house-to-house visits, organise compound meetings and community dialogues, track new-born and under-five children, give zero-dose polio vaccinations, engage members of a polio survivors group, track and vaccinate children at internally displaced camps, refer pregnant women to health facilities and under-one children for routine vaccination and systematically track and vaccinate missed and non-compliant children during in-between rounds activities in their assigned settlements.
  • The network is supervised through a comprehensive network of facilitators at the ward, LGA, and state levels. The VCM network is a proven catalyst for change and a standard for community engagement at the grassroots level to drive community mobilisation for polio and routine immunization, individual and group health education sessions and promotion of essential family practices.
  • LGA facilitators, along with the volunteer community mobilizers, were key actors who raised the community awareness, tracked the new-born and their immunization status, changed the behaviour of the caregivers favourably and engaged prominent influences to resolve non-compliance and reached out to underserved population since 2012. In the era of post-WPV, their intensified communication is expected to contribute immensely to the lingering immunization challenges of Nigeria.
  • Our client has the need to sustain and strengthen its support in intensive community engagement and social mobilization with a particular focus on ensuring improved coordination and partnership with key community leaders of underserved populations and in very high-risk states. One of the key approaches in community mobilization is the identification, sensitization and engagement of prominent influencers in underserved and mobile communities. Intensified engagement with the religious institutions in Nigeria is critical to addressing key communication challenges that the immunization programme is facing.  There are still lingering challenges with small groups predominantly in Northern Nigeria; these result in non-compliance with a correspondingly high number of children remaining unvaccinated against vaccine-preventable diseases.

Role Objectives   

  • The LGA Facilitator will be located at the LGA level with frequent trips to the wards and settlements with high numbers of missed children. Particular emphasis will be on communication approaches to reach the populations in all high-risk areas, eliminate missed children due to non-compliance, and ensure maximum reach for immunisation programmes. Will also support other our client C4D initiatives, in respect of health, education, nutrition, WASH, and child protection C4D activities, including COVID-19 as applicable.

Project Reporting:

  • Chief of Field Office (CFO) or his/her Officer in Charge.

Key Competencies    

  • Supervise a team of Volunteer Ward Supervisors (VWS), Polio Survivor Group (PSG) and Volunteer Community Mobilizers (VCM) in his/her area(s) through regular monitoring, capacity building, and supportive supervision.
  • Work within a specified LGA, with its ward and settlement teams to ensure deeper ward/settlement analysis, planning and implementation of strategic communications interventions. The specific communication interventions to be implemented in each area will be informed by local knowledge, social data, and unique characteristics of the wards/settlements.
  • Consult with our client's C4D, and State Facilitator to mobilize and ensure the effective organization and functioning of the LGA Social Mobilization Task Team.
  • Support LGA Health Educator in meetings of the LGA Social Mobilization Team to plan, implement and report on communication interventions in support of the Polio and non-polio SIA programmes, and targeting high-risk wards within the State.
  • Conduct regular community mapping exercises to identify vulnerable groups, hard to reach communities, strategic communication and mobilization delivery points and channels for messaging, advocacy and public education (micro-planning).
  • Identify training needs/gaps of various groups and seek support from our client's C4D, and State Facilitator to implement capacity building activities to fill knowledge gaps and address deficiencies.
  • Identify key local level influencers such as district heads, religious leaders, women groups, town announcers, traditional dancers, pharmacists, social and cultural groups and support the planning and implementation of such activities as Majigis, mop-up activities, use of local town announcers and special events, to create high levels of public awareness to resolve non-compliance and reduce missed children.
  • Monitor the relevance and use of IEC materials and make specific recommendations on their adaptability to local reality.
  • Spend adequate time working with various community groups and monitor all communication activities so that our client's support to local-level communication interventions and their impact can be documented across all our client's programmes (Health/Polio, WASH, Education, Nutrition, Child Protection).
  • Track the delivery and efficient utilization of campaign social mobilization funds at the LGA level. Report on how funds are spent to support various communication activities and facilitate, in coordination with our client's C4D and State Facilitator, the effective use of SocMob funds (channelled through the Government departments) at the State, LGA, and Ward levels for Polio and non-polio SIAs.
  • Monitor and report, on a monthly basis, the factual and complete disbursement of honorariums to Volunteer Community Mobilizers, Polio Survivors Group, and Volunteer Ward Supervisors, reporting immediately any misappropriation of funds to our client's Programme Manager (Polio) and State Facilitator.
  • Actively participate in all State-level pre-campaign training as appropriate.
  • Support all C4D activities in respective LGA/Wards/Settlements to promote child survival and protection.
  • Support to different sectors to mark and celebrate global and national days e.g. global handwashing day, day of the African child etc.
  • Respond appropriately to health emergencies and disease outbreaks through the risk communication and community engagement committees at the LGA level.

Team Management:

  • No direct Reports.

Further Information    
Expected Output:

  • A detailed work plan at the beginning of the contract and monthly work plans thereafter
  • Sharing and uploading of data to ODK and other data tool at agreed timelines
  • Monthly report of activities, outcomes, mission reports, and support to other reporting as requested.
  • One end of contract Report including detailed handover notes delivered to C4D and State Facilitator.

Expected Results:

  • Nigeria Community Engagement plan implemented at all levels by all stakeholders.
  • Facilitation of implementation of State and LGA Social Mobilization and High-Risk Operational Plans (HROP).
  • Volunteer Ward Supervisors, PSGs (where applicable) and Volunteer Community Mobilizers are supervised, mentored, and capacity strengthened through solid teamwork and leadership.
  • Vaccination barriers identified, analysed and overcome by Social mobilization groups and key influencers, the number of missed children and non-compliances are reduced.
  • LGA Communication packages on health, polio, routine immunization, WASH, education and nutrition and child protection are developed and implemented.
  • Polio and RI, and non-polio SIAs Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) reports are available at State, Field Office and Abuja levels.
  • Contribution to other reports made and shared as requested.
  • The primary outcomes will be:
  • Quality implementation of all Polio and non-polio IPDs/Supplemental Immunization Activities leading to reduction (to almost zero) in the level of missed children (non-compliant and/or absent), and zero-dose children.
  • Increased commitment from LGA officials, traditional leaders, and religious leaders through frequent LGA Facilitator feedback and engagement on all C4D activities for our client's programmes.
  • Social mobilization working group and committees at LGAs hold regular meeting and use social mobilization data for planning, monitoring and implementation.
  • Social mobilization working group and committees at LGAs hold regular meeting and use social mobilization data for planning, monitoring and implementation of interventions in polio, routine immunization, health, nutrition, education, WASH and child protection.
  • Improved use of social and Expanded Programme on Immunisation (EPI) data in communication strategy development and planning by the LGA team including Social Mobilization Working Group members through technical inputs.


  • University Degree in Social Sciences or related technical field.


  • Fluency in English. Knowledge of the local working language of the duty station an asset.

Work Experience:

  • At least three years progressively responsible professional work experience with national and international humanitarian organisations in programme planning, management, monitoring and evaluation of programmes.
  • At least three years of similar experience in social mobilization, advocacy and communication in health-related programmes, training/capacity building, team leading and team building.

Required Competencies:

  • Proven ability to conceptualize, innovate, plan and execute ideas, as well as to impart knowledge and teach skills
  • Managerial and supervisory skills
  • Strong data analysis skills to inform communication activities, computer skills, including internet navigation and various office applications
  • Demonstrated ability to work in a multi-cultural environment and establish harmonious and effective working relationships both within and outside the organization.

Application Closing Date
30th June, 2021.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click here to apply online

Note: Preference will be given to the nationals of Nigeria.


2.) State Facilitator (POLIO/ Routine Immunization)


Location: Nigeria
Employment Type: Full-time
Place of performance: 12 high-risk states in the north, Nigeria
Start Date: 01/07/2021
Duration: up to 6 months (at 21.75 days / month)
Project Reporting: Chief of Field Office (CFO) or his/her Officer in Charge.
Team Management: No direct Reports.

Position Overview

  • In 2020, Nigeria was declared WPV-free for having gone without any WPV case for over four years.  However, Nigeria is still experiencing outbreaks of cVDPV2 due low routine immunization coverage, which is further complicated by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Nigeria experienced a major cVDPV2 outbreak in 2018 when the country had 34 AFP cases of cVDPV2 in the northern states. Although the number of cVDPV2 cases from AFP decreased to 18 in 2019, the outbreak spread to more states, including the southern states which were not considered as polio high-risk. In 2020 the AFP cases due to cVDPV2 was 8 and so far in 2021, the AFP cases are 8.  The eradication success is fragile because immunization coverage is still low.
  • The spread of the cVDPV2 in the country is driven by low population immunity due to low routine immunization coverage. With an estimated 4.3 million unimmunised children in 2018, Nigeria has the highest number of unimmunised children globally with 33 per cent routine immunisation coverage (2016 MICS/NICS). Thanks to innovative strategies to strengthen routine immunization through the National Emergency Routine Immunization Coordination Centre (NERICC) framework, there was an increase in routine immunization coverage: 50 per cent (NDHS, 2018) and 57 per cent (SMART Survey, 2018). Still, routine immunization performance in Nigeria has remained sub-optimal for over ten years according to the national demographic health surveys (NDHS) of 2003, 2008, 2013 and 2018, which puts the national Penta3 coverage at 21 per cent, 35 per cent, 49 per cent and 50 per cent, respectively. The national immunization coverage surveys conducted in 2007, 2011 and 2016 also showed that the country’s reported Penta3 coverage rates of 28 per cent, 37 per cent and 33 per cent respectively, far below the acceptable target coverage of 80 per cent.
  • Communication and social mobilization are critical components in the routine immunization and polio vaccination. It utilises the Volunteer Community Mobiliser (VCM) network of more than 18,500 members deployed in 12 high-risk states in the northern part of Nigeria, working closely with stakeholders, caregivers, and the community at large to promote vaccination. Members of the network conduct active, community-based AFP case search and reporting, house-to-house visits, organise compound meetings and community dialogues, track new-born and under-five children, give zero-dose polio vaccinations, engage members of polio survivors group, track and vaccinate children at internally displaced camps, refer pregnant women to health facilities and under-one children for routine vaccination and systematically track and vaccinate missed and non-compliant children during in-between rounds activities in their assigned settlements.
  • The network is supervised through a comprehensive network of facilitators at ward, LGA, and state levels. The VCM network is a proven catalyst for change and a standard for community engagement at the grassroots level to drive community mobilisation for polio and routine immunization, individual and group health education sessions and promotion of essential family practices.
  • State facilitators, and the supportive supervision layers under them, as well as the volunteer community mobilizers, were key actors who raised the community awareness, tracked the new-born and their immunization status, changed the behaviour of the caregivers favourably and engaged prominent influences to resolve non-compliance and reached out to underserved population since 2012. In the era of post-WPV, their intensified communication is expected to contribute immensely to the lingering immunization challenges of Nigeria.
  • Our client has the need to sustain and strengthen its support in intensive community engagement and social mobilization with particular focus on ensuring improved coordination and partnership with key community leaders of underserved populations and in very high-risk states. One of the key approaches in community mobilization is the identification, sensitization and engagement of prominent influencers in underserved and mobile communities. Intensified engagement with the religious institutions in Nigeria is critical to addressing key communication challenges that the immunization programme is facing.  There are still lingering challenges with small groups predominantly in Northern Nigeria; these result in non-compliance with a correspondingly high number of children remaining unvaccinated against vaccine-preventable diseases.

Role Objective:

  • These facilitators will be located at the state level with frequent trips to the LGAs with high numbers of missed children in key wards. Emphasis will be on communication approaches to improve routine immunization and to support emergency non-polio SIA, such as COVID-19.

Key Competencies:

  • Work with a cluster of LGA/Ward teams, to ensure deeper ward analysis, planning and implementation of strategic communications interventions and be responsible for basic monitoring. The specific communication interventions to be implemented in each area will be informed by local knowledge and unique characteristics of the wards/settlements.
  • Support development of LGA Social Mobilisation Action Plans for polio and non-polio SIAs and mop-ups, targeting high-risk wards in the high-risk LGAs within the State.
  • Facilitate, in coordination with our client's Field offices the effective use of our client's social mobilisation funds (channelled through the Government departments) at the State, LGA and Ward levels for SIAs.
  • Support training of State/LGA/Ward staff and Vaccination personnel in social mobilisation activities, including interpersonal communications.
  • Advocate with LGA/Ward policymakers, religious and traditional leadership for support for the implementation of polio and non-polio campaign campaigns and routine immunization.
  • Participate in the planning and implementation of media and communication activities and work with Media groups and networks for coordinating our client's supported programmes during SIPDs.
  • Work directly and collaborate with Traditional leaders at the district and ward levels for increased community participation and OPV acceptance to reduce missed children during campaigns.
  • Design and implement group-specific strategies to reach hard to reach, nomadic and minority groups at the LGA, district and ward levels.
  • Participate in the state/LGA social mobilization committees within their cluster of LGAs and provide direct action-advocacy support for addressing issues related to refusal, resistance, and rejection at the ward level.
  • Participate in state/LGA/Ward IPD management team activities geared toward successful implementation of SIAs.
  • Supervise the collection of data at the state, LGA, district and ward levels and analyse data for specific trends/patterns of non-compliance, poor coverage, dropouts, left-outs etc., and undertake coordinated action to facilitate the process of reaching such communities/households.
  • Coordinate with stakeholders such as NGOs, CBOs, religious groups, women's groups and youth groups for their involvement and participation in polio eradication activities.
  • Work in close collaboration with other partners like WHO, ROTARY, Red Cross, NTLC, SPHCDA and other relevant government partners.
  • Ensure strong supervision of the LGA facilitators and other polio communication team members in their cluster of LGAs within the accountability framework.
  • Support all required activities in a respective cluster of LGAs to increase coverage for routine immunization.
  • Support all C4D activities in a respective cluster of LGAs to promote child survival and protection.
  • Support any emergency non-polio SIAs, such as COVID-19, as required by the organization

Expected Output:

  • Based on the major tasks outlined above, a work plan should be submitted for approval by supervising facilitator/ C4D Specialist/health specialist 2 weeks after joining with clear monthly deliverables for each month of the contract period.
  • A detailed work plan at the beginning and monthly work plans thereafter (1st week of each month).
  • Monthly report of activities, outcomes, mission reports and Notes for the Record (NFR) on meetings etc. (monthly)
  • Accountability dashboard indicators submitted monthly and strict adherence to the accountability framework in the state.
  • One report after each IPD by using a supplied template on intervention and other social data tools/social Mobilization indicators. (as per IPD conducted)
  • One end of contract powerpoint presentation to be used in debriefing Chief of Field Office, polio communication team or other relevant staff members.
  • One end of contract Report.

Expected Results:

  • Data-driven and evidence-based high-risk operational plans with strong communication component in place across all LGAs within the assigned cluster of LGAs contributing to a reduction in missed children and quality campaigns (every campaign).
  • Immunization barriers identified, analyzed and overcome by social mobilization groups and key influencers (updated monthly in all LGAs).
  • Number of missed children and non-compliance are reduced through intensified social mobilization activities
  • Full implementation of the accountability framework across all LGAs within the cluster leading to high-quality immunization activities (monthly dashboard updated and quarterly review of Facilitators)
  • Polio and routine immunization, M&E reports from LGA are available at State, Field Office and Abuja levels (weekly report submitted, and monthly report submitted).
  • Functioning social mobilization committee and Polio Task Forces in place across all LGAs within the assigned cluster of LGAs
  • Volunteer Community Mobilizer Network, is highly operational delivering results as reported through accurate and timely reporting (weekly reports submitted).

Required Qualifications and Competencies

  • University Degree in social sciences, communication, public health, community nutrition, community development or related technical field.


  • Fluency in English. Knowledge of local working language of the duty station an asset.

Work Experience:

  • At least three (3) years progressively responsible professional work experience at state level in programme planning, management, monitoring and evaluation in Immunization Programmes.
  • Experience in social mobilization and communication and polio eradication campaign, IEC material development, training and negotiation skills and team building.

Required Competencies:

  • Current knowledge of development issues, strategies as well as programming policies and procedures in international development cooperation
  • Proven ability to conceptualize, innovate, plan and execute ideas, as well as to impart knowledge and teach skills
  • Managerial and supervisory skills
  • Good analytical, negotiating, communication and advocacy skills
  • Computer skills, including internet navigation and various office applications
  • Demonstrated ability to work in a multi-cultural environment and establish harmonious and effective working relationships both within and outside the organization

Application Closing Date
30th June, 2021.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click here to apply online


3.) Account Manager - HR


Locations: Abuja, Borno and Kano
Start Date: 01/07/2021
Report to: the Country Manager
Team management: Manage CTG consultants

CTG Overview

  • CTG stands for Committed To Good. With an ethical approach at the heart of all that we do, it is a description that makes us proud. Respect for the fundamental human rights of our staff, and those our staff encounter, is a cornerstone of our values. We strive for gender equality, inclusion, and diversity, providing fair and equal opportunities for all. We take a zero-tolerance approach to corruption and stay true to local labour laws and all local statutory requirements.
  • In operation since 2006, today we are honoured to serve clients in 15 fragile and conflict-affected states assisting with disaster relief, peacebuilding, humanitarian aid and development programmes through our specialised recruitment, HR management and operational services.

Overview of Position  

  • We are looking for two experienced HR professionals in the humanitarian sector to handle client/consultant relations within CTG Nigeria.
  • One Account Manager will be based in Kano with frequent travel to Kaduna and Sokoto, and the other one will be based in Borno till Dec 2021 and then in Abuja with frequent travel to Ondo, Bauchi, Rivers, Enugu and Lagos.

Role Objectives 
Specific responsibilities will include but not be limited to:

  • HR Management.
  • Operational Management.
  • Personnel Management.
  • Business Development.
  • Financial Management.

Expected Output:
HR Management:

  • Accountable for managing assigned clients.
  • Responsible for meeting client objectives in accordance with contracted scope of work.
  • Ensure total client satisfaction with the services being provided.
  • Ensure clients are regularly updated & client expectations are met in accordance with agreed time frames.
  • Issuance of invoices & responsible for collections.
  • Responsible for ensuring deployment plans, administrative documents, system & Personnel Management SOPs are in place and complied with.

Operational Management:

  • Ensure the establishment of CTG in the operation center (with administrative management).
  • Provide assistance with ensuring compliance with local labor law.
  • Ensure an understanding of CTG’s Duty of Care, evacuation & medevac plans.
  • Management of the safety of our consultants in the field from mobilization to demobilization with the support of the Account Director & Regional Field & Operations Manager where required.
  • Management of third-party security, accommodation & other local service providers & fixers.
  • Understand the contracted terms of all accommodation, security, logistics support, etc. with the assistance of the HR Director & Regional Field & Operations Manager where required.
  • Management of crisis situation in accordance with the CTG Crisis Management SOP.

Personnel Management:

  • Mobilization - Responsible for deliverable's against the provided mobilization plan for new contracts.
  • Recruitment - Support the recruitment department for new deployments.
  • Induction Training - Ensure all consultants are issues with country-specific operational guidelines & receive a full CTG induction prior to commencing work for the client.
  • Duty of Care - Responsible for consultant duty of care & knowledge sharing on security threats & incidents.
  • Accountable for Payroll Accuracy - Approving consolidated payroll spreadsheets, supporting documents, etc. Checking for inconsistencies prior to authorization.
  • Performance Reviews - Review consultant’s performance timely in accordance with client’s requirements.
  • Act as a focal point between insurers & consultants/emergency liaison persons in instances of medevac & or major incident. Supporting documentation collection for such incidents.
  • Business Acquisition & Growth:
  • Actively promote CTG’s services & assist in building a network of key business partners & potential clients.
  • Develop current & new client relationships through contract negotiation.
  • Represent CTG in meetings.
  • Assist with the development of proposal responses.

Other General Responsibilities:

  • Produce weekly reports to the Country Manager & Operations Director in HQ.
  • Finance & accounting responsibilities related to licensing & managing in-country expenses.

Project Reporting:

  • This role reports to the Country Manager.

Key Competencies

  • University Degree in the field of Business Administration, HR, or related field.
  • A relevant HR qualification &/or experience may be waived in lieu of a degree.


  • Skills required for this job are typically acquired through the completion of an undergraduate degree & 5+ years of relevant experience.
  • Experience in HR processes & applications, exposure & expertise in HR systems data analysis & analytical skills required.
  • Must be well versed in all MS Office applications & experienced in producing reports for management.
  • Self-starter with good initiative & multi-tasking skills who pays attention to the details demonstrated ability to troubleshoot & resolve problems, excellent spoken & written communication.

Work Experience:

  • Minimum 5 years of experience in HRM, client relations.


  • Fluency in English.
  • Fluency in Hausa is an advantage.
  • Team management
  • The selected candidate is expected to manage CTG consultants working on UN projects.

Application Closing Date
30th June, 2021.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click here to apply online

Note: Preference will be given to the nationals of Nigeria.


4.) Humanitarian Aid Program Facilitators


Location: Nigeria
Start Date: 15/04/2021
Duration: up to 9 months (@21.75days/month)
Report to: the Program Head.
Team management: No direct Reports.

Overview of Position

  • Humanitarian Aid Program Facilitators are expected to carry out a range of duties, to support our client's work in monitoring projects and programmes in areas that are not accessible to our client or hard to reach areas in the local community.

Role Objectives:

  • Facilitators will have specific experience and a thorough knowledge of the territory in which they operate, based on their residency and/or work experience.


  • University degree in a field related to the scope of work.

Work Experience:

  • At least 4 years of progressively responsible relevant work experience in project/programme management, monitoring and reporting, community development work and community mobilization.
  • Experience in collecting and compiling quantitative and qualitative data.
  • Experience working with UN or NGO.


  • Fluency both verbal and written in English and the local language. Local language of the area where the Facilitator is to be deployed is essential.

Required Competencies:

  • Excellent analytical skills, good report writing skills.
  • Good communication and networking skills, including the ability to work in multidisciplinary teams as well as establishing and maintaining close working relationships with a variety of implementing partners.
  • Good computer skills, including experience with various software applications such as MS Word, Excel and Powerpoint.

Key Competencies:

  • Coordinates the supported activities in the local community level with relevant authorities.
  • Closely works with other Facilitators and provide necessary input in preparation of programme implementation reports.
  • Undertakes regular situation monitoring in specific areas based on specific requests, to assess the overall situation and any unmet needs of females in these areas.
  • Undertakes regular field visits to monitor projects/programmes.
  • Following any field visit, the facilitator produces programme implementation report/meetings reports on a monthly basis including field trips according to a standard format and submits the report to his/her supervisor.

Application Closing Date
Not Specified.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click here to apply online

Note: Preference will be given to the nationals of Nigeria.






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CTG Global

Job Information

Status: Open No of vacancies: 4 Job type: Full Time Salary: Negotiable Publish date: 22 Jun 2021

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