🇳🇬 Job Vacancies @ Nigeria Maritime University (NMU) – 4 Positions

Delta | Nigeria Posted on Education / Teaching / Training

Nigeria Maritime University (NMU)

The Nigeria Maritime University (NMU), Okerenkoko was established by Federal Government in 2015. The University was established among other objectives to expand the frontiers of knowledge and provide opportunities for Nigeria to be a Leading player in the world's maritime industry and economy; and to produce first rate mariners that would keep the Country's flag aloft across the oceans and waterways of the world.

We are recruiting suitably qualified candidates to fill the following positions below:

1.) Vice-Chancellor
2.) University Librarian
3.) Bursar
4.) Registrar


See job details and how to apply below.

1.) Vice-Chancellor

Job Title: Vice-Chancellor

Location: Okerenkeko, Delta


  • The Vice-Chancellor is the Chief Executive and Academic Head of the University.
  • He/she is the Chairman of the Senate, Congregation, and member of the Governing Council.

The Vice-Chancellor shall among other duties:

  • Promote research, teaching, and maintain academic excellence.
  • Be responsible to Council for the day-to-day running of the affairs of the University as well as the maintenance of peace, law, and order in the University.
  • Be competent at all times to advise Council on all matters affecting the policy, finance, and administration of the University.
  • Regulate the admission of students, subject to the guidelines and procedure approved by the Senate and other statutory bodies.
  • Be responsible for staff and students discipline and welfare in the University.

The Candidate shall

  • Be a distinguished scholar with outstanding academic and administrative records.
  • He/she must be a proven manager of human and material resources.
  • Be a Professor of not less than ten (10) years standing and with the ability to provide academic and administrative leadership for the University.
  • Have held academic and administrative positions that are requisite to that of a Vice-Chancellor of a leading University. Specifically, he/she must have held positions such as Head of Department, Director, Dean, Provost, or Deputy Vice-Chancellor.
  • Have a good understanding of the Vision and Mission of the University.
  • Be of a strong academic standing as evidenced by the publications of books and research in high-impact journals.
  • Be able to attract research grants and complimentary funds from local and international agencies, and further uplift the academic status of the University.
  • Possess personal integrity in the management of funds and be able to deploy financial resources as appropriate within the context of the University's Strategic Plan.
  • Demonstrate interpersonal and team-building skills and possess the ability to build bridges between staff, students, and members of the University Community and its stakeholders.
  • Have demonstrable abilities to establish and maintain partnerships with local, international, government, and non-governmental agencies and organizations.
  • Be an individual who, judging from his/her track record, is likely to command the respect as well as the loyalty of members of staff and the University Community.
  • Be able to demonstrate the ability to attract, motivate, and retain highly skilled and talented staff (teaching and non-teaching).
  • Be able to exhibit entrepreneurial drive and ability to attract extra-statutory funds and mobilize other resources for the development of the University.
  • Have excellent written and spoken communication skills.
  • Be in a position to ensure the enforcement of the University's laws and regulations.
  • Be information and technology proficient and be committed to its use as a management tool and its deployment in the University programmes and services.
  • Be in excellent physical and mental health;
  • Not be more than 65 years on assumption of duty.
  • Not be under any disciplinary procedure/investigation for any misconduct.

Terms and Conditions

  • The Vice-Chancellor shall hold office for a single term of five (5) years and no more.
  • The remuneration and other conditions of service are as applicable to the post of Vice-Chancellor in all Nigerian Federal Universities and as may be determined from time to time by the Government/Governing Council.

Application Closing Date
7th April, 2025.

Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should submit Thirty (30) copies of their Applications, accompanied by photocopies of the candidate's academic and professional qualifications, birth certificate or declaration of age, other relevant documents as well as Thirty (30) copies of the candidate's Curriculum Vitae duly signed and dated, providing the following informations:

  • Full Name (Surname first)
  • Place and Date of birth
  • Marital status, number and ages of children
  • Nationality
  • Permanent Home Address
  • Postal Address
  • E-mail Address
  • Mobile Phone number
  • National Identification Number (NIN)
  • Academic Qualifications
  • Academic Distinctions
  • Teaching Experience
  • Administrative Experience
  • Managerial Experience
  • Grants won for Research and Community Development
  • Membership of Academic and Professional Bodies
  • Publications referenced chronologically starting with the oldest to the most recent.
  • Three Referees with adequate contact information.

Applications are to be submitted under confidential cover in a sealed envelope, marked "Vice-Chancellor" at the top left-hand corner, forwarded and addressed to:
The Registrar and Secretary to Council
Nigeria Maritime University,
Okerenkoko, Delta State,

In addition to hard copies, applicants are expected to forward electronic copies of their submissions to: registrar@nmu.edu.ng using the Job Title as the subject of the mail.


  • Each referee should be contacted by the applicant to forward directly to the Registrar, a confidential report in a properly sealed envelope marked: Post of Vice-Chancellor: Referee's Report at the top left-hand corner of the envelope.
  • Each application must be accompanied by 30 copies of statement of the candidate's Vision for the University in the twenty-first century.
  • Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

2.) University Librarian

Job Title: University Librarian

Location: Okerenkeko, Delta

The Position

  • The University Librarian shall be responsible to the Registrar for the administration of the University library and the coordination of the library services in the University and its campuses, colleges, departments, institutes, and other teaching or research units.


  • Candidates must possess a good honors Degree with a minimum of Second Class Lower Division, Master and Doctorate in Library or Information Science or a related field from a recognised University would be an added advantage.
  • Candidate must also have at least fifteen (15) years of experience in an academic library as well as cataloging and automation experience.
  • The Candidate must not be more than 59 years of age at the time of application and must be of good health/ demonstrate versatility in the management of Staff and Students.
  • He/She must be a person of proven Integrity,
  • He/ She must be intellectually and professionally sound and knowledgeable in the Rules and Regulations of the University system.
  • He/ She must also be vast in public Service Rules, Financial Regulations, and Computer Literate.II.
  • A strong proof of continuing research with appreciable evidence of scholarly publications both in quality and quantum in reputable international and national journals is required.
  • Candidate must be able to provide academic and administrative leadership.
  • The candidate should not be below the rank of a Deputy University Librarian.

Salary and Conditions of Service

  • The remuneration and other conditions of service are as applicable to the post of University Librarian of all Nigerian Federal Universities and as may be determined from time to time by the Government/Governing Council as appropriate.
  • Fringe benefits include a Pension in consonance with the Contributory Pension Scheme and appropriate allowances as may be approved from time to time by the Government/Governing Council.

Application Closing Date
25th March, 2025.

Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should submit Thirty (30) copies of their Applications, a detailed Curriculum Vitae highlighting, among others, the following:

  • Full Name
  • Place and Date of Birth
  • State of Origin
  • Home Address
  • Contact Address
  • Email Address
  • Mobile Telephone Number
  • Nationality
  • Marital Status
  • Number and Ages of Children (if any)
  • Institutions attended with dates
  • Detailed Academic qualifications obtained, with dates and classification
  • Working Experience
  • Present Employment, indicating present status and salary
  • Publications
  • Extra-Curricular Activities
  • Referees (3)

Applications are to be submitted by courier service under confidential covers in sealed envelopes and marked "Post of University Librarian" to:
Office of the Acting Registrar,
Nigeria Maritime University, Okerenkoko,
Delta State.

In addition to hard copies, applicants are expected to forward electronic copies of their submission to: [email protected] using the Job Title as the subject of the mail.


  • All applicants should provide their certificate of fitness from a government Hospital attached to their application.
  • Each applicant must have three (3) referees who should be requested by the applicant to forward the Referee's Reports under confidential cover by courier service directly to the Registrar.

3.) Bursar

Job Title: Bursar

Location: Okerenkeko, Delta

The Position

  • The Bursar is a Principal Officer and is the Chief Financial Officer of the University, responsible to the Vice-Chancelor for the day-to-day administration and control of the financial affairs of the University.
  • He/she should provide the University Management with appropriate advice and support for all of the Institution's financial transactions, including investments.


  • The successful candidates shall hold office for a period of five (5) years from the effective date of appointment which can be extended for another term of one (1) year only subject to satisfactory performance as may be determined by appropriate University Statutes and the Governing Council of the Nigeria Maritime University, Okerenkeko.


  • The Candidate must not be more than 59 years of age at the time of application and must be of good health/demonstrate versatility in the Management of Staff and Students.
  • He/she must be a person of proven integrity,
  • He/She must be intellectualy and professionally sound and knowledgeable in the Rules and Regulations of the University system.
  • He/She must clso be vast in public Service Rules, Financial Regulations, and Computer Literate.
  • The prospective candidate must hold a good first Degree in Accounting from a recognized University.

In addition, he must be a member of at least one of the underlisted professional bodies:

  • Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN), or England and Wales, or Scotland, or Ireland:
  • Association of National Accountants of Nigeria (ANAN:
  • Chartered Association of Certified Accountants(ACCA): Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CPA):
  • Chartered Institute of Cost and Management Accountants (CMA):
  • The applicant shall be a person of unassailable integrity, excelent interpersonal relations, good health and competent in the use of ICT for management services.


  • The applicant should have a minimum of fifteen (15) years cognate experience and must have attained the rark of Deputy Bursar for at least five (5) years in a University environment.


Condition of Service:
The successful candidate shall hold office for a non-renewable single term of five years, on such terms and conditions as applicable to Federal Universities in Nigeria and as may be determined by appropriate University Laws and the Council

Application Closing Date
25th March, 2025.

Method of Application
Applicants are required to submit a set of their credentials and twenty-five (25) typewritten copies of their applications, giving the following information in the order listed below:

  • Full Name
  • Post Desired and Department
  • Place of Birth and State of Origin
  • Nationality
  • Date of Birth
  • Marital Status
  • Permanent Home Address
  • Current Postal Address
  • Number of Children with Names and Ages
  • Institutions Attended (with dates)
  • Pure Academic Qualifications (with dates)
  • Professional Qualifications (with dates)
  • List of Publications with Details of Title, Publishers, or Journals dates and pages (where applicable)
  • Working Experience: General and Specific Experience (with dates)
  • Details of Administrative experience and Service to the Community (with status and dates)
  • Present Employment, Status, Salary and Employer
  • Extra-Curricular Activities
  • Names and Addresses of three (3) referees (two of whom must be a professional or an authority in relevant fields) whom the applicant must request to forward directly to the Registrar, confidential reports on the applicant indicating the post desired. The name of the candidate and post should be clearly stated in the left-hand corner of the envelope.
  • All applicants should provide their certificate of fitness from a government Hospital attached to their application.

Applications are to be submitted by Courier Service under confidential covers in sealed envelopes marked "Post of University Bursar" to:
Office of the Acting Registrar,
Nigeria Maritime University, Okerenkoko,
Delta State.

In addition to hard copies, applicants are expected to forward electronic copies of their submission to: registrar@nmu.edu.ng using the Job Title as the subject of the mail.

Note: Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and invited for an interview.

4.) Registrar

Job Title: Bursar

Location: Okerenkeko, Delta

The Position

  • The Bursar is a Principal Officer and is the Chief Financial Officer of the University, responsible to the Vice-Chancelor for the day-to-day administration and control of the financial affairs of the University.
  • He/she should provide the University Management with appropriate advice and support for all of the Institution's financial transactions, including investments.


  • The successful candidates shall hold office for a period of five (5) years from the effective date of appointment which can be extended for another term of one (1) year only subject to satisfactory performance as may be determined by appropriate University Statutes and the Governing Council of the Nigeria Maritime University, Okerenkeko.


  • The Candidate must not be more than 59 years of age at the time of application and must be of good health/demonstrate versatility in the Management of Staff and Students.
  • He/she must be a person of proven integrity,
  • He/She must be intellectualy and professionally sound and knowledgeable in the Rules and Regulations of the University system.
  • He/She must clso be vast in public Service Rules, Financial Regulations, and Computer Literate.
  • The prospective candidate must hold a good first Degree in Accounting from a recognized University.

In addition, he must be a member of at least one of the underlisted professional bodies:

  • Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN), or England and Wales, or Scotland, or Ireland:
  • Association of National Accountants of Nigeria (ANAN:
  • Chartered Association of Certified Accountants(ACCA): Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CPA):
  • Chartered Institute of Cost and Management Accountants (CMA):
  • The applicant shall be a person of unassailable integrity, excelent interpersonal relations, good health and competent in the use of ICT for management services.


  • The applicant should have a minimum of fifteen (15) years cognate experience and must have attained the rark of Deputy Bursar for at least five (5) years in a University environment.


Condition of Service:
The successful candidate shall hold office for a non-renewable single term of five years, on such terms and conditions as applicable to Federal Universities in Nigeria and as may be determined by appropriate University Laws and the Council

Application Closing Date
25th March, 2025.

Method of Application
Applicants are required to submit a set of their credentials and twenty-five (25) typewritten copies of their applications, giving the following information in the order listed below:

  • Full Name
  • Post Desired and Department
  • Place of Birth and State of Origin
  • Nationality
  • Date of Birth
  • Marital Status
  • Permanent Home Address
  • Current Postal Address
  • Number of Children with Names and Ages
  • Institutions Attended (with dates)
  • Pure Academic Qualifications (with dates)
  • Professional Qualifications (with dates)
  • List of Publications with Details of Title, Publishers, or Journals dates and pages (where applicable)
  • Working Experience: General and Specific Experience (with dates)
  • Details of Administrative experience and Service to the Community (with status and dates)
  • Present Employment, Status, Salary and Employer
  • Extra-Curricular Activities
  • Names and Addresses of three (3) referees (two of whom must be a professional or an authority in relevant fields) whom the applicant must request to forward directly to the Registrar, confidential reports on the applicant indicating the post desired. The name of the candidate and post should be clearly stated in the left-hand corner of the envelope.
  • All applicants should provide their certificate of fitness from a government Hospital attached to their application.

Applications are to be submitted by Courier Service under confidential covers in sealed envelopes marked "Post of University Bursar" to:
Office of the Acting Registrar,
Nigeria Maritime University, Okerenkoko,
Delta State.

In addition to hard copies, applicants are expected to forward electronic copies of their submission to: registrar@nmu.edu.ng using the Job Title as the subject of the mail.

Note: Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and invited for an interview.

About Company

Nigeria Maritime University (NMU)
Nigeria Maritime University, Okerenkoko, P.M.B. 1005, Warri, Delta State.

Job Information

Status: Open No of vacancies: 4 Job type: Full Time Salary: Negotiable Publish date: 11 Mar 2025 Expire in: 4 weeks

Apply for job

External website

Please go following link to apply on their website.

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Job tags: Nigeria

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