United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Job Vacancies – 3 Positions

Nationwide, Abuja, Borno - Nigeria Posted on Accounting / Audit / Finance, Analyst/ Quality Control, Consulting / Business Strategy/ Planning

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is recruiting to fill the following positions:

1.) Consultant - Baseline Study on Investing in Rural Agro-Based Communal Storage and Processing Facilities
2.) Consultant to Develop a Diagnostic Report for Inclusive and Risk Financing for Nigeria
3.) Finance Analyst


The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the United Nations' global development network. It advocates for change and connects countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life for themselves. It provides expert advice, training and grants support to developing countries, with increasing emphasis on assistance to the least developed countries. It promotes technical and investment cooperation among nations.

Headquartered in New York City, the status of UNDP is that of an executive board within the United Nations General Assembly. The UNDP is funded entirely by voluntary contributions from UN member states. The organization operates in 177 countries, where it works with local governments to meet development challenges and develop local capacity.


See job details and how to apply below.


1.) Consultant - Baseline Study on Investing in Rural Agro-Based Communal Storage and Processing Facilities


Location: Nigeria
Additional Category: Democratic Governance and Peacebuilding
Type of Contract: Individual Contract
Post Level: International Consultant
Languages Required: English
Starting Date: 06-Apr-2021 (date when the selected candidate is expected to start)
Duration of Initial Contract: 45 working days within seven (7) months
Expected Duration of Assignment: 45 working days within seven (7) months


  • The role of agriculture in the attainment of food security, foreign exchange earnings, industrial inputs provision, employment generation and poverty alleviation cannot be over emphasized. The agricultural sector contributed about 22.12% to the Nigeria gross domestic product (GDP) in 2019, and served as a source of income for 70% of the population (NBS, 2019) with a significant number of rural residents depending on agriculture as a major occupation.
  • However, the economic potentials of the agriculture sector are severely undermined by post-harvest losses and low/poor processing level for agricultural produce. Post-harvest losses occur during harvesting handling, packaging, pressing and storage of agricultural produce, largely due to the lack of modern storage and processing facilities in the country. Survey carried out on post-harvest food losses in some communities in Nigeria revealed that as much as 20 – 30% of total grain production and 30 – 50% of root and tubers, with a substantial amount lost during storage.
  • Thus, investments in the provision of modern storage and processing facilities in rural communities where these produces are cultivated would help minimize post - harvest losses and spark numerous economic benefits arising from the improved storage and processing of local agricultural produce. Moreover, investing in agricultural value chain through investment in modern communal storage and processing facilities in the rural community is one of the most effective ways of promoting agricultural productivity, empowering rural dwellers, and reducing hunger and poverty


  • The objective of the overall project is to foster communal infrastructure investment, with focus on the provision of modern storage and processing facilities in rural areas for expanding agricultural value chain. This is aimed at achieving food security, enhancing job-creation and poverty alleviation for the rural poor (especially economically active youth and women), and developing the rural economy for inclusive growth.


  • Rural-based women, men and youths who are economically active and involved in production of perishable goods (both food and cash crops) e.g., tomatoes, potatoes, banana, plantain, onions, vegetables, pepper, fruits - pawpaw, mangoes, oranges, etc.) as well as other agricultural produce that need value addition.


  • The 36 states in Nigeria with focus on 20 rural communities in each state, giving a total of 720 rural communities in Nigeria.

Appropriate Channel / Structure of use:

  • Apex Cooperatives with branches and networks in the 36 states and 774 local governments such as Cooperative Financing Agency of Nigeria (CFAN) and Nigerian Women Cooperative Alliance (NIWCOFA). Others include NIRSAL Microfinance Bank and the Nigerian Incentive-based Risk Sharing System for Agricultural Lending (NIRSAL) Plc., for fund disbursement and utilization monitoring.

Duties and Responsibilities

Scope of Work:

  • As the first stage of this project, a baseline study will be conducted. This will entail an assessment of agricultural activities, structure and organization of farmers and labour, status of existing storage and processing facilities, communal infrastructure needs of farming communities, challenges in the storage and processing of agricultural produce in farming communities across the 36 states plus the federal capital territory (FCT) and its local government areas.
  • The consultant, under the leadership of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Country team will carry out the baseline study. The consultant will develop a methodology that will include but will not be limited to the development of questionnaires to be administered virtually and/or physically, site visits, interviews and desk reviews. Major stakeholders including the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Development Finance Officers, as well as state focal persons will be identified to collectively provide support to refine methodology, validate data collection templates, and conduct data collection. Also, relevant Federal Ministries and agencies will be contacted for information including ministries of Agriculture and Rural Development; Industry, Trade and Investment; Science and Technology; Environment; National Food Safety Management Committee under National Policy on Food Safety and Implementation Strategy (NPFSIS). The consultant will conduct the analysis of data collected and develop a report to be submitted for validation.
  • The report will be validated by UNDP project team as well as the CBN Development Finance Department (DFD).


  • The consultant will work under the guidance of the Nigeria United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) country office and the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Development Finance Department (DFD) in conducting the baseline study. Activities include but are not limited to the following:

Strategy Planning and Data Collection:

  • Prepare and submit strategy outline for the Baseline Study on Investing in Rural Agro-Based Communal Storage and Processing Facilities in Nigeria for approval.
  • Identify other Ministries and institutions involved in food storage/safety activities as well as liaise with them for useful information and data.
  • Identify possible conflict of proposed project with the enabling laws and powers of other institutions involved in food storage activities as well as recommendations on how to foster co-operation amongst all stakeholders concerned with food safety/storage.
  • Identify existing communal agro-based storage and processing facilities across the country.
  • Develop, distribute and retrieve questionnaires or survey instrument to stakeholders on any existing storage and processing facilities in the rural areas.
  • Involve the UNDP and DFDs in the branches of CBN across the country to carry out some aspects of the assignments, whenever the need arises.

 Data Analysis:

  • Highlight the status, challenges and milestones of communal agro-based storage and processing facilities in the 36 States plus FCT and 774 Local Government Areas in the country.
  • Identify challenges for scaling up storage facilities including access to capital, construction risks and practices, and fluctuations in prices and exchange rates, among others.
  • Enumerate targeted focal commodities, scope and coverage as well as the legal status, roles and responsibilities of stakeholders to be engaged with in the process.
  • Identify the type and number of storage and processing facilities as well as other equipment and structural facilities needed per community.
  • Identify the cost implications of the needed storage and processing facilities as well as other equipment and structural facilities.
  • Prepare and submit draft Baseline Study Report to CBN and UNDP.
  • Address comments and submit final Baseline Study Report to the Management of CBN and UNDP.


  • Attend meetings and workshops related to the project.
  • Present the findings of the analysis at stakeholder consultative meetings.
  • Any other ad-hoc duties that may be assigned by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with regards to the assignment.

Expected Output and Deliverables
The following are the expected outputs of this assignment:

  • Approved Strategy outline for Baseline Study
  • Questionnaires or survey instrument (for different stakeholders)
  • Results of Questionnaires or survey instrument (for different stakeholders)
  • Draft Baseline Study Report
  • Final Baseline Study Report

Terms of Payment

Deliverable 1:

  • Approved Strategy outline and survey instruments for Baseline Study
  • Amount paid: 25% of the fee
  • Tentative time of payment: 30 April 2021

Deliverable 2:

  • Results of Questionnaires or survey instrument
  • Amount paid: 25% of the fee
  • Tentative time of payment :31 June 2021

Deliverable 3:

  • Draft Baseline Study Report
  • Amount paid: 25% of the fee
  • Tentative time of payment: 30 September 2021.

Deliverable 4:

  • Final Baseline Study Report
  • Amount paid: 25% of the fee
  • Tentative time of payment: 31 October 2021

Cost of internal travel within Nigeria for site visits, if and when necessary, will be considered and accommodated by UNDP.

Duty Station

  • The consultancy will be based in Nigeria (home-based). The consultant should be available for travel within Nigeria and for virtual meetings.

Institutional Arrangement:

  • The consultant will work under the overall leadership/oversight of the UNDP Nigeria Country Office and a close working relationship with the Central Bank of Nigeria and its Development Finance Department throughout the assignment period. The point of contact is Senior Economic Advisor, UNDP.

Price Proposal:

  • The consultant will be paid a lumpsum fee based on the stated deliverables.

Recommended Presentation of Offer:

  • Duly accomplished Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability using the template provided by UNDP;
  • Personal CV, indicating all past experience from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate and at least three (3) professional references;
  • Financial Proposal that indicates the all-inclusive fixed total contract price, supported by a breakdown of costs, as per template provided.

Core Competencies:

  • Commitment to UNDP's mission, vision, and values
  • Sensitivity to cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality, and age differences
  • Highest standards of integrity, discretion, and loyalty
  • Self-starter, proven ability to work independently and in an entrepreneurial setting.
  • Strong motivation and ability to work and deliver under pressure and short deadlines.
  • Good interpersonal skills and able to coordinate well with UNDP partner agencies.
  • Proficiency in Excel.
  • Strong presentation skills.
  • Promotes a knowledge sharing and learning culture in and outside UNDP; and
  • Respectful of the mandates and roles of different partners, particularly government supported institutions and is able to build and sustain productive and mutually beneficial partnerships.

Functional Competencies:

  • Ability to manage workload with minimum supervision and collaborate with a wide range of colleagues and partners across organizations, while meeting deadlines.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills: being able to listen and collaborate with a wide range of players, being able to work independently, being pro-active and taking initiatives

Required Skills and Experience
Educational Qualification:

  • The consultant must possess a minimum of Masters degree in economics, development economics or related field. A PhD is preferable.

Work Experience:

  • The consultant will possess minimum of 10years work experience in agriculture-related work area, including storage and processing;
  • Experience in development/public policy;
  • Experience in research and data analysis;
  • Experience in report writing of similar projects;
  • Demonstrate or provide evidence of conducting similar work;
  • Good knowledge of development of economic and policy frameworks, development cooperation and risk management;
  • Good drafting, substantive editing and reviewing ability of policy/research documents;
  • Previous work experience with UNDP/ World Bank, IMF, European Union and other development agency is an asset.


  • Excellent written and spoken English is required.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Educational Qualifications (20 Marks)
  • Professional Qualifications and Certifications (30 Marks)
  • Experience implementing similar assignment in the past (50 Marks)

Upon assessment, only candidates with a total score of 70 marks or above out of 100 marks would be considered to be suitable for the position and will be contacted for the next stage of the selection process.

Application Closing Date
29th April, 2021.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click here to apply online


2.) Consultant to Develop a Diagnostic Report for Inclusive and Risk Financing for Nigeria


Location: Abuja
Type of Contract: Individual Contract
Post Level: National Consultant
Languages Required: English
Starting Date: (date when the selected candidate is expected to start) 01-Jun-2021
Duration of Initial Contract: 40 working days within four(4) months
Expected Duration of Assignment: 40 working days within four(4) months

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is a global organization with 17,000 staff working in approximately 170 offices towards supporting governments in developing strong policies, institutions and partnerships to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals. UNDP's policy work carried out at HQ, Regional and Country Office levels forms a contiguous spectrum of deep local knowledge to cutting-edge global perspectives and advocacy.

In order to streamline its financial and investment engagement, UNDP launched the Finance Sector Hub, a finance and innovation platform, that draws on a critical mass of UNDP expertise, initiatives, and partnerships to support the mobilization and leveraging of resources for the SDGs and lead the implementation of the new UNDP private sector strategy and other initiatives.

UNDP’s Work on Insurance and Risk Financing:

  • The collaboration between the insurance industry and the development sector has grown significantly over the last five years. Key initiatives, such as the Insurance Development Forum, InsuResilience Global Partnership and the Ocean Risk and Resilience Action Alliance, have evolved into significant policy and standard setting partnerships, bringing together countries, the development sector, and the private and mutual/cooperative sectors of industry. Increasingly, these partnerships are moving beyond policy to programming, with a strong focus on not only delivering insurance and risk financing solutions to countries and communities, but also on long-term transformational change of insurance markets.
  • UNDP’s growing work in this space has led to the creation of a flagship initiative on insurance and risk finance, and the creation of a dedicated facility for supporting UNDP Country Offices and country partners worldwide, within the newly created Finance Sector Hub. This work covers a range of critical areas where insurance and risk transfer solutions and collaboration with the industry can add significantly to achieving and delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Covering inclusive insurance, sovereign risk financing, insurance investments, natural capital, health, SME development and more, UNDP will work towards developing and delivering insurance solutions together with countries and communities, as well as collaborating with partners to transform insurance markets through enhancing legislation, regulation and institutional capacity

Diagnostics for Insurance and Risk Finance:

  • As part of the increasing operationalisation of the work of the Facility - in part through the start of the work of the Tripartite Agreement between UNDP, the Insurance Development Forum (IDF), and the German government (BMZ) - there is a need to prepare a full diagnostic review of all issues relevant to the Insurance and Risk Finance environment in Nigeria. This diagnostic will examine supply and demand issues, everything from the legislative and regulatory environment through to community needs, for insurance and sovereign risk, through to insurance investments and natural capital.

Duties and Responsibilities
Objective the assignment:

  • The main objective of the assignment is to lead in the development of a diagnostic report by the UNDP Nigeria office for inclusive insurance and risk finance for Nigeria.

Scope of Work
The assignment will involve the following:

  • Develop a list of key insurance stakeholders in country, focusing on providers of inclusive insurance and risk finance
  • Arrange and facilitate stakeholder workshops and strategic engagement with key stakeholders at different levels
  • Arrange and undertake interviews for UNDP Country Office (CO) with key stakeholders
  • Coordinate and collect information and data required from key stakeholders
  • Complete analysis of information and data
  • Facilitate training courses for CO and government partners on technical aspects of inclusive insurance and risk finance
  • Facilitate surveys and focus groups with potential consumers for inclusive insurance
  • Regularly advise UNDP institutional advisor and regional IRFF specialist of progress
  • Prepare full diagnostic report (see below deliverable).

Expected Outputs and Deliverables:

  • A high-level inception report; detailing work plan, timeline, a list of national government institutions with contacts of key persons, private sector and other stakeholders to be consulted focusing on providers of inclusive insurance and risk finance and initial information and data collected, and a scan of the environment for inclusive insurance and risk finance in a format that has been standardized by international guidelines (IAIS standards). The institutional advisor will confirm the format and type of information and data required for Nigeria at the beginning of the assignment
  • Detailed analysis of data and information collected. The detail and approach for the analysis will be agreed with the institutional advisor once the information and data has been collected by the CO
  • Reports of interviews with all key stakeholders
  • CO provided with technical knowledge needed on inclusive insurance and risk finance
  • Consolidated results of surveys with consumers
  • Reports on facilitation of focus groups.

Final diagnostic report on inclusive insurance and risk finance for Nigeria, including a detailed summary of inclusive insurance and risk finance this report will also include full quantitative and qualitative analysis and a baseline for future UNDP engagement with different stakeholders on inclusive and risk financing.

The assignment will be for a duration of 40 working days within a period of four (4) months.
Deliverable 1:

  • High-level inception report


  • Within 2 weeks after contract signing

Payment Terms:

  • 10 % upon submission and clearance of the inception report

Deliverable 2:

  • Workshop and stakeholder interview report


  • Within a month after contract signing

Payment Terms:

  • 20 % upon submission and clearance of the workshop and stakeholder interview reports

Deliverable 3:

  • A diagnostic report for inclusive insurance and risk finance for Ghana, complete with full quantitative and qualitative analysis


  • Within two months after signing of contract

Payment Terms:

  • 50% upon submission and clearance a diagnostic report for inclusive insurance and risk finance for Ghana, complete with full quantitative and qualitative analysis

Deliverable 4:

  • Training on inclusive and risk financing for CO staff


  • Within three months after the signing of the contract

Payment terms:

  • 10% upon submission of training report

Deliverable 5:

  • Final report that covers the key areas the CO and institutional advisor agree are relevant for the country


  • Within four months after signing of contract

Payment Terms:

  • 10% upon submission of final report that covers the key areas the CO and the institutional advisor agree.

Criteria for Selection of the Best Offer:

  • Only those candidates that meet the minimum level of education and relevant years of experience requirements will be considered for the technical evaluation. The technical evaluation will include a desk review to select the shortlisted candidates. The technical evaluation may also include interviews with shortlisted candidate(s) or review of writing samples.
  • The selection of the best offer from the shortlisted candidates will be based on a Combined Scoring method.

The technical evaluation will be based on the following criteria with the corresponding points (out of a total max 70 points):

  • Understanding of the Scope of Work (SoW); comprehensiveness of the methodology/approach; and organization and completeness of the proposal (10 points)
  • Excellent understanding of both inclusive insurance and risk financing in Ghana, with additional knowledge of the broader environmental factors (20 points)
  • At least 5 years’ experience in data collection and research (20 points)
  • Excellent understanding of key relevant areas and stakeholders, such as insurance legislation, regulation and institutions, industry capacity and engagement, consumer awareness et cetera (20 points)
  • Experience in high-level knowledge on the important technical aspects of inclusive insurance and risk finance is (20 points)
  • Experience in collaborating with international and national experts and institutions (10 points)

Only candidates obtaining a minimum 70% (49 points) on technical evaluation will be considered for the Financial Evaluation.

In the financial evaluation the offeror with the lowest price will be awarded the maximum of 30 points. The allocation of points to the other offerors will be calculated as follows:

  • p = y (µ/z), where
  • p = points for the financial proposal being evaluated
  • y = maximum number of points for the financial proposal
  • µ = price of the lowest priced proposal
  • z = price of the proposal being evaluated

Academic Qualifications

  • University degree (Masters or above) in Business Administration, Economics or other relevant disciplines is required.


  • Proven track record of 3 years in insurance, and finance through public or private sector is required
  • Excellent understanding of both inclusive insurance and risk financing markets, in Ghana, with additional knowledge of the broader environmental factors is required
  • At least 5 years’ experience in data collection and research and excellent analytical skills are required
  • Excellent understanding of key relevant areas and stakeholders, such as insurance legislation, regulation and institutions, industry capacity and engagement, consumer awareness et cetera is highly desirable
  • Experience in high-level knowledge on the important technical aspects of inclusive insurance and risk finance is highly desirable
  • Experience in collaborating with international and national experts and institutions is highly desirable
  • Ability to convey complex technical details in a concise and understandable manner is an asset.

Functional Competencies:

  • Commitment to UNDP's mission, vision, and values
  • Sensitivity to cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality, and age differences
  • Highest standards of integrity, discretion, and loyaltySelf-starter, proven ability to work independently and in an entrepreneurial setting
  • Strong motivation and ability to work and deliver under pressure and short deadlines
  • Good interpersonal skills and able to coordinate well with UNDP partner agencies
  • Proficiency in Excel
  • Strong presentation skills
  • Promotes a knowledge sharing and learning culture in and outside UNDP; and
  • Respectful of the mandates and roles of different partners, particularly government supported institutions and is able to build and sustain productive and mutually beneficial partnerships.
  • Ability to manage workload with minimum supervision and collaborate with a wide range of colleagues and partners across organizations, while meeting deadlines.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills: being able to listen and collaborate with a wide range of players, being able to work independently, being pro-active and taking initiatives.


  • Excellent written and verbal English language skills with a proven record of report writing.

Application Closing Date
28th April, 2021.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click here to apply online


  • Submit your applications which should include the following:
    • Detailed Curriculum Vitae
    • Proposal for implementing the assignment - template provided
    • Offerors letter to UNDP- template provided.
  • UNDP may request examples of past publications from applicants as part of the evaluation process.


3.) Finance Analyst


Job ID: 36796
Location: Maiduguri, Borno
Practice Area - Job Family: Management - Finance
Grade: NOB
Vacancy Type: FTA Local
Posting Type: External
Bureau: Management
Contract Duration: 1 Year with possibility for extension

The nexus of security-humanitarian-development issues around Lake Chad has given rise to an intractable extremist insurgency that has left tens of thousands of people dead, approximately 2.5 million displaced, and more than 10 million people in the region affected and in need. While robust national and multi-national military operations have re-taken territory previously controlled by Boko Haram, UNDP recognizes that a new approach is required to consolidate these gains and establish the conditions necessary to transition from military to civilian responsibility for security, and from the provision of humanitarian assistance to the resumption of stalled development processes. In this context, the UNDP is strengthening its presence in the North East region by establishing a sub-office in Maiduguri. The sub-office will serve as the centre of operations for programming which will include a Regional Stabilization Facility, a Disengagement, Disassociation, Reconciliation and Reintegration (DDRR) and Recovery and Resilience programme. The Sub-Office (SO) for North East Region of Nigeria has been operational since 2017 and UNDP has established an Operations Service Centre to support management and operations functions related to the effective delivery of programmatic results.

Under the guidance of the Head of the Service Centre with close liaison with Head of Stabilization, the Finance Analyst is responsible for effective delivery of financial services, transparent utilization of financial resources and management of the Sub-Office - Finance Unit. He/she analyzes and interprets the financial rules and regulations and provides solutions to a wide spectrum of complex financial issues. The Finance Analyst promotes a collaborative, client-oriented approach consistent with UNDP rules and regulations.

The Finance Analyst plays a critical role in managing the finance function in the Sub-Office. The Finance Analyst works in close collaboration with the operations, programme and project teams in the SO/CO and with UNDP HQs staff and Government officials ensuring successful SO/CO performance in Finance.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Implementation of operational and financial management strategies
  • Projects budget management and organization of the cost-recovery system
  • Control of SO accounts for Programmes and Operations of the SO
  • Control of SO cash management
  • Facilitation of knowledge building and knowledge sharing
  • Ensures implementation of operational and financial management strategies, and adapts processes and procedures, focusing on the achievement of the following results:
  • Full compliance of financial activities, financial recording/reporting system and audit follow up with UN/UNDP rules, regulations, policies and strategies; implementation of the effective internal control, proper design and functioning of the financial resources management system.
  • CO Finance business processes mapping and elaboration/establishment of internal Standard Operating Procedures in Finance, control of the workflows in the Finance Unit.
  • Continuous analysis and monitoring of the financial situation, presentation of forecasts for development and management projects.
  • Elaboration of the framework and conditions of contributions within the CO resources mobilization efforts.
  • Elaboration and implementation of cost saving and reduction strategies.
  • Routinely monitors financial exception reports for unusual activities, transactions, and investigates anomalies or unusual transactions. Informs supervisors and other UNDP staff at Headquarters of the results of the investigation when satisfactory answers are not obtained.

Manages the project budgets and organizes an optimal cost-recovery system focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Financial resources management through planning, guiding, controlling of the resources in accordance with UNDP rules and regulations.
  • Preparation and monitoring of budgets of management projects.
  • Establishment of the development projects’ budgets preparation/modification monitoring system, control of budgetary status versus authorized spending limits (ASL) and budgets delivery levels.
  • Elaboration of proper mechanisms to eliminate deficiencies in budget management, deficits, unliquidated advances, etc….
  • Preparation of cost-recovery bills in Atlas for the services provided by UNDP.

Ensures proper control of accounts for Programmes and Operations of the SO focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Elaboration of the internal expenditures’ control system which ensures that vouchers processed are matched and completed, transactions are correctly recorded and posted in Atlas; payrolls are duly prepared; MPOs, travel claims and other entitlements are duly processed, receipting of goods and services and establishment of accruals are properly done in compliance with IPSAS and UNDP policies and procedures.
  • Treasury right in Atlas.
  • Control of accounts closure;
  • Timely corrective actions on unposted vouchers, including the vouchers with budget check errors, match exceptions, unapproved vouchers. Timely response to HQ requests to resolve financial data issues.
  • Control of the Accounts Receivables for UNDP projects and maintenance of the General Ledger.
  • Ensures proper SO cash management focusing on achievement of the following results:
  • Timely review of cash position for local accounts to ensure sufficient funds on hand for disbursements. Timely identification and recording of receipts for income application.
  • Monitoring of financial exception reports for unusual activities, transactions and investigation of anomalies or unusual transactions.
  • Provision of information to supervisors and other UNDP staff at HQ on the results of the investigation when satisfactory answers are not obtained.
  • Manage and control Petty Cash and Project Cash account
  • Timely preparation of monthly cashflow forecast for use by Operations Manager. Liaison with UN Agencies to obtain estimate of their cash requirements.
  • Role as cashier and/or cash custodian for cash disbursements made on site.

Ensures facilitation of knowledge building and knowledge sharing in the CO and guidance to all stakeholders on financial matters focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Organization/conduct of training for the operations/programme/projects staff on financial management and RBM.
  • Synthesis of lessons learnt and best practices in Finance.
  • Sound contributions to knowledge networks and communities of practice.

Impact of Results:

  • The key results have an impact on the overall CO/SO efficiency in financial resources management and success in introduction and implementation of operational strategies.
  • Accurate, thoroughly researched and documented financial information, timely and appropriate delivery of services ensure client satisfaction and enhance UNDP credibility in use of financial resources

Functional Competencies
Building Partnerships:

  • Maintaining a network of contacts
  • Maintains an established network of contacts for general information sharing and to remain up-to-date on partnership related issues
  • Establishes and nurtures positive communication with partners
  • Promoting Organizational Learning and Knowledge Sharing
  • Basic research and analysis
  • Generates new ideas and approaches, researches best practices and proposes new, more effective ways of doing things
  • Documents and analyses innovative strategies and new approaches
  • Identifies and communicates opportunities to promote learning and knowledge sharing
  • Develops awareness of the various internal/external learning and knowledge-sharing resources

Job Knowledge / Technical Expertise:

  • Fundamental knowledge of own discipline
  • Understands and applies fundamental concepts and principles of a professional discipline or technical specialty relating to the position
  • Ability to formulate and manage budgets; manage contributions and investments; manage transactions; and conduct financial analysis, reporting and cost-recovery.
  • Possesses  knowledge of organizational policies and procedures and applies them consistently in work tasks
  • Identifies new and better approaches to work processes and incorporates the same in his/her work
  • Analyzes the requirements and synthesizes proposals
  • Strives to keep job knowledge up-to-date through self-directed study and other means of learning
  • Demonstrates good knowledge of information technology and applies it in work assignments
  • Demonstrates in-depth understanding and knowledge of the current guidelines and tools and utilizes these regularly in work assignments

Promoting Organizational Change and Development:

  • Basic research and analysis
  • Researches and documents best practices in organizational change and development within and outside the UN system
  • Demonstrates ability to diagnose problems and identifies and communicates processes to support change initiatives

Design and Implementation of Management Systems:

  • Research and analysis and making recommendations on management systems
  • Make recommendations relative to work-processing approaches and procedures which would lead to more efficient systems design

Client Orientation:

  • Establishing effective client relationships
  • Researches potential solutions to internal and external client needs and reports back in a timely, succinct and appropriate fashion
  • Organizes and prioritizes work schedule to meet client needs and deadlines
  • Establishes, builds and sustains effective relationships within the work unit and with internal and external clients
  • Anticipates client needs and addresses them promptly

Promoting Accountability and Results-Based Management:

  • Basic monitoring
  • Gathers, analyzes and disseminates information on best practice in accountability and results-based management systems.

Core Competencies

  • Demonstrate corporate knowledge and sound judgment
  • Self-development, initiative-taking
  • Acting as a team player and facilitating team work
  • Facilitating and encouraging open communication in the team, communicating effectively
  • Creating synergies through self-control
  • Managing conflict
  • Learning and sharing knowledge and encourage the learning of others. Promoting learning and knowledge management/sharing is the responsibility of each staff member.
  • Informed and transparent decision making

Required Skills and Experience

  • Advanced (Masters) University Degree in Finance/Accounting, Business, or Public Administration, or a professional accounting qualification from an internationally recognized institute of accountancy.
  • Professionally qualified accountants from an internationally recognized institute of accountancy will have a distinct advantage.
  • UNDP Advanced Accountancy & Finance Test required.


  • Minimum of 2 years of relevant experience in providing financial management and accounting advisory services, managing staff and operational systems Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel, etc) and advance knowledge of spreadsheet and database packages, experience in handling of web based management systems and ERP financials, preferably PeopleSoft.
  • Previous experience with a multilateral or international organization, notably with UNDP, is highly desirable.
  • Experience of IPSAS and/or IFRS is required for external candidates.

Language Requirements:

  • Fluency in written and spoken English as well as fluency in spoken Hausa are required.
  • The ability to communicate effectively in Kanuri, Hausa, or other local language spoken in the NE region is  an asset.

Application Closing Date
30th April, 2021.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click here to apply online


  • Qualified Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply
  • UNDP reserves the right to select one or more candidates from this vacancy announcement.  We may also retain applications and consider candidates applying to this post for other similar positions with UNDP at the same grade level and with similar job description, experience and educational requirements.






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Changes in UK Visa for International Students: The United Kingdom has long been a popular destination for international students, known...

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🇬🇧 5 Best Agencies for UK Work Visa Processing 2025

If you’re planning to work in the UK, securing a work visa is one of the most crucial steps. Navigating...

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🇸🇰 Slovakia National Scholarship Programme (NSP) for International Students (€620/€1,025.50 per Month)

The Slovak government, located in Central Europe, has launched the Slovakia National Scholarship Programme (NSP) with the goal of offering...

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🇸🇮 Discover Seasonal Work in Slovenia: Earn €800 to €1,500 per Month

Imagine waking up to the crisp, refreshing air of the Julian Alps, surrounded by stunning mountain views. Envision your family...

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🇨🇭 Switzerland University of St. Gallen (HSG) Excellence Scholarships 2025 (CHF 6,252 per Semester)

The University of St. Gallen (HSG) in Switzerland offers the prestigious Excellence Scholarships to highly talented international students. These scholarships...

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United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

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Status: Open No of vacancies: 3 Job type: Full Time Salary: Negotiable Publish date: 24 Apr 2021

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