🇬🇧 Prepare Yourselves, UK Set to Introduce Simplified Work Visa Process

An Overview of New UK Visa Rules

The UK government is gearing up to simplify the UK visa application process for global professionals.

This focus is primarily on resolving the labor shortage in the construction industry.

This change is a golden opportunity for international construction experts aspiring to migrate to the UK.

Beneficiaries of the Eased Visa Rules

The UK visa rules are set to be relaxed, especially for specific trades.

These include plumbers, bricklayers, carpenters, plasterers, and roofers.

These measures aim to combat the current shortfall of skilled construction industry workers and, in turn, drive economic growth.

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Hospitality Workers Left Out

Notably, these eased restrictions will not extend to the hospitality industry.

This decision has been made despite the industry stakeholders’ strong advocacy for a similar approach.

Upcoming Guidelines and Announcements

The task of reassessing the shortage occupation list falls on the shoulders of the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC).

Home Secretary Suella Braverman will finalize these new guidelines, which are expected to be released soon.

This update will coincide with the budget announcement by Chancellor Jeremy Hunt.

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Broader Plans to Address Labor Shortages

These new visa regulations form a part of the government’s broader plan to tackle chronic labor shortages experienced across the UK.

These shortages can be traced back to Brexit and a dip in the domestic economic activity of UK citizens.

The Role of the Shortage Occupation List: The shortage occupation list is an important component in this scenario. It pinpoints roles for which there are insufficient UK workers. This arrangement allows employers to recruit international professionals without fulfilling certain visa costs and salary thresholds. Key roles currently on the list include:

  • healthcare professionals
  • engineers
  • architects, and
  • laboratory technicians.

Resistance to Inclusion of Care Workers

Despite the MAC’s recommendation to include all care workers in the list, there’s been resistance from government ministers. The committee is now conducting an in-depth review of the shortage occupation list, with their findings set to be published later in the year.

The Hospitality Industry’s Challenge

The hospitality industry continues to face a significant challenge in filling vacancies, especially after a substantial drop in European workers.

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UK Hospitality’s Stance

Kate Nicholls, Chief Executive of UK Hospitality, has highlighted the detrimental impact of these labor shortages on the industry.

The severity of the situation has forced businesses to reduce operating hours, resulting in substantial financial losses.

The current labor shortage in the hospitality industry is two-thirds higher than before the pandemic, despite the best efforts to recruit local workers. Nicholls expressed disappointment over the decision to exclude chefs from the shortage occupation list since April 2021.

She called on the MAC to launch a comprehensive, long-term review to ensure that the UK economy can access all the necessary skills to function effectively.