LivinFrance Scholarship Program for International Students 2022-23 (France)


LivinFrance Scholarship is a scholarship intended for international students in mobility to France.

Aware of the growing difficulties that international students may face, whether financial or the complexity of administrative procedures, LivinFrance has decided to launch, in addition to its platform, a scholarship intended to alleviate the costs related to the study stay for the year 2022-2023.

Through a jury composed of international mobility actors, 10 laureates will be selected to benefit from the LivinFrance scholarship.


Each laureate will receive a complete package worth €1,000 for their study stay in France.

  • Personalized assistance in the search for accommodation and the preparation of their rental application
  • Reservation fees of €595 on LivinFrance certified accommodation offered
  • Each laureate will be offered the first 3 months of his or her LivinFrance travel/health insurance worth €170 from our partner Chapka.
  • Each laureate will be offered the first 3 months of his housing insurance worth €50 with our partner Luko.
  • A personalized support worth €200 will be offered to each winner concerning all his administrative procedures (CVEC, CAF, French health insurance, validation of the VISA and first application for a residence permit) and will be valid throughout his study stay.


Application opening: Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Closing of applications: Thursday, June 30, 2022

Announcement of awardees: Wednesday, July 13, 2022

The student’s stay must take place only during the academic year 2022-2023 for a mandatory period of 3 months or more on French territory.

GRANT FUNDED BYEntreprises, banques et organismes privés



No age limit. Students who are minors must have a legal representative.

NATIONALITY: Afrique du Sud; Algérie; Angola; Bénin; Botswana; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Cameroun; Cap Vert; Centrafrique; Comores; Congo; Côte d’Ivoire; Djibouti; Egypte; Erythrée; Ethiopie; Gabon; Gambie; Ghana; Guinée; Guinée Bissau; Kenya; Lesotho; Liberia; Libye; Madagascar; Malawi; Mali; Maroc; Maurice; Mauritanie; Mozambique; Namibie; Niger; Nigeria; Ouganda; Rwanda; São Tomé et Príncipe; Sénégal; Seychelles; Sierra Leone; Somalie; Soudan; Swaziland; Tanzanie; Tchad; Togo; Tunisie; Zambie; Zimbabwe; Antigua et Barbuda; Argentine; Bahamas; Barbade; Bélize; Bolivie; Brésil; Canada; Chili; Colombie; Costa Rica; Cuba; République Dominicaine; Dominique; El Salvador; Equateur; Etats-Unis; Grenade; Guatémala; Guyana; Haïti; Honduras; Jamaïque; Mexique; Montserrat; Nicaragua; Panama; Paraguay; Pérou; Saint Christophe et Niévès; Sainte Lucie; Saint Vincent et les Grenadines; Suriname; Trinité et Tobago; Uruguay; Vénézuéla; Afghanistan; Arabie saoudite; Arménie; Azerbaïdjan; Bahreïn; Bangladesh; Bhoutan; Brunei; Cambodge; Chine; Corée du Nord; Corée du Sud; Emirats Arabes Unis; Géorgie; Hong Kong; Inde; Indonésie; Irak; Iran; Israël; Japon; Jordanie; Kazakhstan; Kirghizstan; Koweït; Laos; Liban; Malaisie; Maldives; Mongolie; Myanmar; Népal; Oman; Ouzbekistan; Pakistan; Territoires palestiniens; Philippines; Qatar; Singapour; Sri Lanka; Syrie; Tadjikistan; Taiwan; Thaïlande; Timor oriental; Turkmenistan; Turquie; Yémen; Albanie; Allemagne; Andorre; Autriche; Belgique; Biélorussie; Bosnie-Herzégovine; Bulgarie; Chypre; Croatie; Danemark; Espagne; Estonie; Finlande; Grèce; Hongrie; Irlande; Islande; Italie; Lettonie; Liechtenstein; Lituanie; Luxembourg; Macédoine; Malte; Moldavie; Norvège; Pays-Bas; Pologne; Portugal; Roumanie; Royaume-Uni; Russie; Slovaquie; Slovénie; Suède; Suisse; République Tchèque; Ukraine; Australie; îles Cook; Fidji; Kiribati; Marshall; Micronésie; Nauru; Niué; Nouvelle Zélande; Palau; Papouasie – Nouvelle Guinée; Salomon; Samoa; Tonga; Tuvalu; Vanuatu; Vietnam; Canada (Québec); Rép. démocratique du Congo; Vatican; Kosovo; Monaco; Monténégro; Saint-Marin; Serbie; Guinée équatorialeNotes

All nationalities are accepted (except for French applicants)

SUBJECT AREAAgriculture – agroalimentaire; Architecture, urbanisme et aménagement du territoire; Arts, culture, design et mode; Biologie; Chimie; Communication et journalisme; Droit; Environnement et sciences de la terre; Informatique; Langues et lettres; Management, gestion, finances et commerce; Mathématiques; Physique; Santé et professions sociales; Sciences de l’éducation; Sciences de l’ingénieur; Sciences économiques et politiques; Sciences humaines et sociales; Sports; Tourisme, hôtellerie et restauration; Transport et logistiqueNotes

The LivinFrance scholarship is open to all courses and fields of study accessible to newcomers.

LEVELLicence; Master; Doctorat Notes

All levels of higher education are accepted; applicants must have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) by 2022.


The candidate must be registered on the platform in order to validate his/her application



Applications must be sent through the “LivinFrance 2022-2023 Scholarship Application” form.

The online form is available by clicking on the link below.

Applications sent by other means will not be considered and will be automatically rejected. Any incomplete application will be systematically rejected.

The candidate must be registered on the platform in order to validate his application Online application /en/formulaire-2022-2023

APPLY BEFORE June 30, 2022


Primary application:

  • ID document
  • Annual transcript

If the student is preselected for the 2nd round, he/she will be contacted to provide the following additional documents

  • Certificate of registration or pre-registration 2022-2023
  • Cover letter
  • Transcripts from the last 3 years
  • Letter of recommendation (optional)
  • Short presentation video (optional)
  • Prizes/awards received (optional)
  • Any other document that may support the application


The selection of the grant holders is made by an independent jury composed of international mobility actors, whose composition will be communicated by July 12, 2022 at the latest by email to the pre-selected candidates and on the website

The jury will have to follow a scoring system based on the following criteria to rate the applications

  • Academic, economic and social situation
  • Motivation of the student
  • Relevance of the mobility project
  • Quality of the academic file

Official Website here

LivinFrance – Scholarship

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