Job Vacancy at MTN Ghana for Senior Specialist – CAPEX
Job Summary: Manage CAPEX and Project activities and provide effective financial tracking of all CAPEX…
Job Summary: Manage CAPEX and Project activities and provide effective financial tracking of all CAPEX…
Nigerian Breweries Plc is recruiting to fill the following positions: 1.) Process and Control Improvement…
Eden Solutions and Resources Limited - Our clients in various sectors is recruiting suitably qualified…
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is recruiting to fill the following positions: 1.)…
Asset and Equity Group is recruiting to fill the following positions: 1.) Lawyer 2.) Accountant…
The U.S. Mission to Nigeria is recruiting to fill the following positions: 1.) USAID Accountant…
HR Leverage Africa - Our client in various sectors are recruiting suitably qualified candidates to…
Ama-Zuma Group is recruiting to fill the following positions: 1.) Transport Manager 2.) Accountant 3.)…
The Concept Group is recruiting to fill the following positions: 1.) Contract Recruiter 2.) Product…
Sayed Farms Limited is recruiting to fill the following positions: 1.) Electrical Engineer 2.) Experienced…