🇳🇬 Job Vacancies @ UN Women – 4 Positions

Nigeria Posted on Consulting / Business Strategy/ Planning

UN Women - In July 2010, the United nations General Assembly created UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. The creation of UN Women came about as part of the UN reform agenda, bringing together resources and mandates for greater impact. It merges and builds on the important work of four previously distinct parts of the UN system (DAW, OSAGI, INSTRAW and UNIFEM), which focused exclusively on gender equality and women's empowerment.

We are recruiting to fill the following positions below:

1.) Consultant (Conduct a mapping and Assessment of Non-State Actor's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Nigeria)
2.) National Consultant (Conduct a Gender Responsive Assessment of the Mining Industry in Nigeria)
3.) National Consultant (Conduct a Mapping and Assessment of Services)
4.) National Consultant (Conduct a Gender Responsive Assessment of the Maritime Sector in Nigeria)


See job details and how to apply below.


1.) Consultant (Conduct a mapping and Assessment of Non-State Actor's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Nigeria)

Job Title: Consultant (Conduct a mapping and Assessment of Non-State Actor's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Nigeria)

Location: Homebased, Nigeria
Additional Category: Gender Equality
Type of Contract: Individual Contract
Post Level: National Consultant
Languages Required  English
Duration of Initial Contract  40 Working days
Expected Duration of Assignment: 40 Working days


  • UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action, and peace and security.
  • UN Women has a universal mandate that encompasses a normative, an operational/programmatic as well as a coordination role, all of which are closely linked with its unique structure. At the core of its mandate, UN Women plays a leading role in supporting governments in delivering on their gender equality and empowerment of women (GEEW) commitments in the SDGs.
  • The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent a broad and ambitious development agenda for the world to achieve by 2030. Although governments are the primary drivers for achieving the goals, it is also globally acknowledged that public sector resources, particularly in developing countries, will be inadequate to meet the targets.
  • This acknowledgment provides the basis for forging, as well as sustaining, new and existing collaboration with non-state actors, of which the private sector remains a strong and important stakeholder. The 17 SDG Goals include a stand-alone Goal on Gender Equality, SDG 5. Globally, a growing number of companies are investing in SDG 5 by either direct funding support or through their commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
  • To date, multinational companies have collectively invested more than $300 million and launched programmes on employment and empowerment.
  • Non-state actors’ CSRs provide a viable opportunity for increasing and sustaining financing for gender equality and the empowerment of women in Nigeria. With a booming private sector in Lagos State, as well as a wide spectrum of multinationals and international development partners across the country, UN Women envisages these non-state actor’s commitments to social responsibility as essential components to realizing the Sustainable Development Goals and the targets in its 5-year Strategic Plan (2022-2025).
  • In view of this, UN Women seeks the services of a consultant to conduct a rapid mapping and assessment of non-state Corporate Social Responsibility in Nigeria.
  • The consultant will document the non-State actor’s CSR – funding scope, industry of interest, focus area, and targeted beneficiaries, identify opportunities for financing activities in UN Women’s Strategic Note, and plausible limitations for collaborating with each identified non-state actor. In addition, the consultant will develop a database of these non-state actors, their physical addresses, and contacts (focal persons) within the organization responsible for CSR.
  • The consultant will also develop a detailed plan of action/strategy for UN Women to enable the mobilization of resources from non-state actor’s CSR for advancing gender equality and the empowerment of women in Nigeria. The consultant is also expected to prepare a comprehensive but succinct report that will meet the standards and expectations of UN Women in terms of structure and content.

Duties and Responsibilities
Under the leadership of the Programme Specialist WEE GRP, and working closely with the Deputy Country Representative, the Consultant is expected to perform the following tasks:

  • Develop an inception report with clearly designed and detailed mapping methodology and data collection tools for conducting the mapping exercise.
  • Conduct a rapid mapping of non-State actor’s CSR – funding scope, industry of interest, focus area and targeted beneficiaries, identify opportunities for financing activities in UN Women’s Strategic Note and plausible limitations for collaborating with each identified non-state actor. Mapping will include sectors dominated by men and women, including but not limited to mining and quarrying, upstream and downstream petroleum, and maritime. This activity will involve aligning UN Women’s priority areas to non-state actor’s CSR priorities.
  • Develop a database of these non-state actors, their physical addresses, and contacts (focal persons) within the organization responsible for CSR.
  • Develop a detailed plan of action/strategy for UN Women to enable the mobilization of resources from non-state actor’s CSR for advancing gender equality and the empowerment of women in Nigeria.
  • Develop and submit a final report on the mapping of non-State actor’s CSR with actionable recommendations to UN Women.
  • Develop a PowerPoint presentation on the overall report focusing on findings and recommendations.
  • Perform any other task as directed by the Country Representative

Usage of Findings:

  • The report will be used by UN Women to source for funding opportunities from non-state actors.
  • Enhance UN Women’s collaboration and partnership with non-state actors in Nigeria.


  • The consultant will develop a detailed methodology to guide the mapping and assessment exercise.

Report Should:

  • Contain an executive summary (mandatory)
  • Be analytical (both quantitative and qualitative)
  • Be structured around the key issues/entry points highlighted above and related findings
  • Include identified opportunities, challenges, a plan of action/strategy, and recommendations.

The selected Consultant will be expected to complete the following key deliverables within the indicative timeframe:

S/N  Deliverables  Indicative Timeline
1 Initial consultation between the consultant and the UN Women team to agree on the assignment and development of detailed workplan 1 day
2 Submit to UN Women Inception Report showing methodology, tools, plans and realistic work plan for job completion 3 days
3 Mapping of non-State actor’s CSR 17 days
4 Develop a database of these non-state actors, their physical address, and contacts (focal persons) within the organization responsible for CSR 8 days
5 Develop a detailed plan of action/strategy for UN Women to enable the mobilization of resources from non-state actor’s CSR for advancing gender equality and the empowerment of women in Nigeria 5 days
6 Submission of draft report of findings 2 days
7 Validation workshop with UN Women 1 day
8 Submission of a comprehensive report (Including a PowerPoint Presentation) to UN Women containing key recommendations. 3 days
Total Consultancy period 40 working days


  • Master’s Degree or equivalent in areas related to Social Sciences, Economics, International Development, Law, Management science or related field.
  • Practical skills in survey and research analysis or applied statistical data.


  • A minimum experience of 10 years of relevant professional work experience in areas such as business research, business development and management, public relations, and human resource.
  • Proven experience in conducting qualitative and quantitative research or studies.
  • Sound experience in conducting gender-related programming, especially private sector financing of gender equality and empowerment of women.
  • Ability to speak and write in a clear and gender-sensitive language.
  • Familiarity with the UN system and knowledge of UN Women.

Core Values / Guiding Principles:

  • Integrity: Demonstrate consistency in upholding and promoting the values of UN Women in actions and decisions, in line with the UN Code of Conduct.
  • Professionalism: Demonstrate professional competence and expert knowledge of the pertinent substantive areas of work.
  • Cultural sensitivity and valuing diversity: Demonstrate an appreciation of the multicultural nature of the organization and the diversity of its staff. Demonstrate an international outlook, appreciating differences in values and learning from cultural diversity.

Functional Competencies:

  • Excellent methods for the content analysis of large bodies of qualitative information.
  • Demonstrates outstanding skilled knowledge of qualitative data analysis methods.
  • Demonstrates excellent ability to prioritize and focus research questions to produce relevant and useful recommendations.
  • Objectivity and ability to analyze large datasets in a short period.
  • Excellent knowledge and technical skills in corporate social responsibility.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills, particularly to summarize complex findings and convey complex achievements in clear results language.
  • Produces timely, quality outputs.
  • Strong skills in data presentation.
  • Excellent understanding of international development issues and knowledge of the UN system.

Application Closing Date
10th March, 2023.(Midnight New York, USA)

Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click here to apply online

Applicants are required to send the following as a single document (please note the system allows only one attachment):

2.) National Consultant (Conduct a Gender Responsive Assessment of the Mining Industry in Nigeria)

Job Title: National Consultant (Conduct a Gender Responsive Assessment of the Mining Industry in Nigeria)

Location: Homebased, Nigeria
Additional Category: Gender Equality
Type of Contract: Individual Contract
Post Level: National Consultant
Languages Required  English
Duration of Initial Contract  40 Working days
Expected Duration of Assignment: 40 Working days


  • The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women) was established by General Assembly resolution 64/289 of 2 July 2010 on system-wide coherence, with the mandate to assist countries and the United Nations system itself to progress more effectively and efficiently toward the goal of achieving gender equality, women’s empowerment, and upholding women’s rights. UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security.
  • The mining industry in Nigeria plays a significant role in the country's economic development, contributing to the production of a range of minerals and providing employment and income opportunities for a large number of people. The main minerals that are mined in Nigeria include coal, limestone, zinc, lead, tin, limestone, and barite. The major mining sites in Nigeria are located in the states of Benue, Kogi, Nasarawa, and Plateau, as well as in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). However, the industry has also been associated with various challenges, including environmental degradation, social conflict, and gender inequality.
  • The mining industry in Nigeria provides employment and income opportunities for a large number of people, including miners, support staff, and local communities. The industry is also a major contributor to the country's GDP, with the minerals sector accounting for around 0.3% of GDP in 2019. The mining industry in Nigeria also plays an important role in the country's infrastructure development, with the construction of roads, bridges, and other transportation systems that are needed to access mining sites and transport minerals to market. In addition to its direct economic contributions, the mining industry in Nigeria also has indirect economic impacts. For example, the industry supports local businesses and services, such as transportation, accommodation, and food services, and it helps to stimulate economic growth and development in the regions where mining takes place.
  • The mining industry in Nigeria also provides employment and income opportunities for a large number of people, including miners, support staff, and local communities. This can help to reduce poverty and improve living standards in the regions where mining takes place. Diversification of the economy: The mining industry in Nigeria has the potential to contribute to the diversification of the country's economy, which is currently heavily reliant on the oil and gas sector. By developing the mining sector, Nigeria can reduce its reliance on oil and gas and create a more diversified and resilient economy. Additionally, the mining industry in Nigeria has the potential to generate significant export earnings for the country. Nigeria exports a range of minerals, including coal, limestone, zinc, lead, and tin, and these exports can contribute to the country's foreign exchange earnings and contribute to economic growth and development in the country.
  • Despite the economic benefits of the mining industry in Nigeria, the sector also faces a number of challenges that can impact its ability to contribute to the country's development. As part of its commitment to engendering legal and policy frameworks in Nigeria to advance gender equality and the empowerment of women, as enshrined in UN Women’s 5-year Strategic Note (2023 -2027) and the SDGs, UN Women Nigeria Country Office seeks to engage a national consultant to conduct of a gender responsive assessment of the mining industry in Nigeria. The assessment will prioritize the identification of the challenges faced by women in the industry and recommend strategies for addressing these challenges, while proffering action plans for mainstreaming gender in the industry.

The key objectives of the assessment will include:

  • To understand the gender dynamics within the mining industry in Nigeria, including the roles, responsibilities, and opportunities available to women and men.
  • To identify gender gaps in terms of challenges faced by women in the mining industry, including issues related to health and safety, working conditions, unequal power relations, Gender Based Violence, access to resources and opportunities.
  • To assess the impact of the mining industry on the local community, including any negative impacts on the environment and on the social and economic well-being of women and men.
  • To recommend strategies for addressing the challenges faced by women and men in the mining industry and for promoting gender equality and social inclusion.
  • To identify entry points for mainstreaming gender within the Sector

Duties and Responsibilities
Under the guidance of the Deputy Country Representative, and working closely with the Programme Specialist WEE, The assessment will be conducted using a mixed-methods approach, including both qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis. The following methods will be used.

  • Desk review: A desk review of existing literature and data on the mining industry in Nigeria, including reports, articles, and policy documents, will be conducted to gather background information and to identify key issues and challenges related to gender and the mining industry, especially relating to gender gaps, gender policies, strategies, plans and budgets, Women's participation in decision making and policy making, gender-based violence, corporate social responsibility, etc.
  • Stakeholder consultations: Consultations with key stakeholders, including policymakers, industry leaders, civil society organizations, and community representatives, will be conducted to gather their perspectives on the challenges faced by women and men in the mining industry and their views on strategies for addressing these challenges.
  • Field visits: Field visits to mining sites and communities in Nigeria will be conducted to gather first-hand information on the working conditions, health and safety issues, and social and economic impacts of the mining industry.
  • Focus group discussions: Focus group discussions with women and men working in the mining industry and with community members affected by mining activities will be conducted to gather their views and experiences.
  • Surveys: Surveys will be conducted with a representative sample of women and men working in the mining industry and with community members affected by mining activities to gather quantitative data on the challenges faced by women and men and the impact of the mining industry on the local community.

Usage of findings:
It is expected that the finds will provide:

  • better understanding of the gender dynamics within the mining industry in Nigeria and the challenges faced by women and men.
  • recommendations for addressing the challenges faced by women and men in the mining industry, including strategies for promoting gender equality and social inclusion.
  • increased awareness among stakeholders, including policymakers, industry leaders, and civil society organizations, of the challenges faced by women and men in the mining industry and the need for gender responsive interventions.
  • capacity enhancement for stakeholders to implement gender responsive strategies and policies in the mining industry.
  • an opportunity for women to participate in leadership positions and employment opportunities in the industry.
  • a monitoring action plan with indicators to measure success of actions
  • The consultant will develop a detailed methodology to guide the mapping and assessment exercise.

Report Should:

  • Contain an executive summary (mandatory)
  • Be analytical (both quantitative and qualitative)
  • Be structured around the key issues/entry points highlighted above and related findings
  • Include identified opportunities, challenges, a plan of action/strategy, and recommendations.

The selected Consultant will be expected to complete the following key deliverables within the indicative timeframe:

 S/N  Deliverables Indicative Timeline
Initial consultation between the consultant and the UN Women team to agree on the assignment and development of detailed workplan 1 day
      2. Submit to UN Women Inception Report showing methodology, tools, plans and realistic work plan for job completion 3 days
     3. Conduct a desk review of relevant literature and documents to gather information on current status of gender equality in the sector and identify key challenges faced by women and men in the sector. This will include a review of national and international policies and frameworks, as well as reports and studies on gender issues in the sector, especially relating to gender gaps, gender policies, strategies, plans and budgets, Women's participation in decision making and policy making, gender-based violence, corporate social responsibility, etc.   10 days
     4. Field Data Collection 10 days
     5. Submit a draft report on the findings of the assessment, including a summary of the current status of gender equality in the sector, the challenges faced by women and men, and the policies and practices that impact gender equality. The report will also include recommendations for addressing gender-related issues in the sector and promoting the empowerment and advancement of women in the sector. 10 days
     6. Validation workshop with UN Women 1 day
     7. Submission of a comprehensive report (Including a PowerPoint Presentation) to UN Women containing key recommendations. 5 days
Total Consultancy period 40 working days


  • Master’s Degree or equivalent in areas related to Social Sciences, Economics, International Development, Law, Management science or related field.
  • Practical skills in survey and research analysis or applied statistical data.


  • A minimum experience of 10 years of relevant professional work experience in areas such as business research, business development and management, public relations, and human resource.
  • Proven experience in conducting qualitative and quantitative research or studies.
  • Sound experience in conducting gender-related programming, especially private sector financing of gender equality and empowerment of women.
  • Ability to speak and write in a clear and gender-sensitive language.
  • Familiarity with the UN system and knowledge of UN Women.

Core Values / Guiding Principles:

  • Integrity: Demonstrate consistency in upholding and promoting the values of UN Women in actions and decisions, in line with the UN Code of Conduct.
  • Professionalism: Demonstrate professional competence and expert knowledge of the pertinent substantive areas of work.
  • Cultural sensitivity and valuing diversity: Demonstrate an appreciation of the multicultural nature of the organization and the diversity of its staff. Demonstrate an international outlook, appreciating difference in values and learning from cultural diversity.

Functional Competencies:

  • Excellent methods for content analysis of large bodies of qualitative information.
  • Demonstrates outstanding skilled knowledge of qualitative data analysis methods.
  • Demonstrates excellent ability to prioritize and focus research questions to produce relevant and useful recommendations.
  • Objectivity and ability to analyze large datasets in short period.
  • Excellent knowledge and technical skills on corporate social responsibility.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills, particularly to summarize complex findings and convey complex achievements in clear results language.
  • Produces timely, quality outputs.
  • Strong skills in data presentation.
  • Excellent understanding of international development issues and knowledge of the UN system

Application Closing Date
10th March, 2023.(Midnight New York, USA)

Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click here to apply online

Applicants are required to send the following as a single document (please note the system allows only one attachment):

3.) National Consultant (Conduct a Mapping and Assessment of Services)

Job Title: National Consultant to conduct a mapping and assessment of services (Health, Education, Finance, Space for Development, Technology) provided for women and girls in Nigeria.

Location: Homebased, Nigeria
Additional Category: Gender Equality
Type of Contract: Individual Contract
Post Level: National Consultant
Languages Required  English
Duration of Initial Contract  40 Working days
Expected Duration of Assignment: 40 Working days


  • The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women) was established by General Assembly resolution 64/289 of 2 July 2010 on system-wide coherence, with the mandate to assist countries and the United Nations system itself to progress more effectively and efficiently toward the goal of achieving gender equality, women’s empowerment, and upholding women’s rights. UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action, and peace and security.
  • In Nigeria, socio-cultural barriers, including gender-based discrimination and societal attitudes, present a significant challenge to women's access to essential services such as health, education, and economic opportunities. Women are often viewed as inferior, and their needs and rights are not considered equal, leading to a lack of investment in services and resources specifically addressing their needs. For example, cultural norms may restrict women's mobility, making it difficult for them to access healthcare facilities or other services located in far-off locations.
  • Despite the presence of various programs and initiatives aimed at providing access to services for women, the implementation of these initiatives often lacks coordination and cooperation among different stakeholders. UN Agencies and development partners each have their own programs and initiatives, leading to a fragmented approach to addressing the needs of women and girls. This fragmentation results in a lack of knowledge-sharing and collaboration, leading to duplication of efforts, and ineffective program implementation.
  • The Ministry of Women Affairs is often unaware of these programs and initiatives, and the various gender-focused groups work in silos, further exacerbating the lack of coordination. Additionally, the targeted women beneficiaries are not always able to access these opportunities, leading to ineffective and inefficient use of resources.
  • To address these challenges and improve access to services and opportunities for women and girls in Nigeria, it is crucial to have a comprehensive mapping of all services provided by public institutions, UN agencies, and development partners. This mapping will provide an opportunity for greater inclusivity in advancing gender equality and the empowerment of women in Nigeria. By having a clear understanding of the services and resources available, it will be possible to identify gaps and prioritize areas where additional resources and support are needed. This will also enable a more effective and coordinated approach to addressing the needs of women and girls in Nigeria, maximizing the impact of efforts to promote gender equality and empower women.
  • As part of its commitment to engendering legal and policy frameworks in Nigeria to advance gender equality and the empowerment of women, as enshrined in UN Women’s 5-year Strategic Note (2023 -2027) and the SDGs, UN Women Nigeria Country Office seeks to engage a national consultant to conduct a comprehensive mapping of all services related to health, education, gender-based violence, economic opportunities, and finance provided for women and girls in Nigeria. This mapping exercise will be carried out by a consultant with extensive experience in gender-responsive service delivery and a deep understanding of the Nigerian context. The consultant will be responsible for conducting a thorough analysis of existing services and resources, assessing their coverage and impact, identifying duplications, gaps, and overlaps, and promoting collaboration and coordination among different actors.

The objectives of the assessment will include:

  • To identify and map all existing services and resources related to health, education, gender-based violence, economic opportunities, finance, technologies, and spaces for inclusive development, provided for women and girls in Nigeria.
  • To comprehensively assess and document the presence, scope, and impact of all actors offering health, education, gender-based violence, economic opportunities, technologies, safe spaces for development, and finance services for women and girls in Nigeria, including their location, objectives, and target populations.
  • To identify duplications, gaps, and overlaps in services provided by different actors.
  • To promote collaboration and coordination among different actors in the implementation of gender-responsive services.
  • To increase the transparency and accountability of UN agencies, development partners, and public institutions in the provision of gender-responsive services.
  • To engage with local communities and women's organizations to understand the specific needs and challenges faced by women and girls in accessing services.
  • To inform the design and implementation of future gender-responsive services and programs in Nigeria.

Duties and Responsibilities
Under the supervision of the Programme Specialist, WEEGRP, and working closely with the Deputy Country Representative, the Consultant is expected to perform the following tasks:

  • Develop an inception report that outlines the mapping methodology and data collection tools.
  • Conduct a comprehensive mapping exercise of all existing services and resources provided by UN Agencies, Development Partners, and Public Institutions, related to health, education, gender-based violence, economic opportunities, finance, technologies, and safe spaces for inclusive development provided for women and girls in Nigeria.
  • Assess and document the presence, scope, and impact of all identified actors providing these services, including their location, objectives, and target populations.
  • Identify duplications, gaps, and overlaps in services provided by different actors.
  • Inform the design and implementation of future gender-responsive services and programs in Nigeria by presenting recommendations based on the mapping findings.
  • Develop a final report that highlights the mapping findings and recommendations for promoting transparency and accountability of all actors involved in providing gender-responsive services.
  • Develop a PowerPoint presentation to summarize the findings and recommendations of the report.
  • Perform any other task as directed by the Country Representative.

Usage of Findings:

  • The report will be used to seek programmatic interventions to address coordination gaps and enhance access to gender-responsive services and resources for women and girls in Nigeria.


  • The consultant will develop a detailed methodology to guide the mapping and assessment exercise.

Report Should:

  • Contain an executive summary (mandatory)
  • Be analytical (both quantitative and qualitative)
  • Be structured around the key issues/entry points highlighted above and related findings
  • Include identified duplications, gaps, and overlap in the provision of services, a plan of action/strategy, and a recommendation

The selected Consultant will be expected to complete the following key deliverables within the indicative timeframe:

        S/N     Deliverables  Indicative Timeline
1. Initial consultation between the consultant and the UN Women team to agree on the assignment and development of detailed workplan 1 day
2. Submit to UN Women Inception Report showing methodology, tools, plans and realistic work plan for job completion 3 days
3. Conduct a desk review of all existing services and resources provided by UN Agencies, Development Partners, and Public Institutions, related to health, education, gender-based violence, economic opportunities, finance, technologies, and safe spaces for inclusive development provided for women and girls in Nigeria 10 days
4. Field Data Collection: Assess and document the presence, scope, and impact of all identified actors providing these services, including their location, objectives, and target populations 10 days
5. Submit a draft report on the findings of the mapping and assessment, including opportunities and challenges related to collaboration and coordination among different actors in the implementation of and provision of information related to gender-responsive services. The report will also include actionable recommendations for improving the provision of gender-responsive services and resources in Nigeria. 10 days
6. Validation workshop with UN Women 1 day
7. Submission of a comprehensive report (Including a PowerPoint Presentation) to UN Women containing key recommendations. 5 days
Total Consultancy period 40 working days


  • Master’s Degree or equivalent in areas related to Social Sciences, Economics, International Development, Law, Management Science, or related field.
  • Practical skills in the survey and research analysis or applied statistical data.


  • A minimum experience of 10 years of relevant professional work experience in areas such as business research, business development and management, public relations, and human resource.
  • Proven experience in conducting qualitative and quantitative research or studies.
  • Sound experience in conducting gender-related programming.
  • Ability to speak and write in a clear and gender-sensitive language.
  • Familiarity with the UN system and knowledge of UN Women.


  • Excellent oral and written English skills

Core Values / Guiding Principles:

  • Integrity: Demonstrate consistency in upholding and promoting the values of UN Women in actions and decisions, in line with the UN Code of Conduct.
  • Professionalism: Demonstrate professional competence and expert knowledge of the pertinent substantive areas of work.
  • Cultural sensitivity and valuing diversity: Demonstrate an appreciation of the multicultural nature of the organization and the diversity of its staff. Demonstrate an international outlook, appreciating differences in values and learning from cultural diversity.

Functional Competencies:

  • Excellent methods for the content analysis of large bodies of qualitative information.
  • Demonstrates outstanding skilled knowledge of qualitative data analysis methods.
  • Demonstrates excellent ability to prioritize and focus research questions to produce relevant and useful recommendations.
  • Objectivity and ability to analyze large datasets in a short period.
  • Excellent knowledge and technical skills on corporate social responsibility.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills, particularly to summarize complex findings and convey complex achievements in clear results language.
  • Produces timely, quality outputs.
  • Strong skills in data presentation.
  • Excellent understanding of international development issues and knowledge of the UN system.

Application Closing Date
10th March, 2023.(Midnight New York, USA)

Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click here to apply online

Applicants are required to send the following as a single document (please note the system allows only one attachment)

4.) National Consultant (Conduct a Gender Responsive Assessment of the Maritime Sector in Nigeria)

Job Title: National Consultant to Conduct a Gender Responsive Assessment of the Maritime Sector in Nigeria

Location: Homebased, Nigeria
Additional Category: Gender Equality
Type of Contract: Individual Contract
Level: National Consultant
Languages Required  English
Duration of Initial Contract  40 Working days
Expected Duration of Assignment: 40 Working days


  • UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action, and peace and security. UN Women has a universal mandate that encompasses a normative, an operational/programmatic as well as a coordination role, all of which are closely linked with its unique structure. At the core of its mandate, UN Women plays a leading role in supporting governments in delivering on their gender equality and empowerment of women (GEEW) commitments in the SDGs.
  • The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women) was established by General Assembly resolution 64/289 of 2 July 2010 on system-wide coherence, with the mandate to assist countries and the United Nations system itself to progress more effectively and efficiently toward the goal of achieving gender equality, women’s empowerment, and upholding women’s rights. UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action, and peace and security.
  • The Nigeria Maritime Sector comprises: A coastline of about 850 kilometers and an exclusive economic zone of 315,950 square kilometers. Navigable inland waterways of 3,000 kilometers. Six major seaports, eleven oil terminals, and 170 private jetties. 19 functional shipbuilding and ship repair yards. Five Inland Container Depots are under construction. Over 300 registered shipping companies and numerous shipping agents, chandlers, freight forwarders, Maritime Professional Bodies and Associations, and Government Maritime Regulatory Agencies.
  • The Maritime sector is richly endowed with vast natural resources such as extensive coastline, aquatic animals including fish, oil and gas deposits, bitumen, etc. it is very critical to the economic development and growth of Nigeria and is second only to the oil and gas sector in terms of foreign exchange earnings. Nigeria generates about 70% of the ship traffic, cargo, and value of trade in the West and Central African sub-region. Nature and economic factors have combined to create huge investment opportunities in the maritime sector of Nigeria. The natural opportunities include a population of over 180million which means a huge market; a land area of 923, 768 square kilometers, an extensive coastline of 850kilometres, navigable inland waterways measuring about 3,000 kilometers and large offshore oil and gas deposits which combine to provide opportunities in oil and gas shipment; deep sea trade and coastal trade.
  • The Nigerian Maritime sector plays a crucial role in the country's economy, providing employment opportunities, contributing to the gross domestic product, and facilitating trade. However, the sector has faced various challenges, including gender-related issues that have hindered its growth and development. For example, women represent less than 2% of the total workforce in Nigeria’s maritime sector, with the sector being recognized as a historically male dominated sector . In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of gender equality and the role it plays in achieving sustainable development. Ensuring gender equality and promoting the rights of women and men, girls and boys, is essential to achieving the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The need to address gender issues in the Nigerian Maritime sector has been highlighted in various national and international frameworks, including the National Gender Policy, the African Union's Agenda 2063, and the International Maritime Organization's (IMO) Global Plan of Action on Gender Mainstreaming in the Maritime Sector.
  • As part of its commitment to engendering legal and policy frameworks in Nigeria to advance gender equality and the empowerment of women, as enshrined in UN Women’s 5-year Strategic Note (2023 -2027) and the SDGs, UN Women Nigeria Country Office seeks to engage a national consultant to conduct a gender-responsive assessment of the maritime sector in Nigeria. The assessment will prioritize the identification of the challenges faced by women in the sector and recommend strategies for addressing these challenges while proffering action plans for mainstreaming gender in the sector.

The objectives of the assessment will include:

  • To identify the current status of gender equality in the Nigerian Maritime sector and the challenges faced by women and men in the sector.
  • To identify the barriers and constraints that prevent women from accessing and participating in the sector, as well as the opportunities available for their empowerment and advancement.
  • To examine the policies and practices that impact gender equality in the sector and recommend measures to address any identified gaps.
  • To engage with key stakeholders in the sector, including the government, industry, and civil society organizations, to gather their perspectives and insights on gender issues in the sector.
  • To develop a comprehensive report on the findings of the assessment and recommend strategies for addressing gender-related issues in the sector.
  • To identify entry points for mainstreaming gender within the Sector

Duties and Responsibilities
Under the guidance of the Deputy Country Representative, and working closely with the Programme Specialist WEE, the Consultant is expected to perform the following tasks:

  • Desk review: A desk review of relevant literature and documents will be conducted to gather information on the current status of gender equality in the sector and identify the key challenges faced by women and men in the sector. This will include a review of national and international policies and frameworks, as well as reports and studies on gender issues in the sector, especially relating to gender gaps, gender policies, strategies, plans and budgets, Women's participation in decision making and policy making, gender-based violence, corporate social responsibility, etc.
  • Stakeholder interviews: Key stakeholders in the sector, including government officials, industry representatives, and civil society organizations, will be interviewed to gather their perspectives and insights on gender issues in the sector. These interviews will be conducted in person or via telephone or video conference, depending on the availability and preference of the stakeholders.
  • Focus group discussions: Focus group discussions with workers in the sector, including both women and men, will be conducted to gather detailed information on the experiences and challenges faced by workers in the sector. These focus groups will be conducted in various locations across the country to ensure a diverse and representative sample.
  • Survey: A survey will be conducted to gather quantitative data on the experiences and challenges faced by workers in the sector. The survey will be administered online or through paper questionnaires, depending on the preference and accessibility of the participants.
  • Data analysis: The data collected through the desk review, stakeholder interviews, focus group discussions, and survey will be analyzed using appropriate statistical techniques to identify patterns and trends. The findings will be used to identify the barriers and constraints faced by women in the sector and the policies and practices that impact gender equality in the sector.
  • Report preparation: A comprehensive report will be prepared based on the findings of the assessment, including a summary of the current status of gender equality in the sector, the challenges faced by women and men, and the policies and practices that impact gender equality. The report will also include recommendations for addressing gender-related issues in the sector and promoting the empowerment and advancement of women in the sector.
  • Perform any other task as directed by the Country Representative

Usage of Findings:

  • The report will be used to seek programmatic interventions to address gender-related issues that do not align with the SDGs and hinder the sector's growth and development. Methodology
  • The consultant will develop a detailed methodology to guide the mapping and assessment exercise.

Report should:

  • Contain an executive summary (mandatory)
  • Be analytical (both quantitative and qualitative)
  • Be structured around the key issues/entry points highlighted above and related findings.
  • Include identified opportunities, challenges, a plan of action/strategy, and recommendations.

The selected Consultant will be expected to complete the following key deliverables within the indicative timeframe:

  S/N    Deliverables Indicative Timeline
  1 Initial consultation between the consultant and the UN Women team to agree on the assignment and development of detailed workplan 1 day
  2 Submit to UN Women Inception Report showing methodology, tools, plans and realistic work plan for job completion 3 days
  3 Conduct a desk review of relevant literature and documents to gather information on current status of gender equality in the sector and identify key challenges faced by women and men in the sector. This will include a review of national and international policies and frameworks, as well as reports and studies on gender issues in the sector, especially relating to gender gaps, gender policies, strategies, plans and budgets, Women's participation in decision making and policy making, gender-based violence, corporate social responsibility, etc   10 days
  4 Field Data Collection 10 days
  5 Submit a draft report on the findings of the assessment, including a summary of the current status of gender equality in the sector, the challenges faced by women and men, and the policies and practices that impact gender equality. The report will also include recommendations for addressing gender-related issues in the sector and promoting the empowerment and advancement of women in the sector. 10 days
  6 Validation workshop with UN Women 1 day
  7 Submission of a comprehensive report (Including a PowerPoint Presentation) to UN Women containing key recommendations. 5 days
Total Consultancy period 40 working day


  • Master’s Degree or equivalent in areas related to Social Sciences, Economics, International Development, Law, Management science or related field.
  • Practical skills in survey and research analysis or applied statistical data.


  • A minimum experience of 10 years of relevant professional work experience in areas such as business research, business development and management, public relations, and human resource.
  • Proven experience in conducting qualitative and quantitative research or studies.
  • Sound experience in conducting gender-related programming, especially private sector financing of gender equality and empowerment of women.
  • Ability to speak and write in a clear and gender-sensitive language.
  • Familiarity with the UN system and knowledge of UN Women.

Core Values / Guiding Principles:

  • Integrity: Demonstrate consistency in upholding and promoting the values of UN Women in actions and decisions, in line with the UN Code of Conduct.
  • Professionalism: Demonstrate professional competence and expert knowledge of the pertinent substantive areas of work.
  • Cultural sensitivity and valuing diversity: Demonstrate an appreciation of the multicultural nature of the organization and the diversity of its staff. Demonstrate an international outlook, appreciating difference in values and learning from cultural diversity.

Functional Competencies:

  • Excellent methods for content analysis of large bodies of qualitative information.
  • Demonstrates outstanding skilled knowledge of qualitative data analysis methods.
  • Demonstrates excellent ability to prioritize and focus research questions to produce relevant and useful recommendations.
  • Objectivity and ability to analyze large datasets in short period.
  • Excellent knowledge and technical skills on corporate social responsibility.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills, particularly to summarize complex findings and convey complex achievements in clear results language.
  • Produces timely, quality outputs.
  • Strong skills in data presentation.
  • Excellent understanding of international development issues and knowledge of the UN system.

Application Closing Date
10th March, 2023.

Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should:
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UN Women

Job Information

Status: Open No of vacancies: 4 Job type: Full Time Salary: Negotiable Publish date: 28 Feb 2023

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