🇮🇹 Jobs in Italy: 44,000 Seasonal Works Visas Currently Available for 2023

If you’re a non-European individual interested in working in Italy through a Seasonal Work Visa, bear in mind that the Italian Government has made available 44,000 Visas.

The 2023 Italy Seasonal Work Visa operates on an annual quota system.

For 2023, the Italian Government has reserved 44,000 positions exclusively for non-European applicants seeking Seasonal work visas.

You’re assured of a fulfilling experience during your stay as you’ll have opportunities to work and earn.

This quota system falls under the Program Decreto Flussi 2023. The deadline to apply for the Italian Seasonal worker is December 31, 2023.

We will guide you through obtaining a seasonal worker visa, its cost, the kind of work you can do, and the duration of your stay.

Details of the Italy Seasonal Work Visa 2023

Host Country: Italy

Visa Count: 44,000

Program Title: Decreto Flussi

Eligibility: Exclusively for Non-Europeans

Last Application Date: December 31, 2023

Announcement from the Italian Ministry of the Interior

Every year the Italian government specifies the exact quantity of work visas that will be issued to non-Europeans within the year.

The Italian Government has labeled this as Program Decreto Flussi 2023, which outlines the details of work visas for both seasonal and non-seasonal work.

Total Seasonal Work Visas for Italy in 2023

44,000 entries for seasonal jobs in the agriculture and tourism-hotel sectors.

Seasonal Worker Job Categories

The most prevalent types of seasonal work in Italy are within these sectors:

  • Agriculture
  • Tourism
  • Hospitality
  • Entertainment
  • Others

Countries Eligible for Italy Seasonal Worker Visa

Should your country not be listed here, you may inquire from the Italian embassy whether your country is eligible for the seasonal worker program.

The Italy seasonal worker visa is accessible to specific countries under a Decreto Flussi Program:

Albania, Algeria, Bangladesh, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Guatemala, India, Ivory Coast, Japan, Kosovo, Mali, Mauritius, Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Republic of North Macedonia, Senegal, Serbia, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tunisia, and Ukraine.

These nations are eligible for seasonal worker positions in Italy because they have entered a bilateral agreement with Italy on seasonal work.

How long can you Stay in Italy on a Seasonal Worker Visa?

Depending on the length of your employment, you can stay for up to nine months.

Visa Renewal

The seasonal worker residence permit may be renewed if new seasonal work opportunities arise.

  • Italy Seasonal Work Visa Requirements 2023
  • You must be a non-EU resident.
  • You must have a job offer from an employer in Italy.
  • You must have a valid passport.
  • You must have a clear criminal record.
  • You must have sufficient financial resources to support yourself in Italy.


  • You will have a pleasant stay
  • A minimum wage set by the Italian government is 9.50 euro/hour
  • If you work extra hours, you will receive additional pay
  • Paid Vacation time
  • Paid sick leaves
  • Maternity Leave
  • Paternity Leave
  • Some Employers in Italy may also provide Housing assistance.

How to Find Seasonal Worker Jobs in Italy

There are many well-known platforms where you can discover a suitable job in Italy. Remember, a job offer letter is required prior to applying for a Seasonal worker visa.

1# Eures Portal (Crafted by the European Commission)

Visit their Website: https://ec.europa.eu/eures/portal/jv-se/home?lang=en

Choose Italy Here are additional websites where you can look for Jobs in Italy:

2# Glassdoor – English-speaking jobs in Italy

3# The Local It Reed – Jobs In Italy

4# Total Jobs – Jobs In Italy

5# TrovoLavoro.it

What is the Cost to Obtain an Italian Seasonal Worker Visa?

  • Visa Expense: €116.
  • Residence Permit Expense: €40 for stays between 3 and 12 months, €50 for stays between 12 and 24 months

Required Basic Documents

The required documents can vary depending on the country, so always request the most recent documentation from the embassy.

  • Application form
  • A regular Passport
  • All previous Passports
  • Two recent Passport-sized Photographs with a White Background
  • Job offer letter and information regarding the inviting company
  • Request form for NOC made by the employer
  • Details of the contact person in Italy (copy of passport) Copy of the applicant’s most recent Academic Degree/ Certificate
  • Colored Copy of Valid CNIC and Passport (s)
  • Family Registration Certificate (FRC)
  • Original and copy of POLIO Vaccination from any Government Hospital
  • Visa Fee

Where and How to Apply for the Italy Seasonal Worker Visa in 2023

You can only apply if you have a Valid Job offer for seasonal work. Prioritize securing a Job first.

  • VFS Global manages the Visa applications for Italy for most countries.
  • You can visit https://www.vfsglobal.com/en/individuals/index.html
  • Enter your home country and destination country, for example, Italy
  • Review the types of Visas such as work visas.
  • Apply Online or reach out to the Embassy of Italy in your country to understand the application process.

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