Funded to Italy: Invest Your Talent in Italy Scholarships 2021/2022 for International Students

Recognizing the importance of international students as a fundamental instrument for the internationalization of the Country, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation – Directorate General for Cultural and Economic Promotion and Innovation, ITA – Italian Trade Agency, and Uni-Italia, with the support of Unioncamere (Italian Chambers of Commerce), and Confindustria (Confederation of Italian Industries), will award scholarships for academic year 2021-2022 in favor of international students interested in attending higher education courses in Italy within the framework of the “Invest Your Talent in Italy” Program. Scholarships are awarded for courses of Master’s degree (Laurea Magistrale or Master universitario) at Italian Higher Education Institutes (state-owned institutions or institutions legally recognized by the relevant State authorities) that are part of the “Invest Your Talent in Italy” Program.

The Program is aimed at increasing cooperation between Italian universities and companies so as to boost their level of internationalization. It also allows young foreigner talents, formed in Italy in their respective operational sector, to access the Italian businesses that are part of the Program.

Academic qualifications

Applications may only be submitted by those candidates referred to in Articles 1 and 2 who hold the required academic qualifications (Bachelor’s Degree) to enroll in the chosen Master’s Degree Program (Laurea Magistrale or Master Universitario). Candidates must have completed their Bachelor’s Degree.

Age requirements
Applicants must have been born on or after January 1st, 1995, except those applying for a scholarship renewal.

Language skills
Candidates must submit an English language certificate as proof of their proficiency in English.
Candidates must hold at least a B2 level certificate within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

Candidates who are granted a scholarship under the “Invest Your Talent in Italy” Program are exempted from the payment of tuition fees except for the Regional Tax for “Diritto allo Studio”, stampduty, any expense regarding accident insurance and/or civil liability, as well as the health insurance policy.

Grantees must subscribe a health insurance policy to bear any expenses due to illnesses or accident.


  • Grantees will receive a 900,00 € monthly allowance on a quarterly basis, which will be paid on his/her Italian bank account.
  • Upon their arrival in Italy, students will be given detailed information about the payment procedures of the scholarship.
  • Disbursement procedure will begin at the end of each quarter. Individual payments will therefore commence after that period.

Candidates must provide the following documents:
 final transcript of all previous exams as well as the final grade (Bachelor’s Degree);
 students who have completed their Bachelor’s studies but have not yet received their Degree
Diploma – along with the final transcript of all previous exams – must also submit a document
from their University certifying that they have completed their Bachelor’s program and are
waiting for the Degree Diploma to be issued. This document must be issued through and signed
by a representative of the Academic Registrar’s Office;
 English language certificate (IELTS or TOEFL);
 Italian language certificate. It is not mandatory, but if submitted, it will receive a score.
 video about the candidate’s motivations (no longer than 1 minute);
 CV/resume;
 valid Passport.
An official translation into English, French or Spanish is required if the documents are in a language other than these three languages. Both the translated documents and the original copies must be provided.



– CALL FOR SCHOLARSHIPSspacer– BANDO PER L’ASSEGNAZIONE DI BORSE DI STUDIOspacer– FAQsspacerspacer– Regulations of the IYT Scholarshipspacer

To Get More Information and Apply, Click Here

Application Deadline: March 26th, 2021 until 12:00 (Midday, Italian Time).

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