Call to Apply: Juntendo University Privately Funded International Student Scholarships in Japan 2023

Undergraduate Programs

  • Juntendo University’s academic year begins on April 1st.  Students will not be able to begin the Medical Doctor Program or any of the undergraduate programs in the fall.
  • Classes are conducted in Japanese.
  • The application procedures are conducted in Japanese.

Graduate Programs

  • Applicants can apply for programs beginning in either April or October.  Most programs begin in April.  There are some exceptions that allow international students to apply in October.
  • Programs starting in April are conducted in Japanese.  Graduate Schools may allow students to complete research in English.
  • Programs starting in October are conducted in English.
  • The application procedures are conducted in Japanese and English.
  • Language requirements vary for each graduate school. Please check the website of the graduate program you are interested in for more information.
  • Prospective Graduate School of Medicine applicants may want to consider participating in the Clinical Observership Program or Short Term Research Fellowship Program before applying.  These programs would give students the chance to meet faculty members and learn more about what individual departments before entering the Graduate School.



Tuition and Fees, 2022-23

Unit: JPY and USD (calculated at the rate of 100 JPY = 0.877 USD)

Graduate schools Admission fee
(first year only)
Tuition fees, etc. First-year total Total up to graduation*
Master’s Medicine (Course of Medical Science, etc.) 200,000 550,000 750,000 6,579 1,300,000 11,404
Medicine (Course of Data Science) 200,000 1,200,000 1,400,000 12,281 2,600,000 22,807
Health and Sports Science 200,000 600,000 800,000 7,018 1,400,000 12,281
Health Care and Nursing 200,000 600,000 800,000 7,018 1,400,000 12,281
Doctoral Medicine 200,000 550,000 750,000 6,579 2,400,000 21,053
Health and Sports Science 200,000 600,000 800,000 7,018 2,000,000 17,544
Health Care and Nursing 200,000 600,000 800,000 7,018 2,000,000 17,544

*Calculations for master’s programs include the admission fee plus two years of tuition fees, etc. ; for doctral programs (except for Medicine), the total includes the admission fee plus three years of tuition fees, etc; for doctral program of Medicine, the total includes the admission fee plus four years of tuition fees, etc.

Faculties Admission fee
(first year only)
Tuition fees, etc. First-year total Total up to graduation*
Bachelor’s Medicine (M.D. Program) 2,000,000 900,000 2,900,000 25,439 20,800,000 182,456
Health and Sports Science 200,000 1,150,000 1,350,000 11,842 4,800,000 42,105
Health Care and Nursing 300,000 1,550,000 1,850,000 16,228 6,500,000 57,018
Health Science and Nursing 300,000 1,340,000 1,640,000 14,386 6,500,000 57,018
International Liberal Arts 300,000 1,250,000 1,550,000 13,596 5,300,000 46,491
Health Science 300,000 1,450,000 1,750,000 15,351 7,090,000 62,193
Medical Science 300,000 1,450,000 1,750,000 15,351 7,090,000 62,193

*The calculation for medical program includes the admission fee plus six years of tuition fees, etc. ; other programs are calculated as the admission fee plus four years of tuition fees, etc.

Scholarships for International Students Studying in Japan

General Information

  • International students should be aware that the scholarship system in Japan may be different than their country.
  • Japanese scholarship foundations tend to award scholarships based on the Japanese academic calendar, which starts on April 1 and ends the following year on March 31.
  • Japanese scholarship foundations do not tend to accept applications from international students prior to their arrival in Japan.
  • International students should be aware that many scholarships require the following to apply:
  • “Student” residence status
  • Japanese language ability
  • Japanese residence
  • University enrollment
  • Juntendo University International Center (JUIC) assists international students with scholarship procedures that require university approval, cooperation, or recommendation.

Types of Scholarships

Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarships

Research Students (Graduate School Students & Research Students)

  • Applicants must intend on applying to Juntendo University graduate programs or completing research in Juntendo University and must apply prior to arrival in Japan.
  • There are two types of application methods:
  • Embassy Recommendation: Applicants should refer to the Japanese Embassy in their home country for application details. Japanese embassies usually release information about scholarships every year around February and March.
  • University Recommendation: Applicants should contact the international office in their university around December for application details if their school is a Juntendo University partner university. If the international office in the university of the applicant does not have information about the scholarship, contact Juntendo University International Center ( for more information.
  • Applicants should refer to the following link for more information.



Scholarships by JASSO

Reservation Program for Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately-Financed International Students (EJU)

  • Applicants must intend on applying to Juntendo University undergraduate programs.
  • Applicants must apply for this scholarship when registering for the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU) and get a score that is in the top rank for each required subject test.
  • Applicants should refer to the following link for more information.

Reservation Program for Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately-Financed International Students by Pre-arrival Admission

  • Applicants must intend on applying to Juntendo University graduate programs using pre-arrival admission policy outlined by the Japan Student Services Organization.
  • Applicants should refer to the following link for more information.

Scholarships Offered by Private Foundations

  • Open Applications:
    • Applicants should refer to the website of the scholarship foundation for more information.
    • Applicants may submit applications directly to the organization in charge of the scholarship.
  • Applications through the University:
    • Applicants should refer to the website of the scholarship foundation for more information.
    • Applicants must submit applications to JUIC.
    • JUIC will submit all applications to the scholarship foundation.
  • University Recommendation-Based Applications:
    • Applicants must be enrolled in Juntendo University to apply.
    • University recommendation-based scholarships require applicants receive the recommendation of Juntendo University.
    • Eligible students will receive an email notifying them of the application period from JUIC.
    • JUIC will conduct a screening process to nominate students for university recommendation-based scholarships.
    • List of university recommendation-based scholarships: English Japanese

Juntendo University Scholarships

Juntendo University Privately Funded International Student Scholarship

  • Self-funded international students may be eligible to receive a scholarship to mitigate their financial burdens.
  • The application period usually opens around May or June. The Graduate School Administrative Office will notify international students enrolled in graduate programs about the application process.

CSC-JUNTENDO Scholarships

The Chinese Scholarships Council (CSC) and Juntendo University offer scholarships for the followings programs:

  • Doctoral Program
  • A program to obtain a doctoral degree at Juntendo University.
  • Applicants should refer to the following link for more information.
  • Joint Instruction Program
  • A program for students enrolled in a doctoral course in a university in China to conduct part of their doctoral thesis research under joint instruction at Juntendo University.
  • Applicants should refer to the following link for more information.
  • Joint Research Program
  • A program for researchers from universities in China to conduct joint research at Juntendo University.
  • Applicants should refer to the following link for more information.

To Get More Info & Apply: Visit the Official website

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