Sterling Bank Code To Bank 2.0 Talent Recruitment Programme 2021 for Young Nigerians (Call for Applications)

Code to bank is a Tech focused talent attraction initiative aimed at harnessing the value of the vast Tech talents in Nigeria and possibly globally.

  • The Don Tracker; Blockchain Engineer
  • Ruler of the Fleet; Technical Writer
  • The Knight’s watch; Back End Engineer
  • The Bannerman; Front end Engineer
  • The Queensguard; DevOps
  • The Army of the South; UI/UX Engineer
  • The Muliti-faced Asssassin; Mobile Devs
  • Mistress of the Citadel; Product Manager
  • The First Son; Product Designer
  • The Silver Company; Content Analyst


  • Warrior (1 – 2 years of proven experience/ equivalent skillset
  • Knight (3 – 4 years of proven experience/ equivalent skillset)
  • Lord Commander (5 – 8 years of proven experience/ equivalent skillset)

To Get More Information & Apply: CLICK HERE

Application Deadline: May 14th 2021

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