Four (4) Simple Antidotes to Interview Fears

I'd always remain grateful to a former senior colleague that once told me that EVERYONE experiences interview anxiety. What you do with that strange sensation in your body during interviews or public speaking in general, is what matters. It actually never goes away entirely, but you can channel that rush of adrenaline appropriately to your advantage. Like every other skill, interviewing can be learnt with time. Below are a few things you can do to aid your growth and development in this crucial area of your life.

EVERYONE experiences interview anxiety

Practice, Practice, Practice

You know the old saying "Practices makes perfect"? Well it's not actually true. Humans are not built for perfection, as their will always be room for improvement, no matter what you do. So don't put too much pressure on yourself trying to be perfect. One thing I can guarantee you though is that practice will make you better - and like I inferred earlier, the sky is not the limit, because there is actually no limit to how better you can become.

So practice anything and everything you can lay your hands on about interviewing. From answering common interview questions, to formulating responses to high-end interview case studies. The more you practice, the better you become. And with this improvement comes a great deal of confidence that will help you manage your anxiety on the D-day.

Discover Yourself

"Who are you?" is one of the simplest of questions you can come across. Yet to most people, it can be the most daunting to answer. In my own experience, I've discovered the reason for this seeming anomaly - at least for many of the people I know and have worked with: we assume we really know who we are.

It's one of those questions you try to laugh off as silly when asked. But come to think of it now, do you really know who you are? Asking yourself this all important question before hand, and taking out time to truly get to the core of who you are can set you apart in the level of confidence you exude during an interview. So get digging - into yourself I mean 🙂

Make It About Them

It helps to focus on how you can help the firm you are interviewing with. Look for bridges between your skills and their current needs. In addition to catching their full attention, this little trick also takes the pressure off you. A self-centered attitude can do you more harm than good during an interview. Talk about your skills and achievements, but in a way that shows how you can become a worthwhile investment for the organization.

Learn Simple Relaxation Tricks

No matter how well you prepare or the level of confidence you have cultivated over the years, there still comes a time when the nerves come calling. The good news, however, is that there are a few things you can do in the moment to get control of your nerves viz:

Assume the super-hero posture:

Psychologists have corroborated what experience suggests about your posture. It affects your mood. To assume the super-hero posture, stand tall and place your hands on your hips with your elbows jutting out. Like you’re standing on top of world and observing everything below you in a domain that you oversee. Watch this popular TED talk by Ann Cuddy to learn about how your posture affects your mood.

Take Deep Breaths:

Breathing well is one of the simple tricks that will help you manage your anxiety. The dose of fresh oxygen that deep breathing supplies to your lungs, and in turn your cells can help counter the adverse effect of the adrenaline that is released into your blood stream during tense moments.

Don't Sit Too Long:

Get up stretch your legs once in a while, especially while you are waiting to be called in. Taking a short walk - even to the restroom - can increase your heart rate, blood circulation and make you feel better in the moment.


Talking can be an excellent way to de-stress yourself. So look for opportunities to chat with other candidates, the receptionist or security men while you are in the waiting area.

So get practicing, discover yourself, focus on them, and breath. Sounds simple right? Trust me, these simple processes can make a mammoth of difference in your next interview.

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