Apply: Fond International Scholarships at Deggendorf Institute of Technology, Germany 2023

The Bavarian State Ministry of Sciences, Research and the Arts supports advanced students and young university graduates with scholarships to drive the internationalisation of its higher education forward. These scholarships are generally awarded for one semester. The amount of funding is decided in a case-by-case process based solely on the respective individual’s need. This amounts to between 100 and 615 euros per month. One-off study subsidies (at least 250 euros) are available in cases of particular hardship.


The programme primarily targets advanced students and younger university graduates who are either already studying in a degree programme that leads to a first degree with professional qualification or who have registered for a post-graduate or Master’s programme at a Bavarian university.Applicants are selected on the basis of academic credentials, personal qualification, experience, need, and other relevant factors. The amount of funding is decided in a case-by-case process based solely on the respective individual’s need and the funds available.


Applications may be handed in to the International Office; there is no defined application deadline.

  • Uniquely qualified non-German students for a period of study at a Bavarian university
  • German students during a semester abroad within the framework of their studies at a Bavarian university
  • Covering letter, explaining the reasons for application
  • CV/resume with passport-size photograph (scanned photos also accepted)
  • Current grade sheet
  • Financial plan

To Get More Information & ApplyClick Here

Deadline: Not Specified

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