🇰🇷 Fully Funded: Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) Scholarships 2023

The KOICA Scholarship (SP) is designed to train key leaders in partner countries to contribute to the socio-economic development of their home countries. KOICA Is offering 24 master’s programs and 2 doctorate programs in 2023. This announcement is for 12 programs only. Application guideline for 12 more courses will be provided during March.


  • KOICA Scholarship Program (Master’s and Doctoral degrees)

Target Countries

  • Countries selected by KOICA among the DAC List of ODA Recipients (62 Countries)


  • Fees including tuition, monthly allowance, air fare, accommodation, settlement allowance, scholarship completion grants, insurance, and extracurricular activities.

Eligibility Requirements

KOICA Master’s Degrees

  • Citizen of a partner country officially recommended by the country’s government
  • Holder of a bachelor’s degree from a recognized institution
  • Public official or publicly-affiliated worker
  • Those meeting the university’s selection criteria

KOICA Doctoral Degrees

  • Those meeting the above selection criteria for a master’s degree
  • A master »s degree holder of KOICA’s Scholarship Programs

How to Apply

  • All documents should be sent to the regional KOICA office or the relevant government office.
  • A two track approach of an application process

KOICA documents
University documents

Enquiries: koica.sp@koworks.org

To Get More Information: Visit the Official Webpage

Application Deadline: March 20, 2023

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