£24,000 per annum: Newton International Fellowships 2021 for Early Career Researchers to Study in the UK

The Newton International Fellowship are for non-UK scientists who are at an early stage of their research career and wish to conduct research in the UK.

The Newton International Fellowship is a flexible award. It can be held on either a full-time or on a part-time basis (minimum 0.6FTE) for caring responsibilities. There is also provision for maternity, paternity, shared parental leave, adoptive or extended sick leave as well as financial support for childcare costs that arise from attending conferences.

Successful applicants may also be eligible to receive annual funding following completion of their fellowship to support networking activities with UK-based researchers.


To be eligible to apply you must:

  • have a PhD, or will have a PhD by the time the funding starts
  • have no more than 7 years of active full time postdoctoral experience at the time of application (discounting career breaks, but including teaching experience and/or time spent in industry)
  • be working outside the UK
  • not hold UK citizenship
  • be competent in oral and written English
  • have a clearly defined and mutually-beneficial research proposal agreed with a UK host scientist


The Newton International Fellowships provide funding for two years, covering:

  • subsistence, at a fixed rate of £24,000 per annum
  • research expenses
  • relocation expenses
  • contribution to visa costs for Newton International Fellow and their dependents (partner and children)
  • contribution to overheads at UK Host Organisation

Application Process

Applications for the humanities and social sciences should be made to the British Academy.

If you are unsure about which academy to apply to, contact:


Applications for the natural and physical sciences should be submitted through the Royal Society’s grants management system Flexi-Grant®.

Your application will go through the process detailed on the Making a grant application page overseen by the Newton International Fellowships Physical Sciences and Biological Sciences Panels.

To Get More Information & Apply: CLICK HERE

Application Deadline: June 16th 2021

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