£20,000 Funding: The Cambridge-Africa ALBORADA Research Fund 2022 for sub-Saharan Africa

The Cambridge-Africa ALBORADA Research Fund was established in 2012, with generous support from The ALBORADA Trust. The Fund supports pairs of researchers (post-doctoral level and above) from the University of Cambridge (or an affiliated institution such as the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, NIAB and British Antarctic Survey) and sub-Saharan African institutions, across all disciplines, to initiate and/or strengthen research collaborations.

The purpose of the Cambridge-Africa ALBORADA Research Fund is to encourage research, training and engagement
activities between Cambridge and sub- Saharan Africa. Applicants from Cambridge apply jointly with applicants from
universities/ institutes in sub- Saharan Africa and co-create the projects. It is important that the funding is not simply
used to provide services that will be carried out at one institution on behalf of the other, and that true collaboration
is demonstrated in the application.


    • Both applicants must be at post-doctoral level or above, and by completing an application, it is understood that they
      are both doing so with support from their Head of Department or equivalent.
    • Both applicants should have a formal link to a research group/department/faculty in their home institution. It is also expected that both applicants remain employed beyond the end date of their ALBORADA awards.
    • The awards are not intended to support post- graduate students, however, limited support for students (e.g. as part of a research project or training visit) will be considered when there is a clear demonstration that this will enhance the relationship between the Cambridge and African Principal Investigators (PIs).The Cambridge applicant must be either working at the University of Cambridge, or at a Research Institute affiliated with the University.

  • Previous successful Cambridge applicants have included those from Wellcome-Trust Sanger Institute, National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB) and British Antarctic Survey.
  • The Cambridge applicants will act as the lead applicants, for administrative purposes, as the awards have to be paid to their Cambridge
  • The African applicant must be based in a sub-Saharan African Research Institution or University.

The Cambridge-Africa ALBORADA Research Fund competitively awards grants of between £1,000 and £20,000, for:

  • research costs (such as reagents, fieldwork and equipment)
  • research-related travel between Cambridge and Africa (bearing in mind feasibility of travel due to COVID restrictions)
  • conducting research training activities in Africa (e.g. setting up courses/workshops).

Application Procedure:

• Both applicants must register and complete a saveable online application form, available on the CambridgeAfrica website. Final submissions should include the following documents:
• Case for support and a lay summary
• An itemised budget (template provided)
• A letter of support from the department/faculty of the CambridgePI. For the Department of Engineering, a letter of support from the Head of Division is needed.
• A letter of support from the department/institution of the AfricanPI
• CVs (maximum 2 pages) for both the Cambridge and Africa PI

The details of two suggested referees are also required; these should be individuals who have no conflicts of interest with the project or investigators (e.g. they should not be from the same Department). The deadline for submission is 5th September 2022 and applications can be submitted at any time before this. Any queries should be sent to alboradafund@cambridge-africa.cam.ac.uk

To Get More Information & ApplyClick Here

Application Deadline: 5th September 2022

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